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2019 Minutes
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for January 27, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:37pm
Invocation by Janet Decker
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Bruce Towle
Ken Kroesser
Thoy Conroy
Karen Costigan
Sheila Gatcomb
The Secretary’s Report:
Newsletter sent out and posted to web site for December and January.
By Laws were transcribed and updated on web site.
Paypal Donate Button placed on web site for Membership Dues. Ability to invoice through email.
Suggested By-Law changes were sent out to board.
Rules and Regulations created and mailed out for board input and eventual approval.
The Treasurer’s Report: Linda Holmes supplied the Treasurer’s report and explained the cost of the floors in our new building. Report is attached and difficult to read. Summary below:
Total Assets as of 12/31/2018: $ 10,034.59: Savings $5174.85 Checking $4775.12 Paypal $84.62
If you would like to see the complete Treasurer's Report email with your request.
Motions were made to ratify following votes taken via email:
1-Motion was made and seconded: All agreed people who paid dues from September 1 until the end of the year were considered paid for the following year.
2-Motion was made and seconded: Four board members agreed to proceed with repairs to concrete floor in apartment at 38 Stage Road for $2500. Actual price was $1000 under estimate.
3-Motion was made and seconded: All agreed to donate $100 to Sherwood Denham GoFundMe account.
4-Motion was made and seconded: Four board members agreed to food drive for Sherwood Denham Family. It did not happen.
5-Motion was made and seconded: Four board members agreed to proceed with carpeting pick up and installation of $1300.
Old Business
Floor progress report; one more visit from John to place 2 transition pieces and it is finished.
Chairs- new and used-postponing until we can store them
New Business
Discussion of FMO report- Ken Kroesser discussed the issues the FMO has with our new buildings. Issues listed were mostly concerned with fire retardant doors, 2 hour burn rated times between the assembly room and the apartment and storage areas, 2 hour burn rated times for V-groove wood on all walls, window egress in bedroom in apartment, smoke alarms need to be in place, exit signs need to be over doors, emergency lighting, and a second door for egress in the assembly area. This second egress door will need a platform approximately 6 feet above the ground outside to facilitate safe evacuation. Approximate cost of corrections around $10,000 in materials. Board agreed to boost the amount to borrow an additional $10,000 to purchase the building making the total amount to borrow $190,000.00. Resolution will be drawn up as soon as lender supplies interest rate applicable at closing in February.
Discussion of no compete with Camp Etna for summer season. Once we receive the program for Camp Etna’s summer season we will work around it when possible in order to be good neighbors.
Thoy and Diane were given permission to invite and conduct a Master Sha Teaching workshop (possibly three days) to be held whenever we schedule it, possibly in September. Dates to be coordinated and announced.
15-For future meetings:
A. Review of Bylaw Changes and Rules and Regulations
B. Building use
C. Amount to charge vendors, etc.
D. Percentage of workshops, etc.
Benediction by Linda Holmes
Meeting Adjourned at 1:46
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:35
Invocation by Linda Holmes
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser (by phone:)
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Bruce Towle
Ava Spruce
Karen Costigan
Lisa Herbster
The Secretary’s Report:
Newsletter sent out and posted to website for February.
Minutes for January sent to Board Members and on web site.
Worked with Pete Conroy on shopping for and purchasing new computer and software.
14” HP with 8GB of data scheduled for delivery by 2/28/2019. Peter Conroy has offered to install the free software LibreOffice, teach us how to use it and input the data for 2019. A copy of the files were sent to all the Board Members.
Newsletter sent out and posted to website for March.
Members list updated and sent to Peter Conroy for input into new software/computer.
Calendar additions made for events in June and September.
The Treasurer’s Report: Linda supplied. Summary: Checking account $ 1482.54, Savings Account $ 5175.29, Paypal $84.62
Motions were made to ratify votes taken via email: All passed.
Motion made to ratify votes to create International Healing Light Week September 6-14
Motion made to ratify Event Planning Committee creation- Diane Jackman Coordinator, Ava Spruce and Sandra Bell on Committee. Karen, Lisa and Janet. Others may be invited to join.
Motion to ratify vote to hire Rosie Curtis as architect for Stage Road FMO requirements. She estimates $3600 with a maximum cap of $5000.
Old Business
Floors-progress report-DONE
FMO report progress. Rosie meets with FMO March 5. Will have list of materials on the 8th.
What to call our new location- The Healing Light Spiritual Center and “The Center” for short. Everyone agrees this is a good name. Healing Light Spiritualist Church will have to file papers designating DBA when appropriate.
New Business
1-New member for approval- Lisa Herbster – all in favor.
2-Painting in the apartment-Linda Holmes- all in favor of her being able to buy paint and do work in the apartment once the property closes.
Discussion of Bylaw changes went well. A few additions and corrections were made and are reflected in the section following these minutes-and in the email sent to board members so people don’t have to read all of the changes again. These changes will be shared with the membership over the summer and brought to vote at this year’s Annual Meeting on September 15, 2019.
Discussion of Introduction of Rules and Regulations went well. A few additions and corrections were made and are reflected in the section following these minutes.
Benediction by Janet Decker
Meeting Adjourned at 1:40pm
The following proposed Bylaw changes are submitted by Diane Jackman, Secretary HLSC
1-Article VIII, Section 1: President
Old: The President shall be cosigner on all bank accounts of HLSC and shall cosign all checks and/or transfers of two hundred (200) dollars or more.
New: The President shall be cosigner on all bank accounts of HLSC and shall cosign all checks and or transfers as specified in Rules and Regulations.
Rationale: The $200 limit is too low. Putting the amount in the Rules and Regulations will allow the Board to increase this amount if necessary.
2-Article VIII, Section 1: President:
Old: The President must call one (1) annual membership meeting, the date to be chosen by the Board of Directors.
New: This would be removed from the President's duties and added to Article VIII: Section 3 - change suggested below.
Rationale: Having the Annual Members' Meeting on the same day every year creates consistency. Agreed on Second Sunday after Labor Day after church service.
3-Article VIII, Section 4: Treasurer
Old: The Treasurer shall pay all bills and expenses of HLSC, except any expenses over two hundred (200) dollars that must be approved by the Board with the exception of monthly rent.
New: The Treasurer shall pay all normal bills and expenses of HLSC. Amounts and details are specified in the Rules and Regulations.
Rationale: The $200 amount is too low. Putting the amount in Rules and Regulations will allow the Board to change the amount if necessary.
4-Article IX, MEMBERSHIP, Section 2, Part C:
Old: A letter of recommendation or demit from another spiritualist church official.
New: A letter of recommendation from a spiritualist church official.
Rationale: The word "demit" does not belong here. Changing “another” to “a” spiritualist church official allows church officials from HLSC to write a letter of recommendation.
5-Article X, MEETINGS,
Section 1:
Old: All meetings of the Board will be conducted according to the following agenda:
Call to order
Secretary/Treasurer Report
Committee Reports
Unfinished Business
New Business
Call to order
Roll Call
Secretary/Treasurer Report
Committee Reports
Unfinished Business
New Business
Rationale: Adding Roll Call to agenda of all meetings allows us to keep records of attendance.
Section 2:
Old: All membership meetings will follow the agenda in Section 1, with the addition of roll call and elections following the invocation. A President’s report will also be added.
New: All Board Meetings, Membership Meetings and Annual Meetings will follow the agenda in Section 1. President’s Report and Elections will be done at the Annual Meeting according to the agenda.
Rationale: All meetings conducted by the Board and the Members should follow the Agenda in our Bylaws and it is good to have a record of who attended. The meetings which require a President’s report or elections will list the order in the agenda of that meeting.
6-Article VIII: Section 3:
Old: The Board of Directors will call an Annual Members meeting by notifying all members in writing fourteen (14) days in advance.
New: HLSC will hold its Annual Members' Meeting in September, the second Sunday after Labor Day, after church service.
Rationale: Setting the Annual Meeting at the same time every year allows easier planning.
Discussion brought up these ideas for a few additional Bylaw changes:
Section 3. Secretary.
Old: The Secretary shall receive all membership applications and fees with a receipt provided to the member.
New: The Secretary shall receive all membership applications and fees with a receipt provided to the member. If the Secretary is not located in Etna, Maine, a board member will receive the membership application and fees and provide a receipt to the member. The application will be electronically transmitted to the Secretary if the Secretary is not located in Etna, Maine.
Rationale: The current Secretary is located in Florida and unable to receive applications and payments.
Section 2.
Old: Each new adult member shall agree to complete a basic three-part course in the Philosophy of Spiritualism if they have not done so elsewhere. This shall be done within two (2) years of membership registration.
New: Members shall be encouraged to complete a basic three-part course in Philosophy of Spiritualism.
Rationale: Encouraging new members to take this course rather than requiring new members to take this course seems like a better request.
Section 3.
Old: Membership forms shall be obtained from the Secretary/Treasurer and shall be returned with the full payment of the current annual dues.
New: Membership forms are available at each church service, from any board member or can be downloaded from the web site.
Rationale: Membership forms are available on the website and forms should be readily available at church services.
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for March 17, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:26pm
Invocation by Laurie Xanthos
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Bruce Towle
Karen Costigan
Michele McPherson
Ken Kroesser
Laurie Xanthos
The Secretary’s Report:
Bylaw changes reworked per discussion and minutes of March 3 meeting sent out to board members and posted to website.
Welcome letter sent to all new members via snail mail.
Members list updated and sent to Peter Conroy for input into new software/computer.
Calendar additions made on web site for events in June and September and work ongoing for Masters’ Weekend; June 28,29, & 30 and International Healing Light Week; Sept 6-14.
The Treasurer’s Report as of February 28, 2019:
Checking $1535.82, Savings $5175.29, Paypal $103.74
Linda Holmes will supply details.
Motions need to be made to ratify following vote taken via email:
Motion made to ratify email vote to acquire a debit card for purchases. All were in favor.
First Card is on the way. Second card will be obtained as soon as first card arrives.
Old Business
FMO discussion, purchase amount and possible closing date.
Ken received architectural plans for Stage Road Property. Spread them out for all to see and explained all options that Rosie the architect presented. Doors that were needed, ramps to classroom, painting, double wall between parsonage and assembly rooms and classrooms. Discussion of how Ken would try to price everything when he gets out of surgery next week or following week.
Mortgage amount: $195,000. 4.5% 25 years $1084.00. Secretary will create a resolution with these numbers. Janice Nelson Kroesser recused herself. All voting were in favor. Closing as soon as convenient for lender. Secretary is to create resolution and send to PO Box.
New computer received, info loaded by Peter Conroy and delivered Sunday, March 17 @church. Peter will meet with Janet and Linda to teach them how to use the software and new accounting system.
New Business
President declared the 2019 Annual Members Meeting will be September 15, 2019 after church service.
Discussion of signage for Stage Road Property-Linda will check into town ordinances.
Discussion of insurance for Stage Road Property; Replacement costs for buildings: $375,000 on the main building, and $50,000 on each of the two garages. Monthly premium $245.59 Annual $2947.00 Includes liability and all pastors off property. Sounds reasonable.
New Member: Michele McPherson was voted in as a new member.
Benediction by Janet Decker
Meeting Adjourned at 1:13pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for April 14, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:28pm
Invocation by Rev Linda Holmes
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Bruce Towle
Bonnie Mellott
Karen Costigan
Ava Spruce
Lisa Herbster
Ken Kroesser
Michele McPherson
Peter Conroy
Thoy Conroy
The Secretary’s Report:
Welcome letter sent to new member Michele McPherson via snail mail.
Resolution for mortgage and property purchase created and mailed to PO Box for closing. and have been purchased as a domain names-this way both names will link to the opening web page for our new center which is buried within the HLSC church site already in use. This opening page has a brief description of the center with links to the current home page for the church and a home page for The Center which leads to a calendar page. This calendar is the same calendar already on the events page of the HLSC church website.
Renewal of website, domain name and mailbox $230. Donated by Diane.
Healing Light Spiritual Center has been created as a Facebook Group for promotions.
Davinci Signs and Caron Signs are both working on designs and estimates for The Center. Caron Signs $1000
The Treasurer’s Report as of March 2019:
Checking $1979.54, Savings $5175.71, Paypal $200.54
Linda Holmes will supply the amounts for checking and savings.
Motions were made to ratify the following votes which were taken via email:
Motion was made and all were in favor of moving April’s Board meeting from April 21st to April 14th.
Motion was made and all were in favor of HLSC joining WWS.
Motion was made to begin developing pages to link with HLSC website now and all were in favor.
Old Business
Closed on purchase of 38 Stage Road April 1, 2019; Janet Decker made a full report about the closing and the agreements made with Dale Hopkins, seller and neighbor.
CMP was notified of the switch of the name of the electric from Dale Hopkins to HLSC.
We have a permit with our name on it and a copy was given to the Hopkins as they had concerns.
Binder was received from the insurance company.
Tax Assessor will meet with Janet Decker on April 15, 2019. We were supposed to file tax exemption status before April 1 but they may allow us to file a little late since we just closed on the property.
Gave permission to Dale to remove all the vehicles until the end of April. He will give the money to Linda. Along with the names and addresses of all the people who may want to store their vehicles again next year. We will write letters to all 2018-2019 storage clients to inform them we will still offer storage. Board decided to keep the prices for storage at the same rate for the next storage season.
Gave Dale permission to keep his truck in the garage where it has been parked all along. He has been plowing for free. He has been very, very helpful. All agreed it is important to be good neighbors.
Sound system has been ordered. Hearing impaired parts have been back ordered.
FMO discussion. Plans were drawn up and Ken is working on materials list:
5 doors need to be replaced. Outswing doors needed for exterior. 90 minute burn times. Possibly install digital lock sets.
One wall needs to be partially reconstructed to accommodate the ramp that will be built to the lower classroom.
4x8x5/8 sheetrock on each side of a 2x4 wall will be constructed on assembly side of apartment wall. Ken believes 32 sheets will do the job.
Walls need to be removed 10’ up each side of the ramped-hall off of lower classroom.
Finding out from Dale if oil base or water base on pine boards currently.
Plans will be left with Janet so others can work on renovations for The Center.
New Computer is now in the hands of our Treasurer. Computer cost $264. Donated by Diane. Peter Conroy met with Linda and Janet to tutor in new software. Peter purchased McAfee Virus Protection for $20 and will load on new laptop.
New Business
1-Work plan for 38 Stage Road-outlined in old business. Janet will find out how long before work permit expires. Ken will order exterior doors. We may be able to hold church services before work is complete.
2-Does the church want to participate in the Town of Etna’s Bicentennial? Monthly planning meetings 2nd Tuesday at 5pm. We decided we want to have a presence in the 2020 event. Perhaps a float???
3-Linda would like permission to construct a platform at her own expense out of concrete or boards for her 54”x51” shed. All were in favor. She needs to find out how tall her shed is and needs to choose a spot behind her apartment.
4-Can the office be set up before the fire code items are finished? All agreed we could go ahead.
5-Is it okay to use the “before” photos of The Center to talk about what’s happening on Facebook page? Might help in raising donations and volunteers. Will definitely help in raising awareness of upcoming excitement. Also, can we arrange a visit at the end of the May board meeting to The Center to show interested parties what we have planned? May also help in getting things done there. All were in favor of posting pictures on social media to get a “buzz” going.
6-Events to approve
1-July 13, Saturday, 6pm -Edgar Cayce Group; A Search for God w/Bob Johnstone -OK
2-August 19-24 Health for Happiness Week- Qigong, Yoga, Energy Medicine and more culminating in a Saturday Night at the Center of Wellness and Music: TABLED UNTIL DETAILS ARE EMAILED, DISCUSSION WILL CONTINUE.
3-August 26-31 Art for Happiness Week- Music lessons, Dance Therapy, Acting and more culminating in a Saturday Night at the Center of Music and Art: TABLED UNTIL DETAILS ARE EMAILED, DISCUSSION WILL CONTINUE.
7- If the 2 week long events at the end of August are approved the presenters need a place to park their RV for these two weeks. Joshua and Rachael will be teaching classes all week, hosting the Saturday night events and playing music at church service each of the Sunday mornings they are in Etna. They will be working 25 hours each week in exchange for parking on the property and they would like a percentage of the money they collect for the classes (list to follow). TABLED
8-Edgar Cayce Corner- Diane would like permission to bring and accumulate more reading materials to have for The Center; specifically, an Edgar Cayce Corner with years of Venture Inward Magazines and other Edgar Cayce etc. If we don’t find a corner for him somewhere in the classrooms or assembly area perhaps the hall that leaves the lower classroom could be turned into the HALL OF FAME for Masters pictures on the walls? Just a thought for consideration. ALL WERE IN FAVOR
9-Presenters/vendors discussion- fees? Percentages? Possibly 60%-presenter and 40% church and $25/vendor table. Will discuss further and vote via email.
We need contracts for our presenters; I suggest that each contract prepared will state the scheduled classes with dates and times, followed by their signature. All were in favor and we will discuss further via email.
Benediction by Rev Janet Decker
Meeting Adjourned 2:15pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for May 19, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:30pm
Invocation by Janet Decker
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman
Bruce Towle
Michele McPherson
Karen Costigan
Ken Kroesser
The Secretary’s Report:
-Bruce Towle donated $200 for May rent at the Etna Town Hall. Thank you, Bruce! and pages are active with “opening soon info” and Paypal buttons for donations.
-Signed up on AmericanTowns for publicity, changed websites and Facebook pages to reflect new sign design
-Submitted sign design for estimates to Davinci Signs, Caron Signs and Modern Screen Print: Will inspect the quality of signs and the difference between the MDO board signs covered with vinyl ($940 installed) that Caron signs has and the Coricel board sign that Davinci has (same as Camp Etna $950 not installed).
Submitted article to Psychic News for May’s issue.
Put work days and events on Google calendar and created Facebook events.
The Treasurer’s Report as of May 15, 2019:
Checking as of May 15th $18,921.19, Savings $5175.71, Paypal $200.54
Linda explained there have been challenges with the accounting software. It will all work out.
Motions were made to ratify the following votes which were taken via email:
Motion was made, seconded and all were in favor to ratify email vote approving 2 week long events:
1-August 26-31 Health for Happiness Week- Qigong, Yoga, Energy Medicine, etc.
2-Sept 2-7 Art for Happiness Week- Sound Healing, Dance Therapy, Acting, Writing, etc.
Motion was made and seconded to renew insurance after reviewing policy via email. All were in favor.
Motion was made and seconded to move June’s board meeting to June 23rd. All were in favor.
Old Business
1-Janet Decker met with Town Hall and found work permit for remodeling is not required.
2-Construction permit has been acquired and should be mounted in plastic on site.
3-Tax Assessor explained non-profit tax must be filed before April 1, 2019. Will file for 2020 asap.
4-76 Church Chairs were purchased for $450. Trombones were not included for the big parade.
Laurie and John picked up the chairs and paid for U Haul, gas etc. THANK YOU !
4-Linda sent letters to all who rented storage space explaining change of ownership and keeping low $35/month storage rent for vehicles. Discussion of contract Linda is compiling for storage rental. She will share once finished
5-Sound system has been ordered. Hearing impaired parts have been back ordered. Some parts are in and some are not.
6-Presenters/vendors discussion- Moved, seconded and all were in favor of a 50/50 split with presenters. Moved, seconded and all were in favor of $25/vendor table.
7-FMO discussion. Plans were drawn up and Ken completed materials list. First delivery May 21.
5 doors outswing doors ordered with 90 minute burn times w/digital lock sets.
4x8x5/8 sheetrock on each side of a 2x4 wall will be constructed on assembly side of apartment wall. Will be delivered on Tuesday.
Walls need to be removed 10’ up each side of the ramped-hall off of lower classroom. We may be able to move exit door to avoid removing walls. Architect is checking with Fire Marshall.
Tuesday delivery. Diane will be there. Sheetrock can go into building over by counter. Rest in Garage #3
New Business
1- Janet is checking with fire marshall to see if can hold church services before work is complete.
2- First work day on May 11-much was accomplished. Second work day May 18 painting nearly done!
3- Discussion about raising the lower classroom floor. Won’t work due to space and expense.
4- Discussion of discounts for classes for members and workers. Not this year, too much to do.
5- Discussion of time of service for July and August… keeping it the same as it has been since 2004.
Benediction by Linda
Meeting Adjourned 1:40pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for June 23, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:56pm
Invocation by Laurie Xanthos
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman
Bruce Towle
Ken Kroesser
Laurie Xanthos
John Welch
Karen Sirois Costigan
The Secretary’s Report:
-Bruce Towle donated $200 for June rent at the Etna Town Hall. Thank you, Bruce!
-HealingLightEtna Facebook Fundraiser began and thus far collected $975, ends on June 28
-Business Cards, Labels and Brochures were designed and ordered.
-Sign is up, volunteers have been helping and progress is being made to ready our building for our first classes June 28, 29, 30 and Grand Opening Party July 5th
-Submitted article to Psychic News for June’s issue.
-promotions are being done for Facebook events. Diane is experimenting with advertising on Facebook at her own expense (mostly because she doesn’t understand how it works:) but has set it up for an 18-65 age bracket demographic for entire state of Maine.
-ad placed in Coffeepot for 2 editions June 24 and July 1-both promoting Grand Opening Party.
-carpeting was donated by Janice
-hot top donated by Bernie
-Diane donated 4 large vases and 3 large carpets
-another anonymous $100 donation
The Treasurer’s Report as of June 23, 2019: 2019:
Checking as of $10232.26, Savings $5175.71, Paypal $297.04
Linda explained there are challenges with the accounting software. Peter and Diane will meet once the work at the Center is at a point where we can take time to meet. Then Diane will work with Linda. It will all work out.
How much have we spent on the building thus far for building materials $ 6155.27
Sign was $509.04 plus $700 paid by Diane
Motions were made to ratify the following votes which were taken via email:
-To proceed with business cards and brochures, motion made, seconded, all were in favor
-Diane has paid for $3046.20 worth of materials – would like to receive $280 credit for storage of her vehicle for the past 8 months and would like to also receive credit for vehicle storage for this coming season’s storage 2019-2020 and perhaps 2020-2021, depending on whether her garage is approved and built she may need future storage as well. Motion made, seconded and all were in favor.
-Diane purchased a sign at her own expense to teach 2 one hour yoga classes on Wednesdays, 8am & 5:30pm Motion was made, seconded and all were in favor.
-To allow a 60 (vendors)-40(HLSC) split with Sandy Campbell and the girls he is bringing with him. Motion was made, seconded, all in favor.
Old Business
-Too many projects completed to be listed. Thank you to all volunteers!
-Sound is all here. Needs to get set up. Janet is contacting Kermit to get it set up.
-Secretary needs utility bill in our Healing Light name to verify business for Paypal. Linda will provide.
New Business
1- Discussion of Grand Opening:
Laurie and John are providing smoker and pig for party, Karen is making big pot of beans, Diane is making coleslaw, sign up sheet will be at next week’s service for people to list what they will bring. We can set up music in attached garage so sound system is protected.
2- Advertising Budget will be discussed once expenses and income is determined.
3- Need Breakroom (future kitchen currently storage) for International Week at the earliest. Would like to get it cleaned out in August so carpet tiles can be lifted allowing concrete flooring to dry. Perhaps stain/paint this floor when dry. Linda will move her stuff out to garage.
4- Need Printer. Laurie and John are donating $100 for the printer.
5- Paid advertising for mediums/ healers in newletters, brochures etc. Discussion will continue
6- Ads have been placed in the Rolling Thunder, 3 altogether and an ad for the Maine Edge
7- Buying of tables Ocean Job Lots. We are all going to check local Job Lots. 10 tables total.
8- Paul is mowing this time. We need to find a mower.
9- Changing the picture on the Healing Light Spiritualist Church page to the pic of the light in hand on brochures, when there is time.
10- Handicap ramp needs to be put at the front entrance asap-Janice is looking into 2 portable ramps: one for stairs and one for door entry. Handicap bathroom soon. Discussion to follow on placement. Should be close to existing bathroom.
Benediction by Rev. Janet Decker
Meeting Adjourned 2:15pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for July 21, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:30 pm
Invocation by Linda Homes
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman
Bruce Towle
Ken Kroesser
Bonnie Mellot
The Secretary’s Report:
-HealingLightEtna Facebook Fundraiser collected $1299, fees paid to STRIPE $43.08 amount Diane received $1255.92. Check from Diane to HLSC for $1255.92 submitted. HLSC check to Diane Jackman received and other monies she donated described later.
-Business Cards and Brochures are being distributed.
-Sent a simple agreement to International Week Presenters. They could not sign due to legalities. We have a verbal agreement with them in place now.
-Janet read correspondence from Sandy, Heather, Eleanor:
To All at Healing Light Spiritual Center, Thank you for your warm reception and friendship. Love, Heather; Thanks for Everything, Thank you for allowing myself and my friends to be part of your grand opening! The community spirit is fab! Good Luck to all and your kindness and love will stay with me forever, Rev. Sandy; With much love and gratitude, Eleanor.
Then Janet read a lovely card from Master Maria; Dear Janet, I am writing to express how much I enjoyed meeting the members of The Healing Light Spiritual Church! It truly was my pleasure to teach and serve you, and Diane and everyone who attended the events. I experienced a comfort, as if I had known everyone before. And, it’s likely we have met in our past lives. I feel a part of your loving community! I’m looking forward to returning to teach and perhaps to offer a Tao Hands retreat. It is one of my wishes that the Healing Light Spiritual Church enjoys greatest success in your new home! Again, blessings for success! I’ve enclosed a check for $100 towards renovations in support of your capital improvements. Hao*, Hao*, Hao*! With my greatest love, Master Maria *Hao, Hao, Hao means Perfect, Perfect, Perfect! We learned this during Masters’ Healing Weekend June 28, 29, 30.
The Treasurer’s Report as of July 22, 2019:
Checking : $8677.71, Savings : $5176.35
Paypal $344.69 (Rosie Deer Heart gave another $50 and Rev. Dr. Phil Delong gave $30, Scott Wood $20 in membership dues)
Motions need to be made to ratify the following votes which were taken via email: NONE
But this was discussed and board members wanted details to clarify. Diane provided the following details:
1-Diane Jackman has paid $4526.47 out of her own pocket for materials used at 38 Stage Road.
2-She wrote a check for the $1255.92 collected on Facebook and that was given back to her so this amount deducted from the donation leaves $ 3270.55. She was given $280 (8 months x $35) credit for storage of her vehicle for fall 2018-spring 2019 and HLSC credits her an additional $280 towards 8 months of vehicle storage 2019-2020 which she may or may not use. This leaves a monetary donation from Diane to HLSC of $2710.55.
Old Business
1- Janice checked with our architect Rosie and she said battery operated fire alarms would suffice until hard wired could be installed.
2- Business card board for healers etc- found a 24 slot business card for about $35. Diane will order. HLSC members are allowed a free slot for their cards. Link
3- Fundraiser committee for year-round fundraising- Janet has an idea she would like to discuss from her sister called a potato bar, cheese, bacon, onions, and cauliflower for those of us who can’t eat potatoes. Suggested donations to keep it non-taxable. Beano-someone to run it. She also said Saturday nights at The Center is a good idea but we need to find someone to run it.
4- Raffle details to be discussed. Sell raffle tickets throughout the summer, quilt should be displayed, afghans and other gifts should be displayed. Where; half wall and hang quilt behind on wall, lap afghans to the sides. Collect more certificates and display on a table or
5- Need to create a WISH LIST. Small tables, large locking glass cabinet for items for sale, crystals, angels and other sacred spiritual objects
6- Mowing-Ken got attachment for his mower for the tall stuff in back yard. We are still looking for someone to mow.
New Business
1-need tool kit-we are going to pool things together next time we meet and will determine what we need to get
2-Rhonda’s wedding rental $500 for hall July 11, 2020. Ability to get in the night before to decorate and then all day on Saturday, July 11, 2020. Janet will check with insurance company to make sure we are covered. Rhonda is responsible for clean up $150 deposit to be taken. We do not allow alcohol or smoking on the grounds.
3-New but old business: changing our principles. Janet and Janice would like to add to our principles. Since we are going through so many changes right now we have decided to table this until summer 2020 and discuss putting it to membership vote at fall membership meeting.
4-Entire Board agrees to practice each person’s Soul Song daily to help us make soul-full choices.
5-Concrete Mess in Breakroom- floor cannot be repaired with concrete patch. Diane is designing and pricing pressure treated framework for tongue and groove flooring (cheapest available from local sawmill, Mickey) with pex pipe in the floor for a radiant heat source for winter use. Exploring suggestions and getting pricing together.
6-Historic Corner- Spiritualism in Maine will be on loan from Diane Jackman Skolfield focusing on the popularity of camps and churches throughout the state.
7-Vote on Scott Wood’s membership. Moved and seconded. All in favor.
8-Janet would like to rent all 5 garage spaces in garage number 3 after yard sale for $175/month, if we can’t get all 5 then 4 will do.
9-Dumpster- call WFT Dumpster and others
10-Water from well should be tested. Basic water test.
11-Linda’s window
12-Budget should be discussed.
13-Carpenter Ants- fumigate the main building up and downstairs and attached garage. Then ventilate REALLY, REALLY well. Treat the outside with Home Defense.
14-Check for Radon. Take steps to eliminate if found.
15-When was Septic should be pumped- use effective micro-organisms
16-Rolled roofing on entry porch. Checked fascia on front of main building. Caulk and nail in place.
Benediction by Rev. Janet Decker
Meeting Adjourned 3:45pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for August 18, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:20PM
Invocation by
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman
Bruce Towle
The Secretary’s Report:
-Digital Locks were returned that could not be used. Push bar was returned that could not be used. Treasurer should watch for credits from these companies (Keyless Locks and WebDirectBrands)
More events have been created and promoted; Matthew T. McDonald’s Ascended Masters 8/17&18, Laurie’s Harnessing Soul Sept 21 & 22. Reaching out and recruiting for events for the next 4 months- end of September, October, November, December
International Week preparations progressing
The Treasurer’s Report as of July 31, 2019:
Checking : $13,518.43, Savings : $5176.57
Paypal $344.95
Motions made to ratify the following votes which were taken via email:
1- Motion was made that during group events which include Readings, Healing Blessings and other activities, participants will sign disclaimer. All in favor
Old Business
1- Business card board has been mounted.
2- Fundraiser committee for year-round fundraising- Right now focusing on International Week
Meetings have been held and volunteers are in place to run everything and to provide food
3- Raffle details to be discussed. Sell raffle tickets throughout the summer, quilt is on display, along with afghans and other gifts. We need more gifts to give away; HLSC is giving away certificates for 2 free classes and 2 free seances.
4- WISH LIST has been created and there are crystals, angels and more decorating our Healing Center. Still need small tables, large locking glass cabinet for items for sale, and at least one medium size book case to start for our library so we can start collecting books to be put in library/kitchen/breakroom. Still welcoming crystals, angels and other sacred spiritual objects.
5- Ken mowed back yard. Paul is an old hippie and cannot mow flowers in lawn so we must be happy with what we have for now.
6- Need tool kit-we are going to pool things together next time we meet and will determine what we need to get at yard sales; screwdrivers, etc.
7-Rhonda’s wedding rental $500 for hall July 11, 2020. Ability to get in the night before to decorate and then all day on Saturday, July 11, 2020. Janet checked with insurance company and we are not covered. Rhonda is responsible for clean up $150 deposit to be taken. We do not allow alcohol smoking on the grounds. (although when no events are happening if volunteers need to smoke they can beside garage #1????) Janet is going to check with insurance company again to see what it would cost us to add on event insurance.
Motion was made no alcohol on the grounds. All in favor.
8-Entire Board agrees to practice each person’s Soul Song daily to help us make soul-full choices.
9-Breakroom floor is painted. Bruce has a bear comforter to black out window on the wall. Will figure out the door soon.
10-History Corner- Spiritualism in Maine is coming together. Will have photos of camps and churches in Maine on the wall soon. All is on loan from Diane Jackman Skolfield.
11-Dumpster was delivered, filled and removed by WFT Dumpster
12-Water from well should be tested. Basic water test in box on floor behind welcome counter. Linda will take care of this.
13-Linda’s window needs to be fixed. Bruce may be able to take care of this coming week.
14-Advertising budget for upcoming weeks-Rolling Thunder, Coffee News
15-Carpenter Ants- fumigate the main building up and downstairs and attached garage. Do not fumigate apartment. Then ventilate with fans REALLY, REALLY well. Treat outside with Home Defense. Bruce is going to try to do it next week.
16-Check for Radon. Bruce is picking up Radon detectors. Take steps to eliminate if found.
17-Dale said septic was pumped not too long ago – Bruce added micro-organisms. Pump out 8/19
18-Rolled roofing on entry porch. Checked fascia on front of main building. Caulk and nail in place. Diane will try to do these and make roof repairs before she leaves.
19-Ramp out back of sanctuary will need a railing as well. Hopefully this week.
New Business
1- Porta potty will go on far side of garage #2 for International Week.
2- Discuss installing a new pressure tank before International Week. Diane will call Carter.
3- 10 more tables?
4- Leaks in garage roofs- Garage #3 completely rented out beginning sept 1 so fix 3 first
5- Septic people are coming to pump out septic August 19, 2019, $245.
6- Designate a smoking area only. At the back corner of Garage #3
7-We have lovely semi circle windows and a 5 foot window that opens gifted to us. We should decide on their placement in case someone wants to install them. 5 foot wide one that opens could go in the back wall between the NOT AN EXIT door and the front right healing corner. Large 4 foot windows 2 or 3 in center of sanctuary wall and we could purchase a twin of the one that is already there on the far right side to balance and open? Maybe one in the center of the great room back wall? Tabled until next board meeting.
Benediction by Janet Decker
Adjourned at 1:39pm
Annual Members’ Meeting September 22, 2019
Call to order 12:37
Roll Call – taken
Guests Additional guests asked to remain anonymous
Invocation Janet Decker
President’s Report-Janet Decker
September 2018 to Sept 2019 was filled with incredible happenings.
In September of 2018 the entire old board of directors for the church stepped down and a new board of directors was put into place approximately six weeks later in October. For those 6 weeks, our church basically hung in limbo. We had no access to our financial accounts, no checkbook, no records of any kind, even the newsletter email list was withheld, although I did find a way around that particular problem. Even though we had over $11,000.00 in our bank accounts when it came time to pay the $200.00 for rent for the town hall one of the members had to pay our rent.
From the time we were evicted from the Temple on the Camp Etna grounds in September of 2017 until approximately mid-October of 2018 our church was in a state of flux. In hindsight what was really going on was it was time for the old Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, Maine to change and become so much more. It was time to give birth to, and become the parent of, The Healing Light Spiritual Center of Etna, Maine. In order for that to happen spirit had to “clean house” in a manner of speaking. As is usually the case when it is time for something new to come into being the old must be stripped away. The process of tearing down, transformation and growth can be very painful energetically and emotionally and it often leaves us exhausted in just about every way possible. In the end, however, when we look back we can say, “It was worth it. Look what we created!”
And, so, in October of 2018 the church created a new board of directors and voila! Look where we are in one short year. We have our own building and have completely remodeled it. We have already held many wonderful classes and workshops and we have hosted two different sets of mediums from across the Atlantic. The very first teacher in our new building was Master Maria from New York. She led a 3-day workshop teaching us beautiful Buddhist chants and teachings of Master Sha. Each one of those teachings was a blessing. Master Maria did an energetic cleansing of our building and then blessed our building and all of our future endeavors. What a terrific new start for the Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, ME.
I believe it is appropriate to highlight some of the wonderful gifts our church and center have received from many loving and supportive souls. To date, we have received several thousand dollars worth of supplies and materials to remodel our building. While we were remodeling our building several months of rent for the town hall was donated. Over $2500.00 for a sound system was donated, the money for the chairs and the cost of picking them up was donated. The cost for our beautiful sign, curtains, rugs, carpeting, podium, crystals and angels, desk, artwork, plants, a brand new refrigerator that is being delivered tomorrow, the cabinet for our trance work, vacuum cleaner, mops, brooms, trash cans, plates, cups, napkins, water, food for our events, yard sale items, the cost for some of the mowing, countless man-hours of work mounting into the hundreds. And last week we received $5000.00 from an anonymous donor.
I would like the people who contributed and continue to contribute their time and efforts to remodeling to stand and be recognized. Diane, Don, Ken, Bruce, Michele, Karen, her husband John also donated hours of time, Susan Joyce, Kendra Westcott, Janice, Pam Logue, Linda, Lisa, Thoy and Peter, and if I missed anyone please stand up and be recognized.
I would like those who contributed their time to help with events from setting up to cleaning up and everything in between to stand and be recognized, are, Diane, Ava, Lisa, Michele, MJ, Karen, Gina, Janice, Josh and Rachel who are now in Florida, and if I missed anyone please stand and be recognized.
We give special recognition to Diane who not only worked her fingers to the bone and practically lived here at the center during the remodeling, but she also coordinated the work crews, made about 1000 trips to Bangor and Newport for supplies, did the event coordination for all events, created our Spiritualism in Maine corner, taught classes and has also managed to stay on top of her secretarial duties for the church. Diane, you have our deepest thanks and appreciation and I just want to add, you are AWESOME!
Our second year hosting International Week and our very first year hosting IW at our Spiritual Center was a great success. All of the Mediums are excited to return again next year. The fact that they are already talking about next year speaks volumes. The dates have been set for that event. It will take place September 11 - 19th, 2020.
We currently have events scheduled on weekends through the end of November. They include Gallery nights, message circles, table tipping and something we are particularly happy to announce is our “Understanding Your Psychic Children” classes that will run for four Saturdays in November. Our fundraising committee is also planning a special “Seance” event for January. More on that to come.
It is important that I give recognition to our fundraising committee members, Ava Spruce, Karen Costigan, Lisa Herbster, Michele McPherson and I am also on that committee. It was no small task making sure International Week with all the food, snacks, and registrations ran smoothly. The food was especially wonderful, from the spaghetti sauce for our spaghetti dinner made by Ava and her husband from a generations-old recipe to the incredible Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the trimmings and pumpkin pie made from fresh pumpkin scooped out by Lisa’s husband. Outstanding! There were 27 people who attended that dinner.
Another thing I must mention is our raffle items and raffle ticket sales. Folks have donated some incredible things. Thoy donated a magnificent quilt she made, Gina donated an fabulous quartz crystal generator, there are some lovely healing sessions donated, lap afghans, readings, cd’s, and crafts. We would love everyone’s help with selling tickets. $1.00 a piece or 6 for $5.00. All of these items have been lovingly donated to support our church and to keep our center growing. We would like to draw winning tickets at the end of December and you do not have to be present to win. So, take some pictures of the items and take some tickets with you and sell, sell, sell!
To sum things up, we are off to an incredible start. I believe our mission is to be a beacon of light that reaches around the world. A place where people can come to learn, grow, share experiences and, especially to heal. Spirit gave Diane a beautiful phrase that is appropriate, The Healing Light Spiritualist Church and Center, Where Healing Happens!
Respectfully Submitted, Rev. Janet Decker
Elections- Treasurer has resigned as of end of December 2019 so we are actively searching for a bookkeeper to help keep records.
Secretary/Treasurer Report
HLSC Website seems to be serving us well- the background was changed to the Star Studded Sky. has been added and it is embedded in the original site. When you type in the calendar for the center comes up automatically.
Google Maps- if everyone goes to Google Maps and enters Healing Light Spiritualist Church you will finally see we are located in the right place-this is so important as 2 people who came to an event before this change took place had gone past Conant Orchards and not given up. Also, as of yesterday 361 people had looked us up on Google Maps in the past four weeks alone. People are finding out about our events through the Google calendar (which is in 2 places on our web site). PLEASE, go and give us a rating. The more people who rate us the higher we will be in the google search engine.
Business Card Holder is up- please, if you have business cards we would like to display them. If you know people whose services we would benefit from please invite them to display their cards as well. River City Massage, etc.
Community Bulletin Board is up. Bring in notices of community events.
WISH LIST- still need small tables for more intimate seating
Correspondence- letters to us through web site thanking us, letters to us on Facebook, prayer requests come through, only questionable and threatening correspondence came from a medium who we had originally invited to come here and he began canceling his classes at the beginning and at the end. We found later, through a visiting student, he had some fraudulent claims against him on the Internet and we asked him not to come at all. We learned the importance of vetting our presenters-it is so important to invite only people someone who is a member personally knows. Our reputation depends upon it.
Plowing contract has been secured.
Committee Reports- Fund Raising Committee – ongoing “Saturdays at the Center”
Angels’ Wings – no minimum donation.
Raffle- selling tickets
Building Committee Report- The replacement window in Linda’s apartment has been ordered, the carbon monoxide detector is in my hand and the wire mold I need to hard wire the last 2 smoke detectors will be purchased tomorrow (we were told the battery operated ones were fine until we could hard wire new ones).
At the same time we will install an entry way light and wire mold to put that in place too.
If you had seen the “to do” list we were given by, Rosie Curtis, our wonderful architect liaison to the Fire Marshall’s office, you would understand how much we accomplished in such a short time.
Unfinished Business- History Corner- One wall " IN MAINE" is dedicated to the 9 Spiritualist Churches and Camps in the state of Maine that are active as either year round or summer season. The other wall "SPIRITUALISM" is about Days Long Gone… I have been told that in the 1950s there were over 50 churches and camps in Maine and I think it is important we help people who come here understand how popular Spiritualism was and perhaps can be again… as I say in my history book each one of us is the most important person in Spiritualism right now. What we do and say is important.
New Business- Second Bathroom- Placement directly adjoining existing bathroom
6’ Window Donation-Placement Suggestions-tabled
Designated Séance Room Placement Suggestions-tabled. Will continue to use the "kitchen" for now
Any new business from the floor?
Laurie brought up that pastors who live a distance from HLSC would like to be in the loop more regularly so their followers can be in touch more frequently. Janet is going to look into setting up an every 2 week switch off.
Also, adding our new Reverend to the rotation list, Rev. Michael Van Ginkel. All were in favor. We welcome our new pastor, and the future, with open arms!
Benediction Laurie Xanthos
Adjournment 1:49
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for September 15, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:31pm
Invocation by Janet Decker
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman
Bruce Towle
Sandra Bell
Iddi Eiriksson
Gwen Eiriksson
The Secretary’s Report:
Most correspondence came from the letters reaching out for the history of our current Spiritualist churches and camps in Maine. All were forthcoming with their conception dates etc. Other correspondence was with Gary Mannion, a medium whowas due to come to International Week from September 6-14th and depart on the 18th with Sandra Bell and group. He canceled events on the 6th and the 8th and said he would arrive on the 9th. Then he canceled events on the 12th, 13th and 14th and was upset when I put Graham MacLauren in his place. Then we discovered the fraudulent claims against him, through a class attendee who would not be in the same room with him, so we asked him not to come. He threatened legal action. We did not back down and will not be held responsible for his fares as he canceled events.
The Treasurer’s Report as of August 31, 2019:
Checking : $11,359.64, Savings : $5176.79
Paypal $445.14
$5000 anonymous donation received and will be deposited this coming week.
Discussing changing banks to Bangor Savings Bank to eliminate fees.
Motions made to ratify votes taken via email:
1- Motion made to ratify email vote to reduce rent in Parsonage to $700/month with tenant paying own utilities. All in favor.
2- Motion made to ratify email vote to purchase of snowblower $200. All in favor.
3- Motion made to ratify purchase of phone and $12/month plan. All in favor.
Old Business
1- Business card board has been mounted. Too few members have business cards. Suggest we allow (and solicit?) non-members cards in slots. Once they are full we can be more discerning.
2- Fundraiser committee for year-round fundraising- Angels’ Wings Fund Raiser has begun. $50 donation for each name on set of wings. $100 raised to date. Angel wings will be placed on ramp wall.
3- Raffle details to be discussed. Raffle drawing delayed; quilt is on display, along with afghans and other gifts. We need more gifts to give away; HLSC is giving away certificates for 1 free class and 1 free seance.
4- WISH LIST has been created and there are crystals, angels and more decorating our Healing Center. Still need small tables, large locking glass cabinet for items for sale,
5- Donated multi-ended screwdriver, old wooden hammer, already have razor scraper. Tool kit is growing.
7-Rhonda’s wedding rental $500 for hall July 11, 2020. Ability to get in the night before to decorate and then all day on Saturday, July 11, 2020. Janet checked with insurance company and we are not covered. Rhonda is responsible for clean up $150 deposit to be taken. We do not allow alcohol smoking on the grounds. (although when no events are happening if volunteers need to smoke they can beside garage #1????) Janet is going to check with insurance company again to see what it would cost us to add on event insurance.
8-Water from well will be retested. Radon levels were tested.
9-Linda’s window still needs to be fixed. Bruce may be able to take care of this coming week.
14-Carpenter Ants-Fumigate in October. Treat outside with Home Defense day after.
15-Rolled roofing on entry porch. Checked fascia on front of main building. Caulk and nail in place. Diane will try to do these repairs before she leaves.
16-Ramp out back door of sanctuary was completed. Railing not necessary but lifts on ramp are.
New Business
1- Paul Carter estimate reconnecting and starting up heating system, rezone the office to tie into the sanctuary. $3600. All in favor.
2- Leaks in garage roofs- Garage #3 has been fixed. Garage #2 still needs fixing. Roof repair in caulking tube left in work area.
3- Plowing contract- $100 per storm for front plowing, $50 for rear plowing and $50 sanding. All in favor.
Cody will take care of the places which aren’t plowed and the roofs once Janet gets price we can approve.
4- Members’ Meeting Sunday September 22- accomplishments and goals
5- We have lovely semi-circle windows and a 5 foot window that opens gifted to us. Potential placements; 5 foot wide one that opens could go in the back wall between the NOT AN EXIT door and the front right healing corner. Large 4 foot windows; 3 in center of sanctuary wall and we could purchase a twin of the one that is already there on the far left to put on the far right side to balance and open for air? Maybe one in the center of the great room back wall- we would get a lot of natural light, I think, especially as the sun goes lower in the sky. Mark on walls for Members’ Meeting discussion
6- New members voted in-Colin Hall, Gwen Eiriksson, Iddi Eiriksson, Michael Ginkel
7- Trash- this may be a small request but I put 3 half empty trash bags double-knotted so I could not add anything else- at the road for pickup on Wednesday. I suggest you use the white bags purchased for the trash cans and 2 of them fills one of the purple bags.
8- Septic system will be cleaned out and Linda is working on appointment with Hopkins Const.
9- Treasurer resigned as of December 31, 2019. Perhaps a bookkeeper that reports to a treasurer? Bring up at Members’ Meeting.
Benediction by Janet Decker
Adjourned at 1:40pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for October 20, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:30pm
Invocation by Janice Nelson Kroesser
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Linda Holmes (absent)
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Bruce Towle
The Secretary’s Report:
Welcome letter sent to Michael Van Ginkel
Members’ Meeting Minutes and Financial Report with personal notes sent to remote members with personal note, Carol Mead, Ken & Shirly Boyens, Nancy Dubois & Donna Williams
The Treasurer’s Report as of 10-17-2019:
Checking : $ 17,246.18, Savings : $5176.79
Paypal $445.14
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
1-Motion needed to ratify votes to hire painter, Barry Prue, $650, All were in favor.
Old Business
1-Water in well will be shocked and will be retested by Ken in the next 2 weeks.
2-Linda’s window has been fixed. Completely in compliance with Fire Marshall.
3-Bruce will fumigate in October. Treat outside with Home Defense day after. He will also put doorknob on basement door.
4-Paul Carter was hired to reconnect heating system. Seems bugs are nearly worked out.
5-Cody does not want to snow blow our yards this winter. Perhaps Barry Prue.
6-Septic system has not been cleaned out? Make an appointment for next spring.
7-Diane offered to hold Treasurer title as long as we a hire a book keeper (as a subcontractor).
8-Discussion underway concerning Ordination program. Waiting on whether we can transfer.
New Business
1-Bruce repaired Garage door and installed door knob with lock for office. Linda helped
2-How many renters do we have 11 thus far, opening up the next garage for renters.
Benediction by Janet Decker
Adjourned at 1:18pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Meeting Minutes for December 15, 2019
Meeting called to order at 12:41pm
Invocation by Janet Decker
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser (by phone:)
Linda Holmes
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Bruce Towle
Laurie Xanthos
Robert Thompson
Michael Van Ginkle
Sara Lane
Bonnie Lee Mellot
The Secretary’s Report:
Welcome letter sent to Sarah Lane and Linda McLaughlin
December Newsletter on website
New Membership Application on website-NOT, having trouble converting it to JPEG.
Revised Ordination page is back on website
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request. Simply email .
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
1-Motion was made to ratify vote taken by email to purchase heated steps. All in favor.
2-Motion was made to ratify vote taken by email to purchase new tablet for music. All in favor.
3-Motion was made to ratify vote taken by email to ask Michael Van Ginkel to become Trustee. All in favor.
4-Motion was made to ratify vote taken by email to install Internet at church. All in favor.
Old Business
1- Bruce put doorknob on basement door.
2-Paul Carter was hired to reconnect heating system. Bugs have been worked out.
3-Heated steps were ordered for front porch. Motion made, seconded and all were in favor to order one more heated step.
4-Money was paid to paint contractor who disappeared (Barry Prue $396).
Warrant out for his arrest. He was out on bail.
Old Business on hold till spring
Make appointment to clean out septic system.
Bruce will fumigate in the spring-and spray around the outside Home Defense.
New Business
Michael Van Ginkel was sworn in as Trustee.
Bonnie Lee Mellot was sworn in as Treasurer.
Many thanks to Bruce Towle and Linda Holmes for their service on our HLSC Board.
Janet will apply for Nonprofit Tax Exempt Status on December 20.
Reviewed and approved Residential Tenant Application. Motion made and seconded and all were in favor to use the application that Janet sent via email. Suggested that we not advertise in newspaper but use Craig’s List and Uncle Henry’s. Will review lease and discuss via email.
Once apartment is rented door lock set will need to reversed to lock out tenants-Michael.
Signs to be made ; 1- Mediums Day 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, 2-Gallery Readings 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Message Circle 6:00 - 8:00 If we can agree on what day of the week that can appear. Motion made to have 3 Gallery Reading Signs designed and proofs sent once received. Must be done before January Gallery Readings.
Brief discussion about Internet, 7 to 10 days before installation and will be advertised as part of apartment rent. Linda is leaving her Internet connected until the church’s is in place.
Application for membership from Robert Thompson. Motion made, seconded and all were in favor.
Benediction by Linda Holmes
Adjourned at 1:36pm
I, Michael Van Ginkle and Bonnie Lee Mellot, being duly elected as Trustee and Treasurer, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully perform my duties in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of Healing Light Spiritualist Church until my successor is duly elected and installed.
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