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2024 Annual September Members' Meeting

Annual Meeting Minutes



September 15, 2024

Meeting called to order at 1:03pm

Invocation by Janet Decker

Board Members Roll Call:(current)

President: Janet Decker (present via zoom)

Acting Vice President: Tara Gilmartin (present)

Secretary: Diane Jackman (present)

Treasurer: Angel Downing (present)

Trustee: Terri Nichols Kovac (present)

Roll call of Members Present:

In Person: Suzanne Delgado, Susan Joyce, Renie Goulette, Thoy Conroy, Sarah Lane, Don Skolfield, Sheldon Skolfield, Crystal Chambers, Gina Dawn Kane, Paula Shaw, Randy, Janet Wardwell, Amanda, Alex Gilgan, Beatrice Paradis, Amanda Larrabee

Zoom: David Chambers, Karen Costigan, Chris Nelson and, as noted above, Janet Decker

Guests: none

Before we begin with the rest of this year's Members meeting agenda we must approve the minutes from last year’s Annual Members Meeting held on September 17th 2023.

Printed for viewing for members. Board has already read via email.

Motion was made to accept the 2023 minutes by Diane and Seconded by Terri, all were in favor of accepting last year’s minutes.

Secretary’s Report: Diane Jackman : correspondence, website, google calendar, board members emails, meetings,

Treasurer’s Report: Angel Downing- excited about quickbooks

Activities Report: Suzanne Delgado- Activities Director read extensive list of activities
Maintenance Report: Diane Jackman- cleaned out all the garages and sold everything we did not need. We actually deposited $4000 more this summer than last summer! Created an ongoing Saturday 10-3 yard sale, Repaired Garage #1, repaired water leak in the basement,

Storage Report: Tara Gilmartin- we raised our rates from $35 to $50/month and we are approaching full for the season

Unfinished Business: roof and oil tanks and handicap ramps

Motion was made to ratify vote taken via email to approve leasing the back of garage #3 to single owner mechanic. Seconded and all in favor.
Motion was made to ratify vote taken via email to purchase infrared heaters. Seconded, all in favor.
Motion was made to ratify vote taken via email to disallow absentee ballots at the 2024 Members’ Meeting. Seconded and all were in favor.

-Member Applications, Shianne Valenzuela, Rosie Curtis, Sarah Lane, Chris Little, Beatrice Paradis, Amanda Larrabee. All were approved.

Committees, sign-up sheets were put out, they will stay out for a few Sundays.

President Report: Janet Decker

Secretary calls for Second Roll Call:

In person: Everyone was still there and Sheldon Skolfield joined us.

Zoom: everyone was still there

Voting first on by-law change:
Article VII, Section 2, currently reads:
There shall be three (3) elected trustees on the board at HLSC. The trustees shall provide advice and assistance to the officers on behalf of HLSC and shall vote on all actions taken by the Board. The Trustees shall serve a limit of (3) consecutive one-year terms. A Trustee shall assume the position immediately after following the annual members’ meeting.

Proposed change:
Article VII, Section 2 shall read:
There shall be (1) one elected Trustee on the board at HLSC. The Trustee shall provide advice and assistance to the officers on behalf of HLSC and shall vote on all actions taken by the Board. The Trustee shall serve a limit of (1) consecutive one-year terms. A Trustee shall assume the position immediately after following the annual members’ meeting.

Motion was made and seconded to accept bylaw change. Show of hands and all were in in favor. None against.

Voting for President, Treasurer, and Trustee


People running for President. Terri Nichols Kovac and Alex Gilgan. This term will run out September 2026, allowed 3-2 year consecutive terms.
No Nominations from the floor. Alex Gilgan won by 2 votes

People running for Treasurer, this term will run out September 2026, allowed 3-2 year terms.
Angel Downing – who has been acting treasurer since February 2024
No nominations from the floor. Secretary cast a vote for Angel Downing for Treasurer.

People running for Trustee, this term will run out September 2025, allowed 3 consecutive one- year terms: Thoy Conroy, Sarah Lane
Janet asked for nominations three times from the floor. Terri Kovac was nominated and seconded. Winner was Thoy.

Benediction given by Angel.

Meeting Adjourned at 2:55pm.

Swearing in of officers: I, ___________________ being duly elected as _____________________, so solemnly affirm that I will faithfully perform my duties in accordance with the Constitution and by-laws of Healing Light Spiritualist Church until my successor is duly elected and installed.

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