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2019 Newsletters
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
And so we have arrived in a new year, 2019...WooHoo!
As the old year passes into history and a new year dawns let us look back at the many blessings we have received in 2018, and I'm not talking about just the positive. The negatives are a blessing as well. It is easy to be thankful for the positive things that occur in our lives but how many of us are willing to see the negatives as a blessing too?
Did 2018 hold some unpleasantness for you? Often we find that all we want is to put the old and the unpleasant stuff behind us, or ignore it completely, and focus only on the positive. However, perhaps we should not be so hasty to bury the negatives. All challenges come with a gift, difficult as that may be for us human beings to grasp, it is none the less true.
Challenges that seem to be very negative offer us the greatest gifts of all... if we are willing to look at them without judgment. Perhaps the negative challenges happened because it was time to purge that which is negative. If someone or something is not contributing positively to our spiritual growth and development then it is best that we recognize this and let it, or them, go. Or, perhaps the negative challenges happened because we need to learn to rise above them, they may simply be part of our spiritual growth and evolution... although please keep in mind that nothing is ever one-sided. Those who create a problem and those who experience it both have something to learn from it. There is HUGE potential here for spiritual growth for everyone concerned.
Absolutely everything we have experienced this year, positive or negative, has a purpose. By looking at it without judgment you can see the gift. On the other hand, if you ignore what has occurred in the hopes the trouble, and or pain it caused, will cease to hurt or anger you, think again... what we do not see repeats itself until we do.
As we look at the challenges we encountered in 2018, and those yet to come, let's keep this in mind, "God-Centered Choices". When God-Centered Choices are made there's a whole lot less negativity flying around. It begins with each one of us. We cannot dictate what others do, however, we can certainly set the intention for ourselves of making God-Centered Choices. In fact, that sounds like a perfect new year resolution, to always make God-Centered choices...Let's do it!
Love, peace, and blessings to all in 2019!
Rev. Janet Decker
Church services in December were a HUGE success! They were extremely upbeat while at the same time very sacred and moving. It was nice to see many new faces as well as faces we have not seen in some time. And always, always, it is a pleasure to see the many faces of those who come often to church.
There were many people who participated in the December services so please do read the "Thank You" section further along in the newsletter. We are so very grateful for your service!
As we move into the new year consider bringing a friend to church with you. They will not be disappointed. As one person confided to me, "This is how a church service should be." What she meant was, welcoming and uplifting and our church services lay claim to both!
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held after church on January 20th. All church members are welcome to attend and your input is always appreciated.
There will be no mediumship group on Sunday, January 20th.
We have a purchase agreement in place for our very own building and we hope to close on it in January or early February. Once the building is ours we can begin to really grow our church. There are lots of ideas going around about classes that can be offered and fundraisers we can hold. It is all very exciting so please do keep the ideas coming!
Church membership dues are due in January. If you joined the church after September 1st, 2018 you will not need to pay dues until January of 2020. Watch your mail for the renewal form. Also, you can now pay your dues on our website. At the bottom of the home page, you will see "Membership Dues $20.00" and a "Donate" button. Just click on that button to pay your dues. Please be aware that we will still need the form you receive in the mail to be returned to us so that we have your correct address, phone number, and email address. Thanks!
More News!
You can access the minutes for our November 18th board meeting by clicking this link: There was no board meeting in December.
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
Our January Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Rev. Janet Decker
January 6th: Graham Connolly
January 13th: Dawn Wilbur
January 20th: Bonnie Mellott
January 27th: Healing and Message Circle
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Graham Connolly is a long time Spiritualist who has been serving churches and camps for over 20 years. Graham is a certified medium, Commissioned Healer, Energy Medicine practitioner and Spiritualist Teacher.
Dawn Wilbur is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki Master trained in Integrated Energy therapy and has been delivering messages from spirit during her healing sessions for some time. She has been delivering messages from spirit to the general public for approximately 2 years. Dawn lives in Frankfurt with her husband, son, small livestock of chickens and their yellow lab.
Bonnie Lee Mellott is a member of The Healing Light Spiritualist Church. She is a retired school teacher as well as a wonderful writer and inspirational speaker. She lives with her husband and beloved 4 legged companions in Carmel.
Weather Notifications
The HLSC Facebook page is a good place to check for weekly church news and updates and now that the snow and ice season is upon us this is where we will post cancellations. We will also post them to the local TV station WLBZ channel 2. Please bookmark our FB page so you can easily check for weather notifications.
The first Sunday of every month is refreshment Sunday. To keep things simple bring finger foods only.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website:
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
To Say Thanks
There are so many people to thank for their help with our December services that I hardly know where to begin!
A BIG THANK YOU to Ava Spruce, for putting together the goody bags and Ted Warren for saying the prayers in Hebrew at our Hanukkah service. Bruce Towle for making the Yule Log for our Winter Solstice Service. Karen Costigan for manning the refreshment table at our Christmas service, Peter and Thoy Conroy, Mark and Belinda Mitchell, Kim Mahone, Bruce Towle, and Michele McPherson for coming early to help decorate and set up for the Christmas service and to Jasmine for taking up the offering. And A BIG THANK YOU to the many folks in our church family who agreed to light candles, do special readings at the services and to those who agreed to serve as healers. Without every one of you, these special services would have been just a little less special.
A VERY SPECIAL BIG THANK YOU to Rev. Linda Holmes for the many, many hours of dedicated work it took to bring us 4 special heartfelt December services. The time and effort that went into these services is unbelievable. Not just putting together the material and presenting it at every service, but there were tons of phone calls, texts, and coordination of efforts, and hours of shopping. I can honestly say that Rev. Linda went way over and above board for all of us. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
"Hi, it’s Rev. Linda. I knew Janet was wanting to thank everyone for all their help and support during this holiday season with all the amazing celebrations we’ve done, and I knew she would omit one very important person—herself. So I wanted to send out this ENORMOUS thank you to Rev. Janet. I could never have accomplished putting the services together without her, even with all the help from all of you who did so much. Janet put all the music together for the December programs and handled the music for me during the services. When I asked her to do some of the special readings and candle lighting's, she never hesitated. She not only helped decorate but also helped with some of the shopping. She sent out the special announcements for each of the services. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for all her help and support. So here it is . . . THANK YOU, REV. JANET, FOR ALL YOU DO AND ALL YOU ARE. YOU ARE TRULY A BLESSING TO ME AND TO OUR BELOVED CHURCH COMMUNITY."
In deepest gratitude,
Rev. Linda
A BIG THANK YOU to Peter Conroy and Diane Skolfield for their efforts on putting together a Standard Operating Procedures Manual for our church
A BIG THANK YOU to Don and Diane Skolfied for working on the church By-Laws
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helps set up for our services every Sunday.
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church website in addition to filling the post of secretary.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
The first Sunday of every month is Refreshment Sunday. Come to enjoy the service and stay after for refreshments and good conversation with like-minded folks.
A Mediumship Development Group meets every Sunday afternoon at 1:30 PM at Rev. Janet Decker's cottage, 90 Pond St, on the Camp Etna grounds. If you don't know where that is, just call or email me. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on January 20th.)
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the February newsletter I need the information by January 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of the spirit in 2019!
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
In this missive, I'd like to keep with the theme of making "God-Centered Choices" which I introduced in the January newsletter. In that newsletter, I suggested making God-Centered Choices (G-CC) a new years resolution and I'd like to add to that... Make a G-CC even if you are scared to death of doing so and you know it will make you unpopular.
Someone might ask, how do I know if I am making a G-CC? Well, the easiest way I know of is to bring the choice you are considering into your heart center. If it feels right, if it feels good, then it is a G-CC. God-Centered Choices make you feel good and/or peaceful and you just seem to know it is the right choice.
One important thing to know is, G-CC's don't hurt anyone and won't cause you to lose sleep or bring disharmony to your daily life. Non-God-Centered Choices have a lingering hurtful effect that you feel compelled to defend within yourself and to others and this can be very emotionally painful and extremely disruptive to your overall well being and sense of harmony.
No one ever said that all G-CC's are easy, believe me, often they are not. However, when we go against them, in the long run, we usually end up regretting it in one way or another, and this regret can linger for years. So trust your heart no matter how loud your head screams at you.
And here is one more thing to add to the benefits of making G-CC's, the Universe will have your back. The angels, masters, guides and loved ones will make sure that you are okay and that things work out for you.
Love, peace, and blessings to all,
Rev. Janet Decker
There will be a Board of Directors meeting after church on February 17th. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated.
There will be no mediumship development group on February 17th.
Church membership dues were due in January. If you missed the January deadline no worries, you can still pay them. If you joined the church after September 1st, 2018 you will not need to pay dues until January of 2020. Watch your mail for the renewal form. Also, you can now pay your dues on our website. At the bottom of the home page, you will see "Membership Dues $20.00" and a "Donate" button. Just click on that button to pay your dues. Please be aware that we will still need the form you receive in the mail to be returned to us so that we have your correct address, phone number, and email address on file. Thanks!
More News!
You can access the minutes for our January 27th board meeting by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
Our February Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Rev. Linda Holmes and Pastor Laurie Xanthos
February 3rd: Pastor Laurie Xanthos (Facilitator and Messages) Kelly Demmons (Speaker)
February 10th: Rev. Linda (Facilitator) Ava Spruce (Speaker and Medium)
February 17th: Rev. Linda Holmes (Facilitator and Speaker) Rev. Janet Decker (Messages)
February 24th: Healing and Message Circle (all mediums, including aspiring mediums, are encouraged to attend)
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Laurie Xanthos is a pastor of HLSC. She is a well known and exceptional medium, shaman, teacher, and speaker. Laurie is currently enrolled in the Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination program and she teaches our Healing Certification program. She enjoys serving many Spiritualist Churches and Camps. Laurie lives in Dixfield, Maine.
Rev. Linda Holmes is a member of Healing Light Spiritualist Church and has been a spiritual seeker all her life. She began her studies in metaphysics as a senior at Newport High School through Christian Science. She earned her bachelors degree from the University of Maine in 1978, and her masters degree in higher consciousness studies from Holmes Institute in Denver in 2004, with a ministerial license through The Church of Religious Science and the Science of Mind philosophy.
In 2004 she founded The Maine Beacon Center for Spiritual Living in Gorham, Maine, and was ordained in 2006. She discovered spiritualism a couple years ago and is now working to open to the possibility of mediumship.
She has 2 children, 3 step-children, 1 grandchild, 5 step-grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren, and a 3-year-old step-great-grandchild, and cat Nia.
Kelly Demmons is from Milford, ME and is a member of the Penobscot Nation. Because of her heritage spirituality is naturally a part of her nature. Kelly is a Physical Therapist and certified in Integrated Energy Therapy. She works to heal client issues through the guidance of the Angelic Realm. Kelly is very gifted in channeling the Angelic Realm. She hears what the Angels say to her and she writes it down exactly as they say it, word for word. She does not change anything. The Angels told her this is not "Automatic Writing" but rather "Transmutation". In addition to her many spiritual gifts, Kelly is also a singer and a member of the Glad Helpers in Bangor, Maine.
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker is an ordained minister in the Spiritualist Chuch, the Metaphysical Church, and she holds a doctorate in Metaphysical Studies. She is a certified clinical, forensic, and spiritual hypnotherapist and a certified psychic medium and spiritual counselor. She is Dean of Metaphysical Studies for the International Metaphysical University where she also teaches psychic development and paranormal studies. Janet is the lead pastor of the Healing Light Spiritualist Church in Etna, Maine, and creator and teacher of the Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination program.
Classes and Workshops
HLSC Healing Certification
When: Sunday, March 24th and Sunday, March 31st
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm each day (after church)
Instructor: Pastor Laurie Xanthos
Description: Students will learn how to sense/feel energy and how to direct it for the purpose of healing.
Cost: $20.00 which will be donated to the church
Hypnotherapy Certification Course
When: April 22nd - 27th
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm each day
Where: 90 Pond St. Etna, ME
What: Hypnotherapy Certification Intensive
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker
Description: This 6 day intensive will train you in the art/science of spiritual and clinical hypnosis including self-hypnosis. Students will learn how to: Induce a hypnotic state in their clients and optimize it, create powerful mind-programming suggestions, work with the higher-self, dialog with clients while in an altered state of consciousness, deal with traumatic memories that may spontaneously arise and much, much more. Students will also learn how to properly keep records, set up an office, and how to market a practice. Upon completion, students will receive certification from the International Metaphysical University International Metaphysical University (IMU)
Cost: $995.00 ($100 discount if paid in full by March 30th)
Contact: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker Ph: 207-404-1845 Email: for syllabus, course objectives, and payment options.
Weather Notifications
The HLSC Facebook page is a good place to check for weekly church news and updates and now that the snow and ice season is upon us this is where we will post cancellations. We will also post them to the local TV station WLBZ channel 2. Please bookmark our FB page so you can easily check for weather notifications.
The first Sunday of every month is refreshment Sunday. To keep things simple bring finger foods only.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website:
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
To Say Thanks
A Big Thank You to Ken Kroesser and Janice Nelson Kroesser for their ongoing efforts with the Assembly and Use plans for our new building
A BIG THANK YOU to Peter Conroy and Diane Skolfield for their efforts on putting together a Standard Operating Procedures Manual for our church
A BIG THANK YOU to Don and Diane Skolfied for working on the church By-Laws
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helps set up for our services every Sunday.
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church website
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
The first Sunday of every month is Refreshment Sunday. Come to enjoy the service and stay after for refreshments and good conversation with like-minded folks.
A Mediumship Development Group meets every Sunday afternoon at 1:30 PM at Rev. Janet Decker's cottage, 90 Pond St, on the Camp Etna grounds. If you don't know where that is, just call or email me. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on February 17th.)
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the February newsletter I need the information by January 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
Ahhhh spring! I know that March in Maine spring, as we tend to think of spring, does not necessarily mean the end of winter weather. However, on March 20, the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, we have equal hours of light and dark. From that date until June 21st the days begin to lengthen and the hours of darkness grow fewer.
For many cultures, this has always been a time of celebration and well it should be! Along with increasing daylight hours comes much-needed sunlight. For those who suffer from "SAD", Seasonal Affective Disorder, depression begins to lift and people in general, indeed all of nature, seems to come alive again. On March 20th the long dark gloomy days of winter are at an end... for now.
I leave you with the words to a song from the Wizard of Oz. The one where Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, and Toto leave the woods and first come into view of the Emerald City. What more need I say...?
You're out of the woods
You're out of the dark
You're out of the night
Step into the sun
Step into the light
Keep straight ahead for the most glorious place
On the face of the earth or the sky
Hold onto your breath
Hold onto your heart
Hold onto your hope
March up to the gate and bid it open
Blessed Be Everyone and Happy Spring!
Rev. Janet Decker
There will be a Board of Directors meeting after church on March 3rd and again on March 17th All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated.
There will be no mediumship development group on March 3rd and 17th.
Refreshment Sunday is March 3rd. Come enjoy the service and bring a lite bite to share. Finger foods only, please.
More News!
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
Our Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Pastor Laurie Xanthos and Rev. Linda Holmes
March 3rd: Pastor Laurie Xanthos (Facilitator, Speaker, and Messages)
March 10th: Rev. Linda Holmes (Facilitator) Ava Spruce (Speaker and Medium)
March 17th: Pastor Laurie Xantos (Facilitator) Melissa Gabriel (Speaker and Medium)
March 24th: Pastor Laurie Xantos (Facilitator) Patty Smith (Speaker and Medium)
March 31st: Healing and Message Circle (all mediums, including aspiring mediums, are encouraged to attend)
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Laurie Xanthos is a pastor of HLSC. She is a well known and exceptional medium, shaman, teacher, and speaker. Laurie is currently enrolled in the Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination program and she teaches our Healing Certification program. She enjoys serving many Spiritualist Churches and Camps. Laurie lives in Dixfield, Maine.
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Melissa Gabriel is a caring professional Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer. She has been using her abilities of clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing) and clairsentience (feeling) to help guide others for over 15 years. Through private or group readings, she has assisted connecting people with their spirit relatives, guides and angels. She is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression. Melissa is also a board member of Harrison D. Barrett Church in Bangor Maine.
Patty Smith: Patti Smith Patti is a retired Registered Nurse and is a certified Shamanic Practioner. She has belonged to Spiritualist churches since 1986, where she started at Onset Church in Massachusetts. Patti enjoys taking Spiritual Development classes and is an incredibly gifted Holistic Medical Intuitive. Her Inspirational talks Can be heard in Maine Spiritualist churches and camps, where she proudly serves Spiritualism.
Classes and Workshops
HLSC Healing Certification
When: Sunday, March 24th and Sunday, March 31st
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm each day (after church)
Instructor: Pastor Laurie Xanthos
Description: Students will learn how to sense/feel energy and how to direct it for the purpose of healing.
Cost: $20.00 which will be donated to the church
Hypnotherapy Certification Course
When: April 22 - 27, 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm each day
Where: 90 Pond St. Etna, ME
What: Hypnotherapy Certification Intensive
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker
Description: This 6 day intensive will train you in the art/science of spiritual and clinical hypnosis including self-hypnosis. Students will learn how to: Induce a hypnotic state in their clients and optimize it, create powerful mind-programming suggestions, work with the higher-self, dialog with clients while in an altered state of consciousness, deal with traumatic memories that may spontaneously arise and much, much more. Students will also learn how to properly keep records, set up an office, and how to market a practice. Upon completion, students will receive certification from the International Metaphysical University International Metaphysical University (IMU)
Cost: $995.00 ($100 discount if paid in full by March 30th) A donation will be made to the church.
Contact: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker Ph: 207-404-1845 Email: for course objectives and payment options.
Dr. & Master Sha's Healing Techniques
When: June 29, 2019
Time: 12:00 noon
Where: TBA
Instructors: Thoy Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield
What: The three-hour class will start at Noon on Saturday, June 29, 2019. Thoy and Diane will talk a little about Master Sha before they begin the techniques they have chosen to share. Orb Healing, Sacred Divine Code/Soul Song, Tao Chants, Transformation of Old Age to Purity of Baby, finishing with a discussion on Chinese Nutritional Theories. Amazing healing of Soul, Mind and Body occur when these techniques are practiced.
About Dr. Sha: Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a soul leader, an extraordinary healer, and a divine servant. He was trained as a conventional doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. The founder of Soul Healing and Enlightenment and the Love-Peace-Harmony Movement, he is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including Tai Chi, Qi gong, I Ching, Kung Fu, and Feng Shui. Master Sha is also an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China. He intends to use his divine soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practices to lead humanity and all souls to the universe of soul over matter.
Cost: $30.00 donation will be lovingly appreciated.
Contact: or visit our facebook event page
Weather Notifications
The HLSC Facebook page is a good place to check for weekly church news and updates and now that the snow and ice season is upon us this is where we will post cancellations. We will also post them to the local TV station WABI 5. Please bookmark our FB page so you can easily check for weather notifications.
The first Sunday of every month is refreshment Sunday. To keep things simple bring finger foods only.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website:
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
To Say Thanks
A Big Thank You to Ken Kroesser and Janice Nelson Kroesser for their ongoing efforts with the Assembly and Use plans for our new building
A BIG THANK YOU to Peter Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield for their efforts on putting together a Standard Operating Procedures Manual for our church as well as establishing a user-friendly record keeping program for the church computer.
A BIG THANK YOU to Don and Diane Skolfied for working on the church By-Laws
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helps set up for our services every Sunday.
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church website
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
The first Sunday of every month is Refreshment Sunday. Come to enjoy the service and stay after for refreshments and good conversation with like-minded folks.
A Mediumship Development Group meets every Sunday afternoon at 1:30 PM at Rev. Janet Decker's cottage, 90 Pond St, on the Camp Etna grounds. If you don't know where that is, just call or email me. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on March 3rd or 17th.)
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the February newsletter I need the information by January 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Comment: " I feel so at home every time I walk through those doors at church and see all the smiling faces"
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
True to Spring beautiful things are popping up all over and I'm not just talking about flowers. The news is so terrific this month that I'll get right to it!
Our church closed on the building that will be our new and permanent home, 38 Stage Rd in Etna, Maine. This is such exciting and almost unbelievable news that I held up the newsletter in order to share it!
People wonder how a small church like ours could possibly pull off such a transaction. Well, never underestimate the power of Spirit! The ability to purchase this property was made possible by one of our most beloved members, Janice Nelson Kroesser, through her business, Janus Supportive Living Services. It is Janus Supportive Living Services that holds the note on our new church property.
Janice will tell you that spirit guided her to do this and there is no doubt in my mind that this is the case. She will likely tell you that it was a timing thing. She did not receive the guidance to do this until an entirely new church board was put in place this past October.
Janice, you are an angel and a gift to our church. Because of your faith in spirit and your willingness to follow their guidance our church will grow and become a beacon of light for all in the years to come. Thank you, thank you!
Our Church Board Secretary, Diane, has created the following fact-filled press release. Thank you, Diane!
Healing Light Spiritual Center, Etna, Maine;
A New and Permanent Home for a church and so much more.
A dream for a group of Spiritualists in Etna, Maine is coming true. They are opening a Spiritual Complex which will be a new and permanent home for the Healing Light Spiritualist Church (HLSC) and a new spiritual home for individuals of all denominations to gather.
Architectural plans have been drawn up, permits have been pulled and financing is in place. Soon, materials will arrive for ramps, firewalls, doors and other renovations necessary to make it suitable for general assembly. By the time this article is released, the HLSC group will have closed on this 3000+ square foot building, with three large classrooms, garages for storage, five acres for ample parking for vehicles, RVs and possibly camping. The name of the complex is The Healing Light Spiritual Center and they plan on shining their Healing Light around the world. This place, at the top of the Etna-Carmel Hill on the south side of the Route 2, will be a beacon for all.
So much excitement surrounds this new endeavor and thousands of dollars of donations are being received; a $2000 donation for a sound system, $500 for new chairs, new computer and accounting software and more. As you may realize, a project of this size requires a tremendous amount of initial investment and they hope the donations continue to be received. If you would like to help with the costs of building this new center please go to to make your donation.
Even though The Healing Light Spiritual Center is a brand new establishment the Healing Light Spiritualist Church began more than a decade ago. In 2004 a group of Spiritualists got together to form the Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, Maine. They incorporated their non-profit and gathered at the Etna Town Hall for ten years inspiring their congregation with Spiritualist Mediums from local areas and around the world.
In 2014 the church was invited to move from the Etna Town Hall to Camp Etna to lease the Rev Gladys Laliberte Temple. Camp Etna has been a gathering place for Spiritualists since 1876 and has hosted a number of Spiritualist churches including the Harrison D. Barrett Church now located in Bangor. Since Camp Etna has a Temple building but no “church” the Healing Light Spiritualist Church moved to the Spiritualist camp. These two prominent organizations believed joining forces would be a logical way to offer all Spiritualists a place to worship.
For two and a half years attendance increased at Camp Etna and the Healing Light Spiritualist Church watched their own congregation grow. In September of 2017, the Healing Light Spiritualist Church was informed their lease for the Temple would not be renewed so the church returned to worship at the Etna Town Hall.
Through a series of unexpected, and at times, unpleasant occurrences, the Healing Light Spiritualist Church elected an entirely new board in October of 2018. This new board decided their main objective would be to find a permanent home for their beloved church. The first time the board walked through the complex of buildings on top of the hill in Etna they knew this piece of property would be their new home. It was the perfect set of buildings in the perfect location and had enough rental income to cover the mortgage payment. The people of their congregation agree this is an excellent example of how God works in mysterious ways to bring about harmony in the Universe.
They are creating a gathering place for everyone in the area. In addition to their church service, every Sunday morning at 10:30 am their calendar is quickly filling with Spiritual Healing Certification Classes, Yoga Classes for all ages and abilities and Energy Medicine Classes for Optimum Health. The weekend of June 28, 29, 30 they will host an event they call Masters’ Weekend. This will be an introductory class teaching Tao Chants, Healing Orb Meditations and other amazing healing techniques from the world-renowned spiritual healing Dr. & Master Sha.
Future plans include classes for families of psychic children, Saturday Nights at The Center, and possibly the highlight of the 2019 season, hosting the Worldwide Spiritualists’ International Healing Light Week. From September 6-14th HLSC will host visiting mediums and psychics from Australia, Scotland, England and the United States.
When asked what the new Healing Light Spiritual Center hoped to accomplish in their permanent home the board collectively agreed, “We want to create a place where everyone can feel safe to talk about life, life after life, death, nature spirits, angels, guides, psychic visions, clairvoyance and the like. Spiritualism is a religion where people are encouraged to listen and talk to people and loved ones who have passed into the spirit world. Here at the Healing Light Spiritual Center, we don’t just talk to dead people, we listen to what live people want in their quest for enlightenment. We look forward to serving the surrounding communities and like-minded people around the world.
To add to what Diane has written I just want to say, WELCOME HOME Healing Light Spiritualist Church and Blessed Be!
Rev. Janet Decker
More News
There will be a Board of Directors meeting after church on April 14th. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. Member participation is especially encouraged now that we are moving into an entirely new phase of development and operation.
There will be no mediumship development group on April 14th.
Refreshment Sunday is April 7th. Come enjoy the service and bring a lite bite to share. Finger foods only, please.
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
Our April Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Rev. Janet Decker
April 7th: Kendra Wescott (Speaker) Dawn Wilbur (Messages)
April 14th: Bonnie Mellott (Speaker and messages) Rev. Janet Decker will assist
April 21st: Ava Spruce (Speaker and Medium)
April 28th: Healing and Message Circle (all mediums, including aspiring mediums, are encouraged to attend)
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Kendra Powers Wescott is a spiritual medium and healer and has been a Spiritualist for 45 years. Kendra served the Bright Light Spiritualist church in Brewer for many years before moving to Florida. While living in Florida She served the Space Coast Spiritualist Church in Melbourne, Florida. Kendra Joined The Healing Light Spiritualist Church approximately 14 years ago and has served as medium and healer.
Dawn Wilbur is a member of Harrison D. Barret Church in Bangor, Maine. She is a Reiki Master trained in Integrated Energy therapy and has been delivering messages from spirit during her healing sessions for some time. She has been delivering messages from spirit to the general public for approximately 2 years. Dawn lives in Frankfurt with her husband, son, small livestock of chickens and their yellow lab.
Bonnie Lee Mellott: Bonnie is a member of Healing Light Spiritualist Church and is enrolled in the ordination program. She is a retired school teacher as well as a wonderful writer and inspirational speaker. She lives with her husband and beloved 4 legged companions in Carmel.
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Spirits Walk Among Us
When: Saturday, April 13th
Time: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Where: Augusta Spiritualist Church
What: Demonstration of Spirit
Description: Table Tipping, Transfiguration, Smoke Readings
Cost: $25.00 (personal readings, offered 1:30 to 3:30, are a separate fee)
Contact: Becky Grant for tickets. or phone: 207-650-3880
Hypnotherapy Certification Course
When: April 22 - 27, 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm each day
Where: 90 Pond St. Etna, ME
What: Hypnotherapy Certification Intensive
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker
Description: This 6 day intensive will train you in the art/science of spiritual and clinical hypnosis including self-hypnosis. Students will learn how to: Induce a hypnotic state in their clients and optimize it, create powerful mind-programming suggestions, work with the higher-self, dialog with clients while in an altered state of consciousness, deal with traumatic memories that may spontaneously arise and much, much more. Students will also learn how to properly keep records, set up an office, and how to market a practice. Upon completion, students will receive certification from the International Metaphysical University (IMU)
Registration for this course closes April 10, 2019
Cost: $995.00 - A donation will be made to the HLSC.
Contact: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker Ph: 207-404-1845 Email: for course objectives and payment options.
Dr. & Master Sha's Healing Techniques
When: June 28th: 6:00 - 8:00 PM, 29th: 12:00 - 3:00 PM, 30th: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Where: Healing Light Spiritualist Center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Instructors: Master Maria Sunukjian, Thoy Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield
What: Masters' Weekend Part One is an Introduction to Master Sha's Healing Teachings. Thoy Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield will join Master Maria teaching five of Dr. & Master Sha's Healing Techniques; Healing Orb Meditation, Sacred Divine Code, Tao Chants, Return to Purity and Chinese Nutritional Ideals. Amazing healing takes place when these techniques are practiced. Donations lovingly appreciated.
About Dr. Sha: Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a soul leader, an extraordinary healer, and a divine servant. He was trained as a conventional doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. The founder of Soul Healing and Enlightenment and the Love-Peace-Harmony Movement, he is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including Tai Chi, Qi gong, I Ching, Kung Fu, and Feng Shui. Master Sha is also an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China. He intends to use his divine soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practices to lead humanity and all souls to the universe of soul over matter.
Cost: $20.00 per class or $50.00 for all three classes
Contact: or visit our Facebook event page
Weather Notifications
The HLSC Facebook page is a good place to check for weekly church news and updates and now that the snow and ice season is upon us this is where we will post cancellations. We will also post them to the local TV station WABI 5. Please bookmark our FB page so you can easily check for weather notifications.
The first Sunday of every month is refreshment Sunday. To keep things simple bring finger foods only.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website:
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
To Say Thanks
A Big Thank You to Janice Nelson Kroesser for her incredible gift!
A Big Thank You to Ken Kroesser and Janice Nelson Kroesser for their efforts with the Assembly and Use plans for our new building, the ordering, and gathering of construction materials and the coordination of work efforts.
A BIG Thank You to everyone who is stepping up to the plate to work on our new building. We could not do it without you!
A BIG Thank You to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors.
A BIG thank you to Peter Conroy for programming and setting up the database for our new church computer.
A BIG THANK YOU to Peter Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield for their efforts on putting together a Standard Operating Procedures Manual for our church as well as establishing a user-friendly record keeping program for the church computer.
A BIG THANK YOU to Don and Diane Skolfied for working on the church By-Laws
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG Thank You to Diane for being our event coordinator
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helps set up for our services every Sunday.
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
The first Sunday of every month is Refreshment Sunday. Come to enjoy the service and stay after for refreshments and good conversation with like-minded folks.
A Mediumship Development Group meets every Sunday afternoon at 1:30 PM at Rev. Janet Decker's cottage, 90 Pond St, on the Camp Etna grounds. If you don't know where that is, just call or email me. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on April 14th.)
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the February newsletter I need the information by January 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
***There is one correction and one addition to the April Newsletter.
Dawn Wilbur, our Medium for Sunday, April 7th, is a member of our own Healing Light Spiritualist Church and we have a new member, Michele McPherson.
We are always thrilled when someone decides to become a member of our church family. Lovely to have you, Michele, Welcome Home!
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
It seems we are having an early spring, for Maine, and doesn't that make me happy... WOOHOO! I am seeing green everywhere I look and it is VERY uplifting!
We had our first work day at the center on April 19th. We pulled up the old carpet and it felt really great to make this first effort for this fabulous undertaking.
After much searching by several of us, we located chairs for our facility, 76 of them to be exact. They are in very nice condition and Spirit really came through for us on the price and the weather. I say spirit come through for us on the weather because there was only one day last week that John could free himself up to go on a road trip and it "just happened" to be the one day in 7 that it did not rain. Pastor Laurie and John drove to Vermont to pick up the chairs and 6 people were on hand to unload them making short work of things. Pastor Laurie and John donated their time, cost of the Uhaul and gas.
The generosity of the people in our church is both astounding and humbling for me. Never in my life have I seen such an outpouring of love, kindness, giving, sharing and caring. And the best part is, it is contagious!!! It seems everybody wants to do something to help in some way. There is absolutely no doubt that we are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing.
Looking forward to a very exciting future,
Rev. Janet Decker
Don and Diane Skolfield are looking for a caregiver for Phyllis, Don's mother, who will be at camp with them this summer. This is a temporary, part-time position, 5 hours a day five days a week, which will begin in June. Phyllis is easy to care for. She is 101 years old and is blind so she needs help walking and eating. Please call or email Diane for details. Her contact information is at the end of the newsletter.
On Refreshment Sunday, May 5th, you are invited to enjoy refreshments in the parsonage of our new building located at 40 Stage Rd in Etna. This event will take place after our church service at the town hall. We will be giving a tour of the facility and talking about plans that are currently underway. Come enjoy the service then join us at the parsonage afterward. We can't wait to show you around!
There will be a Board of Directors meeting after church on May 19th. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. Member participation is especially encouraged now that we are moving into an entirely new phase of development and operation. If you would like to have something added to the agenda please contact me.
There will be no mediumship development group on May 19th.
Plans are progressing nicely for our first summer season as well as for our first International Healing Light week. More on that next month.
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
Our May Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Rev. Linda Holmes
May 5th: Rev. Linda (Speaker) Kendra Wescott, Michele Mcpherson, Rev. Janet Decker (Mediums)
May 12th: Ava Spruce (Speaker and Medium)
May 19th: Don Gilbert (Speaker and Medium
May 26th: Healing and Message Circle (all mediums, including aspiring mediums, are encouraged to attend)
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Rev. Linda Holmes is a member of Healing Light Spiritualist Church and has been a spiritual seeker all her life. She began her studies in metaphysics as a senior at Newport High School through Christian Science. She earned her bachelors degree from the University of Maine in 1978, and her master's degree in higher consciousness studies from Holmes Institute in Denver in 2004, with a ministerial license through The Church of Religious Science and the Science of Mind philosophy.
Kendra Powers Wescott is a spiritual medium and healer and has been a Spiritualist for 45 years. Kendra served the Bright Light Spiritualist church in Brewer for many years before moving to Florida. While living in Florida she served the Space Coast Spiritualist Church in Melbourne, Florida. Kendra has been involved with The Healing Light Spiritualist Church community for approximately 14 years and has served as medium and healer.
Michele McPherson is a member of our church. She became aware of being connected to spirit when she was a young girl. It took her many years to find like-minded people with, and from whom she could learn. Michele has been actively participating in development groups for 7 years.
Rev. Janet Decker is an ordained minister in the Spiritualist Chuch, the Metaphysical Church, and she holds a doctorate in Metaphysical Studies. She is a certified clinical, forensic, and spiritual hypnotherapist and a certified psychic medium and spiritual counselor. She is Dean of Metaphysical Studies for the International Metaphysical University where she also teaches psychic development and paranormal studies. Janet is the lead pastor of the Healing Light Spiritualist Church in Etna, Maine, President of their board of directors and creator and teacher of the Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination program.
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling Spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Don Gilbert is a Reiki Master Instructor and Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor and an intuitive trance medium. Don has been doing this work for the past 6 to 7 years professionally. He just recently opened up new office space in Ellsworth called Infinite Wisdom and Healing.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Victorian Seance
When: Saturday, May 18th
Time: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Where: Lakewood Theatre, 76 Theatre Rd, Madison, ME
What: Fundraiser for Madison Spiritualist Camp
Description: Table Seances, Table Tipping, Smoke Billet Readings, History of camp and theatre
Cost: $40.00
Mediums Day
When: May 18th
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: Camp Etna - 77 Stage Rd Etna, ME
What: Fund Raiser for Camp Etna
Cost: $20.00/15 minutes
Dr. & Master Sha's Healing Techniques
When: June 28th: 6:00 - 8:00 PM, 29th: 12:00 - 3:00 PM, 30th: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Where: Healing Light Spiritualist Center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Instructors: Master Maria Sunukjian, Thoy Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield
What: Masters' Weekend is an Introduction to Master Sha's Healing Teachings. Thoy Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield will join Master Maria teaching five of Dr. & Master Sha's Healing Techniques; Healing Orb Meditation, Sacred Divine Code, Tao Chants, Return to Purity and Chinese Nutritional Ideals. Amazing healing takes place when these techniques are practiced. Donations lovingly appreciated.
About Dr. Sha: Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a soul leader, an extraordinary healer, and a divine servant. He was trained as a conventional doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. The founder of Soul Healing and Enlightenment and the Love-Peace-Harmony Movement, he is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including Tai Chi, Qi gong, I Ching, Kung Fu, and Feng Shui. Master Sha is also an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China. He intends to use his divine soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practices to lead humanity and all souls to the universe of soul over matter.
Cost: $20.00 per class or $50.00 for all three classes
Contact: or visit our Facebook event page
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the June newsletter I need the information by May 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
Mediumship Development Groups
Sunday afternoon at 1:30 PM at Rev. Janet Decker's cottage, 90 Pond St, on the Camp Etna grounds in Etna. If you don't know where that is, just call or email me. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on Sunday, May 19th.)
Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at Michele Mcpherson’s house, 19 Lost View Lane, Levant. Everyone welcome, beginners through advanced. Pot luck 6:00 PM group begins at 7:00 PM
To Say Thanks
A Big THANK YOU to Ken Kroesser for the ordering, and gathering of construction materials and the coordination of work efforts on our new building.
A BIG THANK YOU to Pastor Laurie Xanthos and John Welch for driving to Vermont to pick up our chairs and delivering them. And for their donation of the cost for the Uhaul and gas.
A BIG THANK YOU to John Welch, Michele Mcpherson, Susan Joyce, Janice Nelson Kroesser, and Rev. Linda Holmes for unloading the chairs.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who is stepping up to the plate to work on our new building. We could not do it without you!
A BIG THANK YOU to Peter Conroy for his ongoing support and teaching efforts with regards to the database and bookkeeping program for the church computer. And for his willingness to always be available if we need him.
A BIG THANK YOU to Peter Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield for their efforts on putting together a Standard Operating Procedures Manual for our church as well as establishing a user-friendly record keeping program for the church computer.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for being our event coordinator
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helps set up for our services every Sunday.
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: or you can give donations to one of the pastors. All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
The first Sunday of every month is Refreshment Sunday. Come to enjoy the service and stay after for refreshments and good conversation with like-minded folks.
The first Sunday of every month is refreshment Sunday. To keep things simple bring finger foods only.
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website: or talk to one of the pastors or board members.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
I am always happy to send good news and the good news this month is, we are making terrific progress on our new building. WooHoo!
Nature, as if to cheer us on with our church's spiritual endeavors, has sent us messengers in the form of a Baltimore Orioles. Many Baltimore Orioles in fact. The Baltimore Oriole is the Maryland State bird but the entire time I lived in Maryland I never saw one. The first Oriole I ever saw was in Virginia about 30 years ago. Then I saw one at my feeders when I lived in Jackson, Maine 16 years ago, right after I moved here. And now, all these years later, they are at my feeders again. I put out oranges to encourage them to hang around a while.
Although I cannot remember what was going on in my life all those years ago, the first time I ever saw a Baltimore Oriole in Virginia, I can certainly remember what was going on when I saw a Baltimore Oriole 16 years ago. I had just moved north to make Maine my new home. And now, I am seeing them again as we are about to move our church into its new, and permanent, physical and spiritual home. It seems to me that this is no coincidence and that the Oriole is a good omen for new homes, A sign of new and wonderful things to come.
There are Orioles on Reverend Linda's feeders at the parsonage and other members of our church and mediumship groups have also seen them in their yards and at their feeders. With so many Orioles coming around I had to look them up to find out the spiritual meaning. It seems the Oriole brings sunshine to your life and current endeavors. How appropriate is that? The Oriole is also associated with Archangel Auriel. This is a wonderful message from nature in support of our endeavors.
Bright Blessings one and all,
Rev. Janet Decker
June 2nd is Refreshment Sunday. Come to enjoy the service and stay after for refreshments and good conversation with like-minded folks.
We have designated Thursdays and Saturdays as work days in our new building. So far we have accomplished a great deal. Old carpet has been pulled up, walls and ceilings have been scrubbed down in preparation for painting and the painting has begun...indeed it is almost finished! Outside painting has also begun. Some necessary construction inside has begun as well. Things are moving along nicely and we are making great progress.
If you can spare some time on a Thursday or Saturday please join us at the center starting at 9:30 and stay as long as you want. Many hands make light work and it feels really good to be working alongside like-minded folks with a vision.
Our sign has been ordered and should be here in a few short weeks...YAY! You can see what it looks like by going to our FB events page
We are in need of a volunteer to cut the grass at our center. We have the lawn out front, the lawn in the back and we have a big field to mow. We do not have a lawn mower yet so in addition to asking for a volunteer to mow we are also asking for the donation of a good used push mower and weed whacker. The field needs a riding mower so if anyone can volunteer to bring over their riding mower and mow the field that would be great. If we wait much longer we will need a bush hog, yikes!
Our neighbor, Dale Hopkins, graciously cut the grass out front for us this past week. When asked by Diane if she could pay him to mow for us until we got a mower he said, "Let's not worry about it". When asked if he would take a hug for it he said, "Yes!". Bless his heart
I said this in the May newsletter but it bears repeating, the generosity of the people in our church is both astounding and humbling for me. Never in my life have I seen such an outpouring of love, kindness, giving, sharing and caring. And the best part is, it is contagious!!! It seems everybody wants to do something to help in some way. And now our neighbor has even stepped up to help. Is there any doubt we are doing exactly what we are meant to be doing? No doubt in my mind
We are hoping to start holding services in our new building in July. I will send a separate email later in June to confirm this.
I will be away from June 1st through June 20th. Please contact Rev. Linda Holmes or Pastor Laurie Xanthos if you have a pastoral need during the time I am away. Thank you.
There will be no Sunday Mediumship Development group for the first 4 weeks of June 2, 9, 16 and 23. We will resume the Sunday mediumship group on June 30th. When the group meets on June 30th we will likely be in our new building, 38 Stage Rd. The time will remain at 1:30, after church. Again, I will send another email later in June to confirm the new location.
There will be a Board of Directors meeting after church on June 23rd. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. Member participation is especially encouraged now that we are moving into an entirely new phase of development and operation. If you would like to have something added to the agenda please contact me.
Plans are progressing nicely for our first summer season as well as for our first International Healing Light week. Please see what is happening below.
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
Our June Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Pastor Laurie Xanthos
June 2nd: Janice Mitchell (Speaker) Ava Spruce (Medium)
June 9th: Kendra Wescott (Speaker) Pastor Laurie (Medium)
June 16th: Lauren Powers (Speaker and Medium)
June 23rd: Pastor Laurie Xanthos (Speaker and Medium)
June 30th: Master Maria Sunukjian will speak briefly and give healing messages (See Masters Weekend below)
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Janice Mitchell lives in Hampden, Maine and is a frequent visitor to Healing Light Spiritualist Church. Janice is a retired nurse and is now a licensed massage therapist. Since retiring as a nurse she concentrates on healing and growing in inner peace and joy through Cranio-Sacral, neuromuscular and Integrated Energy Therapy. In addition to providing these healing therapies, she travels and teaches IET and working with the Angels to "Heal One Heart At a Time". Janice is a mother and grandmother and in her leisure time, she enjoys traveling to new places, discovering more about her spiritual path and spending time with her family and great-grandchildren.
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling Spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Kendra Powers Wescott is a spiritual medium and healer and has been a Spiritualist for 45 years. Kendra served the Bright Light Spiritualist church in Brewer for many years before moving to Florida. While living in Florida she served the Space Coast Spiritualist Church in Melbourne, Florida. Kendra has been involved with The Healing Light Spiritualist Church community for approximately 14 years and has served as medium and healer.
Lauren Powers began healing at 11 years of age taking classes with Rev. Bernice Damon and later worked in her church, The Bright Light Spiritualist Church, giving messages and healing. He later ran that church and was president for a time. He worked in and trained at the Pinpoint of Light Spiritualist Church and did many readings for groups. For quite a few years he gave healing and messages along with assisting with classes in Vermont. Since returning to Maine he has worked in the Healing Light Spiritualist Church many times.
Maria Sunukjian is a Master Teacher, Divine Channel, World Wide representative and Disciple of Master Zhi Gang Sha. She is a spiritual teacher, psychotherapist, and healer. Master Maria has been offering classes in spiritual development since 2005. She has been in the social work field since 1973 and became licensed as a clinical social worker in 1981. To her credit Master Maria started a residential drug treatment program for addicted adolescents and started the first outpatient chemical dependency service at the Albany Veterans Medical Center in 1990. She modernized a homeless program for addicted veterans in 1995 and regulated a social service non-profit starting in 1998, an organization she served for 13 years. Currently, Master Maria offers a variety of classes, teachings, and programs in spiritual development based on Taoist and Buddhist philosophy and practice. She sponsors a weekly soul mind-body wellness group in Albany, NY. as well as free Love, Peace, and Harmony blessings and healing's every Tuesday evening via phone for anyone. She is certified to teach Master Sha's Divine Healing Hands (Tao Hands), which is the highest treasure in healing. She is a practicing psychotherapist and provides counseling to adolescents, adults, couples, and families.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Dr. & Master Sha's Healing Techniques
When: June 28th: 6:00 - 8:00 PM, 29th: 12:00 - 3:00 PM, 30th: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Where: Healing Light Spiritualist Center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Instructors: Master Maria Sunukjian, Thoy Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield
What: Masters' Weekend is an Introduction to Master Sha's Healing Teachings. Thoy Conroy and Diane Jackman Skolfield will join Master Maria teaching five of Dr. & Master Sha's Healing Techniques; Healing Orb Meditation, Sacred Divine Code, Tao Chants, Return to Purity and Chinese Nutritional Ideals. Amazing healing takes place when these techniques are practiced.
About Dr. Sha: Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a soul leader, an extraordinary healer, and a divine servant. He was trained as a conventional doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. The founder of Soul Healing and Enlightenment and the Love-Peace-Harmony Movement, he is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including Tai Chi, Qi gong, I Ching, Kung Fu, and Feng Shui. Master Sha is also an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China. He intends to use his divine soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practices to lead humanity and all souls to the universe of soul over matter.
Cost: $20.00 per class or $50.00 for all three classes
Contact: or visit our Facebook event page
Four days of Spiritual/Mediumship Events
When: July 5, 6, 7, 8
Time: See below
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: Spiritual Studies Certification (Part one Friday, July 5th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Part two Saturday, July 6th 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm, Part three Sunday, July 7th 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm), Palmistry and Foot Reading Class (Monday, July 8th 9:00 am to 12:00 noon)
Platform Messages and pot luck after the Sunday church Service (10:30 am)
Instructors: From across the Atlantic - Sandy Campbell, Eleanor Walker, Heather Hatton
Cost: Spiritual Studies Certification - 3 parts (10 hours) $99.00, Palmistry, and Foot Reading Class (3 hours) $30.00, Sunday Church Service, Pot Luck and Platform Messages (Donations gratefully accepted)
Please see our FB Events page for class details:
Contact: Diane, Email: Ph: 305-942-0670
Spiritualism History and Philosophy
When: Sunday, July 14, Sunday, August 11th, Sunday, September 15th
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center - 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: The History and philosophy of Spiritualism (recommended for everyone new to spiritualism)
Instructor: Diane Jackman Skolfield
Cost: Donations gratefully accepted
Contact: Diane Email: Ph: 305-942-0670
Edgar Cayce's Search For God
When: Saturday, July 13th
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Where: Healing LIght Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: The Search for God Group Study lessons were started by Edgar Cayce back in 1931. Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually and become more psychic, with one condition: They would have to live the precepts. In this group, we will discuss his precepts and talk about God.
Presenter: Bob Johnstone
Cost: Donations gratefully accepted
Coming Back Home To God
When: Saturday, August 10th
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: Healing LIght Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: Rosie Deer Heart and June Bro have released their book called Coming Back Home to God; Reflections on Edgar Cayce's Legacy. Rosie will talk to us about this book, reading excerpts and dialogues which occurred between June Bro and Edgar Cayce while he was still alive. June Bro is the last living human to have worked with Edgar Cayce; The Sleeping Prophet.
Presenter: Rosie Deer Heart
Cost: Donations gratefully accepted
Health For Happiness Week
When: August 26th to August 31st
What: This entire week is dedicated to making our journey to HAPPINESS more easily attainable with Yoga, Music, Meditation, Hula Hoops, Food Fermenting and so much more. See our individual events for details.
Cost: All classes are $10 each. Pay for 4 and get the 5th one free! Please see our FB page for details
Art For Happiness Week
When: September 2nd to September 7th
What: This entire week is dedicated to making our journey to HAPPINESS more easily attainable with Acting classes, Creative Writing Classes, Music, Song Writing Classes, Yoga and much more. See our individual events for details.
Cost: All classes are $10 each. Pay for 4 and get the 5th one free! Please see our FB page for details
Healing Light International Week
When: September 6th to 14th
What: During International Healing Light Week we'll host several International Tutors teaching workshops in Mental and Physical Mediumship, Psychic Art, Animal Communication, Runes, Hypnosis, Healing, Qigong, History of Spiritualism and so much more!
Presenters: Sandra Bell, Dominic Boag, Victoria Carillo DVM, Rev. Dr. Janet Decker, Iddi Eiriksson, Colin Hall, Graham MacLauren, Gary Mannion, Dorothy Reid, Diane Jackman Skolfield
Cost: Classes are individually priced.
Please see our FB page for details
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the June newsletter I need the information by May 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
Mediumship Development Groups
Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM at the Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd in Etna. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group in June until June 30th)
Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at Michele McPherson’s house, 19 Lost View Lane, Levant. Everyone welcome, beginners through advanced. Pot luck 6:00 PM group begins at 7:00 PM
To Say Thanks!
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone stepping up to the plate to work on our new building. We could not do it without you. To date, these folks are, Michele McPherson, Thoy Conroy, Peter Conroy, Bruce Towle, Karen Costigan, Janice Nelson Kroesser, Ken Krosser, Diane Jackman Skolfield, Rev. Linda Holmes, Sandra Spear, John Welch, Susan Joyce, Rev. Janet Decker
A BIG THANK YOU to our neighbor, Dale Hopkins, for mowing out in front of our building. We desperately needed this done!
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors.
A BIG THANK YOU to Peter Conroy for his ongoing support and teaching efforts with regards to the database and bookkeeping program for the church computer. And for his willingness to always be available if we need him.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for being our event coordinator
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helps set up for our services every Sunday.
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: or you can give donations to one of the pastors. All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
All events are updated regularly on our FB page: And on our website:
The first Sunday of every month is refreshment Sunday. To keep things simple bring finger foods only.
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website: or talk to one of the pastors or board members.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
On June 28th we held the first of many events in our new building. I can only say that the joy of having a place of our own is immeasurable. As I gazed at each of the rooms my heart swelled. Spirit brought us an opportunity and we did not hesitate. It all came together so beautifully that it seems otherworldly. I suppose it actually is otherworldly. Vibrations of a much higher resonance brought our vision of a spiritual center into being, make no mistake in that regard.
Personally, I have wanted to be a part of birthing a spiritual endeavor such as this for about 35 years. I had gotten to a point where I pretty much gave up on it. Funny how the Universe works. You hold onto an idea, and you hold on, and hold on, and hold on, and then when you finally let go it happens. Kind of like spoon bending. And if you've never tried spoon bending we will be having a workshop on that in the fall. Amazing!
And it is about letting go so that an idea can manifest but it is also about timing. So many things had to come together at just the right time in order to work so perfectly. The right people, the right vision, the right place, the right attitudes, the right sense of purpose, the right financing, and on and on. Just think about it for a minute. Our little church filled with incredible loving lightworkers built, in essence, a palace of light for folks near and far to come to honor Spirit and Masters of all the sacred paths. A place that will feed their spiritual hunger, and slake their spiritual thirsts. Folks, if you aren't filled with awe and swelling with joy then perhaps you will want to spend more time loving and honoring yourself. In fact we all should because this is where it all begins, in our souls.
I could go on and on but I believe everyone knows what I am feeling. I hope you will join me in a chorus of thanks and gratitude for what we have been charged with and what we are now caretakers of.
May our Healing Light shine for all the world to feel!
Bright Blessings one and all,
Rev. Janet Decker
I am thrilled to announce that the Grand Opening Gala and Pig Roast for our Healing Light Spiritual Center will take place on Friday, July 5th, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Pastor Laurie Xanthos and John Welch have donated a pig roaster and a pig for the event. Thank you, Laurie and John! There will be music by "Josh We Know". Thank you, Josh! Platform messages by Sandy Campbell, Eleanor Walker, and Heather Hatton will round out the evening. Thank you, Sandy, Eleanor, and Heather!
Gather up the family and come enjoy the evening with us, and if you care to, please bring a dish to share.
We held our first class in our new building the last weekend of June. The Masters Healing Weekend ran June 28th, 29, and 30th. The class was very well attended and everyone came away feeling terrific.
There was a tremendous amount of valuable knowledge and healing imparted to the students and it made us aware of how fortunate we are to have such a high caliber teacher come to HLSC to teach and inspire us. Master Maria is incredible, to say the least. Thank you, thank you, Master Maria, for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with your hungry students. And thank you Thoy and Diane for bringing her to us.
It did not escape me that having Master Maria as our first teacher was a blessing for our Center. Her walking into the building Friday evening brought a blessing in and of itself. Then, on Saturday, she did a cleansing and blessing by intention. WOW! A line from a song by Carole King came to mind, "I felt the earth move under my feet"!
Beginning in July our Sunday services and all events, including the Mediumship Development circle, will be held in our new spiritual center at 38 Stage Rd in Etna. Church service remains at 10:30 and the mediumship development group will continue to meet at 1:30. We are VERY excited about our new digs and I'm certain you must be too. It is more than wonderful to finally have such an excellent new and permanent home.
July 7th is Refreshment Sunday. Bring a dish and come to enjoy the service then stay after for refreshments and good conversation with like-minded folks.
Our sign is up and shining for all the world to see! Our center will be a year-round facility for worship as well as spiritual and metaphysical classes and workshops. You can see what our sign looks like by visiting
There will be a Board of Directors meeting after church on July 21st. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. Member participation is especially encouraged now that we are moving into an entirely new phase of development and operation. If you would like to have something added to the agenda please contact me.
Our summer season of classes, workshops, and events is underway! Please check out our schedule below.
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
Although I will be thanking everyone who has helped get our building ready for assembly and occupation in the "Thank You" section of the newsletter I must give special recognition to Diane Jackman Skolfield. Diane has practically lived at The Center since she arrived back in Maine on May 19th. Her carpentry skills have been a Godsend. Diane, on top of directing and overseeing the work of our volunteers and making countless trips to Lowes in Brewer, has also done a great deal of the hands-on labor and this includes building walls and knocking out walls, door installation, ramp building, painting, floor laying and you name it she has done it. On top of all of this, she created and designed our signs, brochures, and business cards, dealt with the sign people, Installed the sign,created the events pages for FB, 140 events I might add, created a fundraiser page on FB, coordinated all of our 140 events, is in the process of setting up our historical nook, kept our website calendar up to date along with the website itself, and did her secretarial duties as well. Diane also contributed monetarily to our spiritual endeavors. I don't know about you but I am exhausted just reading about what she has done to get our center ready.
I know I have probably left a lot out because truly Diane's efforts on the church's behalf are far too numerous for me to remember. Diane is an incredible human being with one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen or been privileged to know and call a friend. Diane, may The One Infinite Creator shower you with countless blessings as you have showered us!
I also want to give special recognition to Janice Nelson Kroesser. As most everyone knows we would not even have a building for Diane to go crazy on if it weren't for Janice. Janice is also an incredibly loving and giving soul. She created an amazing place for folks to call home, folks who essentially have no home. Approximately 30 years ago Janice birthed Washington Manor, a residential care facility, into being. Her business, Janus Supportive Living services, financed our building and the funds needed to remodel it and bring it up to code.
Again, my heart swells as I think about the blessings that have been showered upon us. For all that Janice has done for us and for so many others in her care throughout the years, may The One Infinite Creator shower you with countless blessings.
We are endlessly reminded of how blessed we are as a church. To have come so far in 3 months is almost unbelievable. To each and every person who has given time and/or money to bring our vision to life, you have the church's deepest heartfelt thanks and gratitude.
Just to highlight our remodeling progress...The old carpet was removed, walls and ceilings have been scrubbed down and painted, new tile was laid in the bathroom and behind the counter in the assembly room, and carpeting has been installed in the upper classroom. Scraping and painting outside is in progress. Fire doors have been installed and firewalls have been constructed. New and beautiful front and back doors have also been installed as well as exit lighting. The sound system will be installed very soon. Flowers have been planted and the place looks beautiful! Construction and other work have progressed at breakneck speed but there is still plenty more to do. Stop by and give us a hand. We'd love to have you!
Our July Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Rev. Janet Decker
July 7th: Sandy Campbell speaker and medium
July 14th: Michael Van Ginkle (ministerial student) conducting the service, Dawn Wilbur (messages)
July 21st: Matthew Mcdonald speaker and medium
July 28th: Healing and Message Circle
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Michael Van Ginkle is a ministerial student in the Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination course. He is a Reiki practitioner and is currently working on his master teacher certification. Michael is also a shamanic practitioner. He spends many hours reading spiritual and religious texts in order to get a better understanding of our oneness with the Creator and to help him fulfill his purpose as a lightworker and healer. Michael actively participates in spiritual workshops and study groups in order to pass on the knowledge that Spirit has brought forth for him. Michael works with the Angels and finds that it is usually Uriel and Metatron who come to him because of his thirst for knowledge. Michael lives in Winthrop.
Sandy Campbell is an old friend of the Healing Light Spiritualist Church and we are glad to have him at our podium once again. Sandy hails from Scotland. He is a Spiritualist Minister and Pastor for Love and Light Spiritual & Wellbeing Center, which he founded in 2015. As a medium and teacher, Sandy works all over Scotland and his work has also taken him to England, Ireland and the USA. Sandy holds a diploma in Holistic Healing and is also a certified medium. He developed a Diploma Course in Spiritual Studies alongside his colleague and friend Heather Hatton in 2015. Sandy is a well respected and established medium in his own right having also trained with some of the UK's leading mediums such as Tony Stockwell and Glyn Edwards. He is also a holder of a certificate in Intuitive Studies through the renowned medium Gordon Smith.
Dawn Wilbur is a member of The Healing Light Spiritualist Church. She is a Reiki Master trained in Integrated Energy therapy and has been delivering messages from spirit during her healing sessions for some time. She has been delivering messages from spirit to the general public for approximately 2 years. Dawn lives in Frankfurt with her husband, son, small livestock of chickens and their yellow lab.
Matthew T. McDonald has been a spiritual teacher for two decades. Besides being a gifted writer and speaker he has served Spirit using his gifts as a psychic medium and through his healing work with Ascended Masters and Angels. Matthew is also a teacher of the Hindu practice of Dhyana. His Spiritualism roots run deep through his Scottish heritage. Matthew Lives in Rockland with his son, James.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Four days of Spiritual/Mediumship Events
When: July 5, 6, 7, 8
Time: See below
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: Spiritual Studies Certification (Part one Friday, July 5th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Part two Saturday, July 6th 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm, Part three Sunday, July 7th 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm), Palmistry and Foot Reading Class (Monday, July 8th 9:00 am to 12:00 noon)
Platform Messages and pot luck after the Sunday church Service (10:30 am)
Instructors: From across the Atlantic - Sandy Campbell, Eleanor Walker, Heather Hatton
Cost: Spiritual Studies Certification - 3 parts (10 hours) $99.00, Palmistry, and Foot Reading Class (3 hours) $30.00, Sunday Church Service, Pot Luck and Platform Messages (Donations gratefully accepted)
Please see our FB Events page for class details:
Contact: Diane, Email: Ph: 305-942-0670
Spiritualism History and Philosophy
When: Sunday, July 14, Sunday, August 11th, Sunday, September 15th
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center - 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: The History and philosophy of Spiritualism (recommended for everyone new to spiritualism)
Instructor: Diane Jackman Skolfield
Cost: Donations gratefully accepted
Contact: Diane Email: Ph: 305-942-0670
Edgar Cayce's Search For God
When: Saturday, July 13th
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Where: Healing LIght Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: The Search for God Group Study lessons were started by Edgar Cayce back in 1931. Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually and become more psychic, with one condition: They would have to live the precepts. In this group, we will discuss his precepts and talk about God.
Presenter: Bob Johnstone
Cost: Donations gratefully accepted
Coming Back Home To God
When: Saturday, August 10th
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: Healing LIght Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: Rosie Deer Heart and June Bro have released their book called Coming Back Home to God; Reflections on Edgar Cayce's Legacy. Rosie will talk to us about this book, reading excerpts and dialogues which occurred between June Bro and Edgar Cayce while he was still alive. June Bro is the last living human to have worked with Edgar Cayce; The Sleeping Prophet.
Presenter: Rosie Deer Heart
Cost: Donations gratefully accepted
Health For Happiness Week
When: August 26th to August 31st
What: This entire week is dedicated to making our journey to HAPPINESS more easily attainable with Yoga, Music, Meditation, Hula Hoops, Food Fermenting and so much more. See our individual events for details.
Cost: All classes are $10 each. Pay for 4 and get the 5th one free! Please see our FB page for details
Art For Happiness Week
When: September 2nd to September 7th
What: This entire week is dedicated to making our journey to HAPPINESS more easily attainable with Acting classes, Creative Writing Classes, Music, Song Writing Classes, Yoga and much more. See our individual events for details.
Cost: All classes are $10 each. Pay for 4 and get the 5th one free! Please see our FB page for details
Healing Light International Week
When: September 6th to 14th
What: During International Healing Light Week we'll host several International Tutors teaching workshops in Mental and Physical Mediumship, Psychic Art, Animal Communication, Runes, Hypnosis, Healing, Qigong, History of Spiritualism and so much more!
Presenters: Sandra Bell, Dominic Boag, Victoria Carillo DVM, Rev. Dr. Janet Decker, Iddi Eiriksson, Colin Hall, Graham MacLauren, Gary Mannion, Dorothy Reid, Diane Jackman Skolfield
Cost: Classes are individually priced.
Please see our FB page for details
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the June newsletter I need the information by May 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
Mediumship Development Groups
Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM at the Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd in Etna. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome.
Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at Michele McPherson’s house, 19 Lost View Lane, Levant. Everyone welcome, beginners through advanced. Pot luck 6:00 PM group begins at 7:00 PM. (No group in July)
To Say Thanks!
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone stepping up to the plate to physically work on our new building. We could not do it without you. To date, these folks are, Diane Jackman Skolfield, Bruce Towle, Thoy Conroy, Peter Conroy, Karen Costigan, John Costigan, Janice Nelson Kroesser, Ken Krosser, Rev. Linda Holmes, Sandra Spear, John Welch, Susan Joyce, Kendra Wescott, Michele McPherson, Rhonda Allen, Rev. Janet Decker.
A BIG THANK YOU to Janice Nelson Kroesser for her generous contribution of window treatments. I know they will look beautiful!
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors. Most of these folks prefer to remain anonymous but spirit knows who you are!
A BIG THANK YOU to Bonnie Mellott for mowing the field.
A BIG THANK YOU to Laurie Xanthos and John Welch for donating the pig and pig roaster for our Grand Opening Gala.
A BIG THANK YOU to Peter Conroy for his ongoing support and teaching efforts with regards to the database and bookkeeping program for the church computer. And for his willingness to always be available if we need him.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for being our event coordinator and for every other hat she wears.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helps set up for our services every Sunday.
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: or you can give donations to one of the pastors. All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
All events are updated regularly on our FB page: And on our website:
The first Sunday of every month is refreshment Sunday. To keep things simple bring finger foods only. In the future, we plan to once again have pop luck Sundays. We will let you know when that happens.
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website: or talk to one of the pastors or board members.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
On July 5th we held our grand opening gala and it was a HUGE success! 45 people enjoyed food, music by "Josh we Know" and platform messages delivered by our Scottish friends, Sandy Campbell, Eleanore Walker, and Heather Hatton.
After a fun evening inside we retired outside to sit around the fire, make smores, talk, and to listen to more music from Josh.
Those of us who worked so hard to make this happen, much sooner than anticipated I might add, were exhausted. However, it was worth every bit of time and energy we put into it. There is something completely satisfying and fulfilling about bringing a dream to life. Much more satisfying and fulfilling than words can say.
As we move forward we have many fun things in store for you so be sure to check our website and Facebook page regularly. Also, if you keep our newsletter close at hand you can do a quick check here for what is coming up.
Love filled blessings to all,
Rev. Janet Decker
Phyllis Little, the mother of Don and Sheldon Skolfied and Harold and Chris Little, passed into spirit at the age of 101 on Thursday, July 25th. Phyllis was/is a lovely, sweet soul and she will be greatly missed by her family and friends. HLSC extends our heartfelt sympathies. As Spiritualists we know we will continue to be in communication with Phyllis. We wish you great joy, Phyllis, as you sojourn in the Summerland!
We have vehicle, boat, motorcycle, sled, and ATV storage space available for rent. Rent is $35.00 a month for car/truck/small boat rental, and $20.00 a month for motorcycles, sleds and ATV's. Large boats taking up more than one space is $70.00. We offer seasonal and year-round rental. Please call, text or email Rev. Linda Homes to make arrangements. All rentals are on a first-come-first-served basis. email: Ph: 207-341-4978
Are you cleaning out your basement, attic or garage? Perhaps you are clearing space for some new things in your home...? If so, please consider donating some, or all, of your good, used or new things to the church for our yard sale, which will be held on August 10th. No junk, please, and no paint. It is best to call ahead to let us know you are coming. Please do not leave items setting outside. Kendra Wescott is coordinating this event and I know she would love some help. You can reach her at 207-568-1897. The deadline for receiving donations is Sunday, August 4th. Thanks!
We are selling raffle tickets and are seeking items to be raffled off. Are you a medium, a healer or a crafter artisan? Perhaps you own a rock shop or a metaphysical store...? If so please consider donating to our cause. So far we have a beautiful quilt created by Thoy, some lovely lap afghans, certificates for healing sessions, certificates for readings and hypnosis CDs and MP3's. The drawing will take place during Healing Light International Week in September. Tickets are $1.00 apiece or 6 tickets for $5.00.
Yoga class is held every Wednesday at 8:00 am and 5:30 pm. Diane Jackman Skolfield is the instructor. All ages welcome. By donation.
We still need help doing repairs and putting finishing touches on our building. We are hoping some really sweet folks are still willing to come help us out. Summer schedules being what they are please call Diane Jackman Skolfield to let her know what day you would like work. We need people to scrape and paint, wash windows, help build a handicap ramp and assist with other things we have in the works. Many hands make light work! You can reach Diane at 305-942-0670. Thanks!
The Center has a wishlist: small tables, a table suitable to hold a printer for our office, lawnmower, weed whacker, crystals and other sacred spiritual objects. Thanks for your donations!
August 4th is Potluck Sunday. Bring a dish and come to enjoy the service, then stay after for food and good conversation with like-minded folks.
We could use some help cleaning up after pot luck the first Sunday of every month. This will also include vacuuming. We are making a list by month of kind souls willing to stay after potluck for clean up. The month of August is spoken for but all other months are open at this point. If you would like to help out the center in this way please call, text or email: Rev. Janet Decker, 207-404-1845
There will be a Board of Directors meeting on Sunday, August 18th, after the service. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. If you would like to have something added to the board meeting agenda please contact me, Rev. Janet.
Usually, we cancel the Mediumship Development group the day of the board meeting. On August 18th, however, on the day of the board meeting, we will have the Mediumship Group as usual at 1:30 and Matthew McDonald will facilitate it. Come and enjoy Matthews style of teaching. The mediumship group is always by donation and open to all. Beginner, intermediate and advanced students are welcome.
Now that we are a new stage of growth and development participation from members and friends of the church is especially needed and appreciated.
Our summer season of classes, workshops, and events is underway! Please check out our schedule below.
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
Our August Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Rev. Linda Holmes
August 4th: Michael Van Ginkle (ministerial student) conducting the service, Dawn Wilbur (messages)
August 11th: Rosie Deerhart - Speaker and Medium
August 18th: Matthew McDonald - Speaker and Medium (Matthew will be continuing his teaching series about our Spiritualist Principles)
August 25th: Colin Hall
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Michael Van Ginkle is a ministerial student in the Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination course. He is a Reiki practitioner and is currently working on his master teacher certification. Michael is also a shamanic practitioner. He spends many hours reading spiritual and religious texts in order to get a better understanding of our oneness with the Creator and to help him fulfill his purpose as a lightworker and healer. Michael actively participates in spiritual workshops and study groups in order to pass on the knowledge that Spirit has brought forth for him. Michael works with the Angels and finds that it is usually Uriel and Metatron who come to him because of his thirst for knowledge. Michael lives in Winthrop.
Dawn Wilbur is a member of The Healing Light Spiritualist Church. She is a Reiki Master trained in Integrated Energy therapy and has been delivering messages from spirit during her healing sessions for some time. She has been delivering messages from spirit to the general public for approximately 2 years. Dawn lives in Frankfurt with her husband, son, small livestock of chickens and their yellow lab.
Rosie Deerhart teaches at the Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Center and returns to her home state of Maine in the summer. She volunteers as a Glad Helper in Virginia Beach and Maine. She describes herself as a Joy generator and her forthcoming book, Re-Claiming Joy is her tenth book. She writes about the spiritual journey, creativity, the Divine Feminine, and the grief process. Some know her a sculptor, teacher, minister, medium and wild woman. Her guides address her as "The Lady."
Matthew T. McDonald has been a spiritual teacher for two decades. Over the last three years, he has become more aware of greater cosmic truths as he studied Buddhism, Hinduism, Spiritualism and various forms of spiritual healing. Matthew is a gifted Medium, and his talks are full of humor, storytelling and practical spiritual wisdom. He lives in Rockland, Maine.
Colin Hall is a psychic artist and medium living in Manchester, England where he serves many many spiritual churches and spiritual centers throughout the UK. Colin's international travel takes him to many country's in Europe and much further afield to the USA & Canada.
Early experiences led Colin on a life long quest to develop his spiritual gifts in church groups and circles. Eventually, this led Colin to attend the Spiritual college of Arthur Findley, where under the direction of many eminent teachers, including the influence of Gordon Higginson, Colin began to develop those gifts and gain a deeper understanding of Autographs and the Spirit World. Colin gives evidential demonstrations of survival of the soul and life after death.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Yard Sale August 10th! 38 Stage Rd, Etna.
Coming Back Home To God
When: Saturday, August 10th
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: Rosie Deer Heart and June Bro have released their book called Coming Back Home to God; Reflections on Edgar Cayce's Legacy. Rosie will talk to us about this book, reading excerpts and dialogues which occurred between June Bro and Edgar Cayce while he was still alive. June Bro is the last living human to have worked with Edgar Cayce; The Sleeping Prophet.
Presenter: Rosie Deer Heart
Cost: Donations gratefully accepted
Spiritualism History and Philosophy
When: Sunday, August 11th, Sunday, September 15th
Time: 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center - 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
What: The History and philosophy of Spiritualism (recommended for everyone new to spiritualism)
Instructor: Diane Jackman Skolfield
Cost: Donations gratefully accepted
Contact: Diane Email: Ph: 305-942-0670
A Special Weekend at Healing Light Spiritual Center with Spiritual Teacher Matthew T. McDonald
When: Saturday & Sunday, August 17th - 18th
Time: Saturday, 10:00 - 12:00 Noon - Sunday, 1:30 - 3:30
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
Presenter: Matthew T. McDonald has been a spiritual teacher for two decades. Over the last three years, he has become more aware of greater cosmic truths as he studied Buddhism, Hinduism, Spiritualism and various forms of spiritual healing. Matthew is a gifted Medium, and his talks and classes are full of humor, storytelling and practical spiritual wisdom. He lives in Rockland, Maine with his son, James.
What: Saturday, August 17th: Working with the Ascended Masters Workshop
Ascended Masters are healers, teachers, prophets, sages, and beings of great spiritual wisdom. Ascended Masters once walked the earth and now live in the Spirit Realm where they offer help to us from the beyond. This workshop will explore the role of the Ascended Masters in spiritual growth and development, how connections to the Ascended Masters can be made, how to work with Ascended Masters as Spirit Guides, as well as build knowledge about the Ancient, Eastern, New Age, and Modern types of Ascended Masters and their energies. The highlight of this workshop is the time of meditation when the Ascended Masters reveal themselves and their energies to those who are present.
Cost: $25.00 (includes pizza lunch)
Sunday, August 18th: 10:30 am Church service - 1:30 pm Mediumship Development Class. Come enjoy a terrific church service where Matthew will continue teaching us about the Spiritualist Principles. Bring a bite to eat with you for after the service or go to our local lunch spot, Etna Village Variety. Mediumship class begins at 1:30. Matthew is our guest teacher and facilitator this Sunday.
Cost: By donation.
Health For Happiness Week
When: August 26th to August 31st
What: This entire week is dedicated to making our journey to HAPPINESS more easily attainable with Yoga, Music, Meditation, Hula Hoops, Food Fermenting and so much more. See our individual events for details.
Cost: All classes are $10 each. Pay for 4 and get the 5th one free! Please see our FB page for details
Art For Happiness Week
When: September 2nd to September 7th
What: This entire week is dedicated to making our journey to HAPPINESS more easily attainable with Acting classes, Creative Writing Classes, Music, Song Writing Classes, Yoga and much more. See our individual events for details.
Cost: All classes are $10 each. Pay for 4 and get the 5th one free! Please see our FB page for details
Healing Light International Week
When: September 6th to 14th
What: During International Healing Light Week we'll host several International Tutors teaching workshops in Mental and Physical Mediumship, Psychic Art, Animal Communication, Runes, Hypnosis, Healing, Qigong, History of Spiritualism and so much more!
Presenters: Sandra Bell, Dominic Boag, Victoria Carillo DVM, Rev. Dr. Janet Decker, Iddi Eiriksson, Colin Hall, Graham MacLauren, Gary Mannion, Dorothy Reid, Diane Jackman Skolfield
Cost: Classes are individually priced.
Please see our FB page for details
Harnessing The Power of Your Soul (2-day class)
When: Saturday and Sunday, September 21st and 22nd
Time: Saturday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - Sunday, 3:30 - 6:30 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
Presenter: Laurie Xanthos is a Pastor of The Healing Light Spiritualist Church in Etna Maine. She has taught Soul Shifting classes and Mediumship Development for many years. Laurie retired after twenty years of public education to pursue classes in healing the body, mind, and spirit. She is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, Reflexologist and Intensive Tuning Fork Sound Healer. Her humor, heart, and high accuracy have drawn people to her throughout the U.S., as well as internationally. Laurie is a proud Spiritualist, a religion that she highly respects and is passionate about.
What: Let's take a look at your soul contract to learn your life purpose. Whether you consciously know it or not you made a Soul Contract before incarnating into this lifetime and making changes to it can be extremely helpful. This two-day soul excavation will include guided meditations with Shamanic attunements which are transformative for your highest and best. These attunements increase your vibration clearing the pathway to your higher self. We will take past life journeys which enable you to view other lifetimes. As the lifetimes unfold you will get a clear understanding of how you came to be who you are today. During the process past life traumas are removed which allows you to harness your true power. These two incredibly healing days increase your connectivity to self and spirit, bringing healing of your soul that you do not want to miss.
Cost: $111.00l
Past Life Memories and your SoulCollage®
When: Saturday, October 5th
Stay tuned for more information.
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the June newsletter I need the information by May 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
Mediumship Development Groups
Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM at the Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd in Etna. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome.
Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at Michele McPherson’s house, 19 Lost View Lane, Levant. Everyone welcome, beginners through advanced. Pot luck 6:00 PM group begins at 7:00 PM. (No group during the summer)
Healing Prayer Groups
Glad Helpers, a prayer group organization started by Edgar Cayce in 1931 in Virginia Beach, meets every Monday at 4:30 the Bangor Library. Library. Everyone welcome!
To Say Thanks!
A BIG THANK YOU to those who are continuing to help us put the finishing touches on our center.
Diane Jackman Skolfield, Bruce Towle, Karen Costigan, Janice Nelson Kroesser, Ken Krosser, Rev. Linda Holmes, Kendra Wescott, Pam Logue, Rev. Janet Decker.
A BIG THANK YOU to Kendra Wescott for the beautiful flowers she brings to brighten our church every Sunday and for the many Angel figurines that now bless our center.
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors. Most of these folks prefer to remain anonymous but spirit knows who you are!
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for being our event coordinator and for every other hat she wears.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: or you can give donations to one of the pastors. All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
All events are updated regularly on our FB page: And on our website:
The first Sunday of every month is Potluck Sunday. Come to church and bring a dish to share after.
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website: or talk to one of the pastors or board members.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
As of this writing, we enter our third month of having services and hosting events in our new building. I am still amazed at how beautifully things came together in order for us to be blessed with this incredible facility. Our good friend, Rosie DeerHeart, said we should honor it by talking about the miracle that it is, and so I am talking about it and I hope you will too!
So far the response to our FB postings, newsletters and advertising has been favorable and considering we are located in the tiny town of Etna, Maine this is terrific. Our goal is to put Etna "on the map", so to speak, but we need your help. If you are on FB we invite you to "Like" our page, Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, ME Then please SHARE, SHARE, SHARE our events. Share them on your FB page and on any group you are part of. This will help us get the word out.
If you have enjoyed a church service or an event at "The Center" please shout it to the heavens and to everyone you know. Word of mouth has always been the best form of advertising and continues to be so. Also, bring a friend with you to church or an event. When they realize what a jewel we have here in this little town called "Etna" they will also tell others and the first thing you know it catches on like fire. Our goal is to need a MUCH larger parking lot!
One of the best reasons I know for people to come to our center is it is peaceful and very healing. The word "Healing" is part of our name for a reason. Yes, there are healers here, the hands-on kind, but also mediumship, and receiving a message from a loved one, or a beloved pet who is in spirit, an Angel or a Master Teacher is often the highest form of healing a person can get, and it is called "soul healing". All who grieve or are troubled in some way can benefit from soul healing.
So be sure to spread the word about all the wonderful things that are going on at the Healing Light Spiritual Center in Etna, ME, "Where Healing Happens!" and I will see you there!
Love filled blessings to all,
Rev. Janet Decker
All of our visiting Mediums, Spirit Artists, and teachers will be taking appointments for private readings. Plan on getting a reading, or two, while they are here. You won't be disappointed! Please call or text Rev. Janet Decker 207-404-1845 and I will put you in touch with the medium of your choice.
We have vehicle, boat, motorcycle, sled, and ATV storage space available for rent. Rent is $35.00 a month for car/truck/small boat rental, and $20.00 a month for motorcycles, sleds and ATV's. Large boats taking up more than one space is $35.00 per space. We offer seasonal and year-round rental. Please call, text or email Rev. Linda Homes to make arrangements. All rentals are on a first-come-first-served basis. email: Ph: 207-341-4978
We are selling raffle tickets and are seeking items to be raffled off. Are you a medium, a healer or a crafter artisan? Perhaps you own a rock shop or a metaphysical store...? If so please consider donating to our cause. So far we have a beautiful quilt created by Thoy, some lovely lap afghans, a beautiful quartz crystal generator, certificates for healing sessions, certificates for readings and hypnosis CDs and MP3's. The drawing will take place during Healing Light International Week in September. Tickets are $1.00 a piece or 6 tickets for $5.00.
We could use some help cleaning our beautiful Center once a month, preferably the week following pot luck Sundays. This will also include vacuuming and occasional washing of the floors. We are making a list by month of kind souls willing to help us with this. If there is someone you would like to work with as a team that is wonderful. Many hands make light work! The month of September is spoken for but all other months are open at this point. If you would like to help out the center in this way please call, text or email: Rev. Janet Decker, 207-404-1845 Thanks so much!
We still need help doing repairs and putting finishing touches on our building. We are hoping some really sweet folks are still willing to help us out. Summer schedules being what they are please call Diane Jackman Skolfield to let her know what day you would like work. We need people to scrape and paint, wash windows, help build a handicap ramp and assist with other things we have in the works. Again, many hands make light work! You can reach Diane at 305-942-0670. Thanks!
If you are a member of HLSC we invite you to put your business cards on our business card wall.
The Center has a wishlist, small tables, a table suitable to hold a printer for our office, lawnmower, weed whacker, crystals, and other sacred spiritual objects. Thanks for your donations!
September 1st is Potluck Sunday. Bring a dish and come to enjoy the service, then stay after for food and good conversation with like-minded folks.
There will be a Board of Directors meeting on Sunday, September 15th, after the service. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. If you would like to have something added to the board meeting agenda please contact me, Rev. Janet.
There will be no Mediumship Development group the day of the board meeting, September 15th.
We have some incredible events happening in September. Please see the schedule below and plan to attend. You will be happy you did!
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker offers an Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination Program. To learn more about it click here:
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Our September Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Pastor Laurie Xanthos
September 1st: Michael Van Ginkel (ministerial student) conducting the service, Laurie Xanthos (messages)
September 8th: Sandra Bell - Speaker and Medium
September 15th: Colin Ruthven - Speaker and Medium
September 22nd: Ava Spruce - Speaker and Medium
September 29th: Healing and Message Circle - All mediums, including student mediums, are encouraged to attend.
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Michael Van Ginkel is a ministerial student in the Independent Spiritualist Minister Ordination course. He is a Reiki practitioner and is currently working on his master teacher certification. Michael is also a shamanic practitioner. He spends many hours reading spiritual and religious texts in order to get a better understanding of our oneness with the Creator and to help him fulfill his purpose as a lightworker and healer. Michael actively participates in spiritual workshops and study groups in order to pass on the knowledge that Spirit has brought forth for him. Michael works with the Angels and finds that it is usually Uriel and Metatron who come to him because of his thirst for knowledge. He lives in Winthrop. Michael will receive his Certificate of Ordination at this service. Congratulations Michael!
Sandra Bell is a Spiritualist Minister, tutor, founder of the Butterfly Fellowship Spiritualist Church and co-founder of the World Wide Spiritualist Organization. She is a presenter on Public Spirited and Coast to Coast Spirit Celtic International radio. Sandra has written fourteen books, editor of Psychic Columns, Psychic News of the World, Spirit of Psychic News, Shout Out News and has written 46 MBS workbooks. She is the Scottish officer for International Spiritualist Foundation and is from Inverclyde, Scotland. She is known for her phenomenally accurate evidential readings and her spirited classes, workshops, and presentations.
Colin Ruthven is a speaker and medium in the UK. He also works in the media and sound industry. Colin will be busy during International Healing Light Week filming our events.
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Art For Happiness Week
When: September 2nd to September 7th
What: This entire week is dedicated to making our journey to HAPPINESS more easily attainable with Acting classes, Creative Writing Classes, Music, Song Writing Classes, Yoga and much more. See our individual events for details.
Cost: All classes are $10 each. Pay for 4 and get the 5th one free! Please see our FB page for details
Healing Light International Week
Friday, September 6th:
5:00 to 7:00 pm: Music with Josh - Dance, Dance, Dance!, Cost: By Donation
7:00 pm 9:00 pm: International Mediumship Demonstration, Cost: By Donation
Saturday, September 7th:
10:00 am to 5:00 pm: Dominic Boag (Scotland) - The confident Medium, Cost: $65.00
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm: Victoria Carillo (New York) - Animal Communication, Cost: $20.00
5:30 pm (approximate time): Spaghetti Dinner, Cost: Suggested donation $5.00
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm: Live Music - Peace Together Jam. Bring your instruments to play and sing along! Cost: By Donation
8:00 pm: Sacred Fire Cost: Free
Healers: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm: Cost: $20.00 for 15 minutes
Vendors: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday, September 8th:
10:30 am: Church Service - Speaker/Medium Sandra Bell
12:00: Pot Luck and Platform Message, Cost: By Donation
1:00 to 5:00 pm - Mediums Afternoon Extravaganza! Readings with international and US mediums, pet readings, Cost: $20.00 for 15 minutes
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm: Table Tipping with Janice Nelson Kroesser (Maine), Cost: $20.00
4:00 pm: Intro to EFT with Rev. Janet Decker (Maine) and Diane Jackman Skolfield (Florida), Cost: $10.00
5-7pm Pizza, Salad and Fruit pies from Etna Village Variety. Cost: Suggested Donation $5.00
7:00 - 8:00 pm: Healing and Energy share. All energy workers invited to participate, Cost: Free
Healers: 12:00 am - 3:00 pm: Cost: $20.00 for 15 minutes
Vendor: 12:00 am - 3:00 pm
Monday, September 9th:
"Let’s Go To Bar Harbor" Caravan with Visiting Mediums
Tuesday, September 10th:
10:00 am to 12:00 pm: Mental Mediumship with Sandra Bell (Scotland) and Dot Reid (Scotland), Cost:$30.00
1:00 to 2:00 pm: Hypnosis Happiness Hour (Relax and Rejuvenate) with Rev. Janet Decker (Maine), Cost: By Donation
3:00 to 6:00 pm: Psychic Art & Connection with Nature Spirits & Angels with Colin Hall (England), Cost: $30.00
7:00 to 9:00 pm: Psychic Surgery Demo with Gary Mannion (Australia), Cost: $20.00
Wednesday, September 11th:
9:00 am to 12:00 pm: Trance Development with Gary Mannion (Australia), Cost: $30.00
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Hypnosis Happiness Hour (Peace, Comfort, and Serenity) with Rev. Janet Decker (Maine), Cost: By Donation
1:00 to 3:00 pm: The Truth About Life with Iddi Eiriksson (Iceland), Cost: $20.00
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm: Healing Seance with Gary Mannion (Australia), Cost: $30.00
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: 1960's Peace & Love Groovy Costume Party and Karaoke. Music, snacks and great fun!, Cost: Free!
Thursday, September 12th:
9:00 am to 11:00 am: Runes Workshop with Iddi Eiriksson (Iceland), Cost: $20.00
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Hypnosis Happiness Hour (Energy Boost) with Rev. Janet Decker (Maine), Cost: By Donation
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm: Feel The Energy with Iddi Eiriksson (Iceland), Cost $20.00
3:00 to 6:00 pm: Psychic Art Colours and Healing with Colin Hall (England), Cost: $30.00
6:00 pm (Approximate time): Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner, Turkey and all the trimmings, Cost: Suggested Donation $5.00 followed by a walking meditation of gratitude
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm: Psychic Surgery & Medical Intuition with Gary Mannion (Australia), Cost: $30.00
Friday, September 13th:
9:00 am to 12:00 pm: Celtic Divination with Sandra Bell (Scotland), Cost: $30.00
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Energy and Positive Attitudes with Iddi Eiriksson (Iceland), Cost: $20.00
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm: Altered States with Gary Mannion (Australia), Cost $30.00
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Hypnosis Happiness Hour (Feeling good!) with Rev. Janet Decker, Cost: By Donation
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm Psychic Art & Mediumship with Colin Hall (England), Cost: $30.00
7:00 to 9:00 pm International Mediumship Demonstration, Cost: By Donation
Saturday, September 14th
9:00 pm to 12:00 pm: Physical Mediumship with Graham MacLauren (UK), Cost: $30.00
3:00 to 6:00 pm Séance Workshop with Graham MacLauren (UK), Cost: $30.00
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: International Tarot Card Convention, Cost: By Donation Sunday,
September 15th:
10:30 am: Church Service - Speaker/Medium Colin Ruthven (UK)
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm: Part Three Spiritualism History & Philosophy Class with Diane (Florida), Cost: By Donation
Our list of Presenters for International Week and their bios Alphabetically:
Sandra Bell is a Spiritualist Minister, tutor, founder of the Butterfly Fellowship Spiritualist Church and co-founder of the World Wide Spiritualist Organization. She is a presenter on Public Spirited and Coast to Coast Spirit Celtic International radio. Sandra has written fourteen books, editor of Psychic Columns, Psychic News of the World, Spirit of Psychic News, Shout Out News and has written 46 MBS workbooks. She is the Scottish officer for International Spiritualist Foundation and is from Inverclyde, Scotland. She is known for her phenomenally accurate evidential readings and her spirited classes, workshops and presentations.
Dominic Boag is one of England’s youngest mediums and has built a very reputable name for himself. He shows how connected he is to the Spirit World when he leaves his audiences blown away with his accuracy of names, details and specific information about their loved ones. Dominic is like no other medium as he brings a fresh and vibrant modern form of mediumship to the spiritual movement. He is well known for his unique ability of bringing spirit alive as he takes on their characteristics and personality. Many people say it was, “…like my loved one was there talking to me.” Dominic works across the UK & USA demonstrating mediumship and teaching. He has a great passion for teaching others to unfold their own mediumship and has quickly become highly sought after for his unique teachings.
Victoria Carillo DVM and a Reiki Master. Victoria practices holistic-minded veterinary medicine as a mobile veterinarian on Long Island, NY. She became a spiritualist when she met her mentor and was seeking answers about her animal patients’ and friends’ afterlife. She has studied and incorporated alternative forms of healing and mediumship in her work for 20 years. Some of her favorite healing modalities include Reiki, acupuncture, flower essences, chiropractic, and homeopathy.
Rev. Dr. Janet Decker, C.Ht. is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Certified Hypnoanaesthesia therapist and a Forensic Hypnotist. She is a hypnotherapy instructor and author, a Spiritualist Minister, and a Psychic Medium. Rev. Decker is lead pastor of the Healing Light Spiritualist Church in Etna, Maine as well as President of their board of directors. Rev. Dr. Decker holds a doctorate in Metaphysical Studies and the title of Dean of Metaphysics for The International Metaphysical University where she teaches the “Foundations of Psychic Development”, the “Lords Prayer in Aramaic” and is a proctor for the course “Understanding Our Paranormal Universe.” She has also developed and teaches an ordination program for Independent Spiritualist Ministers. She has been teaching hypnosis, meditation, and spiritual and psychic development techniques for over 35 years. For more info
Iddi Eiriksson was born in Iceland and has been immersed in spiritual studies since 1991. He is an Accredited Medium with the British Spiritualists’ Federation and has provided mediumship demonstrations at many international conferences and events. Iddi is also a Spiritual Healer and is certified as a Bereavement Counselor through the Butterfly Fellowship Spiritualists’ Church. He has been a member of the International Spiritualist Federation for over 25 years and spends his time traveling and learning all over the world. He is proficient in mental mediumship, trance mediumship, physical mediumship, psychic art, Runes reading and healing.
Colin Hall is an International Psychic Artist Medium and Healer who gives demonstrations of the survival of the soul and proof of life after death. His early experiences led him to a lifelong quest to develop his spiritual gifts in church groups and circles. Colin attended the Arthur Findlay Spiritual College. Colin’s art is strongly influenced by Celtic, Chinese and Art Nouveau with endlessly flowing forms, mythical images of Gods and Goddesses and the nature of a world that dwells within and all around us. He believes when we open ourselves to this wonderful, flowing spiritual power we become more aware of our Soul and Creativity.
Graham MacLauren became a Spiritualist after his younger brother took his own life. Graham joined the Spiritualist National Union and was awarded The Conan Doyle Prize for the most outstanding new Medium in the UK in 2012. Graham is also a Reiki Master, a Shamanic Practitioner, a Trance Medium and Trance Healer, a Physical Medium, a Bereavement Counselor and a Civil Celebrant. As Graham becomes the Spirit Communicator he amazes all with his accuracy. For the last seven years, Graham has worked across Scandinavia and Germany as well as all of the UK demonstrating, teaching and sharing his knowledge with budding new Spiritual Talents. Graham has raised over £2.5 million pounds for various charities. Graham devotes his continuing development to Physical Mediumship which he believes is the Creme de la Creme of Spiritual abilities. For further information please visit .
Gary Mannion is an International Psychic Surgeon and Physical Medium based mainly in Australia but he works all over the world. His Psychic Surgery and his Physical Mediumship skills have been scientifically researched and he has appeared on TV, radio, magazines and in books.
Dorothy Reid is a Scottish medium trained at the Butterfly Fellowship in Port Glasgow. She has represented the young mediums at International Spiritualist Federation in Scotland and World Wide Spiritualist in Ireland. She has worked up and down Scotland serving churches and is very in tune with the Fairy Blessing readings that she gives. For many years she gave communications at the Butterfly Fellowship as one of their resident mediums.
Diane Jackman Skolfield is an author, a healer, a spiritual teacher, a businesswoman and a mentor for many. Diane began her career in healing in 1982, has been a member of the Self Realization Fellowship and a minister since 1997. In addition to teaching Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Dance Therapy, and Qi (chee) gong, her work as a Medical Intuit has been instrumental in healing many. C. Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D., founder of the American Holistic Medical Association says, “Diane is a jewel spreading joy and health wherever she goes.” She is the Camp Historian at the Spiritualist Camp Etna in Maine and Secretary and Event Coordinator of the Healing Light Spiritualist Church. For more info visit her web site
Harnessing The Power of Your Soul (2-day class)
When: Saturday and Sunday, September 21st and 22nd
Time: Saturday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - Sunday, 3:30 - 6:30 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center 38 Stage Rd Etna, Maine
Presenter: Laurie Xanthos is a Pastor of The Healing Light Spiritualist Church in Etna Maine. She has taught Soul Shifting classes and Mediumship Development for many years. Laurie retired after twenty years of public education to pursue classes in healing the body, mind, and spirit. She is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, Reflexologist and Intensive Tuning Fork Sound Healer. Her humor, heart, and high accuracy have drawn people to her throughout the U.S., as well as internationally. Laurie is a proud Spiritualist, a religion that she highly respects and is passionate about.
What: Let's take a look at your soul contract to learn your life purpose. Whether you consciously know it or not you made a Soul Contract before incarnating into this lifetime and making changes to it can be extremely helpful. This two-day soul excavation will include guided meditations with Shamanic attunements which are transformative for your highest and best. These attunements increase your vibration clearing the pathway to your higher self. We will take past life journeys which enable you to view other lifetimes. As the lifetimes unfold you will get a clear understanding of how you came to be who you are today. During the process past life traumas are removed which allows you to harness your true power. These two incredibly healing days increase your connectivity to self and spirit, bringing healing of your soul that you do not want to miss.
Cost: $111.00
Celebration of Life for June Bro
When: Sunday, September 29th
Time: 7:00 - 9:00
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd, Etna, ME
Facilitator: Rosie DeerHeart
Past Life SoulCollage®
When: Saturday, October 5th
Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Sandra Joy and Rev. Janet Decker
What: Join us as we take you on a journey back to another lifetime through hypnotic past life regression.
Once your journey is completed you will continue by sitting in a quiet meditative setting as you work to create a Soulcollage® card and integrate what you have learned from your hypnotic regression.
There is no doubt that most of us identify with particular eras in time or characters from the past more so than others. Just as one image jumps out from the pages of a magazine at one person more than it does for another. Hypnotic Past Life Regression can help put you in touch with other places, times and characters that you identify with.
Images are at the center of the SoulCollage® process and through the simple act of cutting and arranging images, you’ll open yourself up to spiritual guidance and reflection. You will choose images that weave together parts of yourself to help discover who you may have been in a past life. In the end, you'll journal with your card to learn even more often leading to profound results
The SoulCollage®process leads to deeper authenticity and even deeper meaning in your life. This soul-tending practice honors one’s personal journey while promoting personal growth and self-acceptance.
Cost: $45.00 (All materials provided)
Message Circle
When: Saturday, October 12th
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Rev. Karen Heasly
Cost: $20.00
Gallery Readings
When: Saturday, October 19th
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Experienced Mediums and Student Mediums
What: A gallery reading is an intimate two-hour gathering where the intuitive readers will bring messages from the spirit world including angels, light beings, and deceased loved ones to individual participants in a safe, comfortable and loving environment. These messages often facilitate and an amazing amount of healing, clarity, peace, and proof of existence after death.
Cost: $10.00
Table Tipping
When: Saturday, October 26th
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenter: Janice Nelson Kroesser
Cost: $20.00
Hypnotherapy Certification Course
When: 6 consecutive Fridays and Saturdays. October 25, 26, November 1,2, and 8, 9, 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm each day
Where: 90 Pond St. Etna, ME
What: Basic Hypnotherapy Certification
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker
Description: This 6 day intensive will train you in the art/science of spiritual and clinical hypnosis including self-hypnosis. Students will learn how to: Induce a hypnotic state in their clients and optimize it, create powerful mind-programming suggestions that really work! Work with the higher-self, dialog with clients while in an altered state of consciousness, deal with traumatic memories that may spontaneously arise and much, much more. Upon completion, students will receive certification from the International Metaphysical University (IMU)
Registration for this course closes October 15, 2019
Cost: $1111.00 - A deposit of $550.00 is required at time of registration.
Contact: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker Ph: 207-404-1845 Email: for course objectives.
Understanding Your Psychic Children
When: Saturdays, November 2, 9, 16, 23
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Facilitators: Michele McPherson and Virginia Gray
What: These classes are designed for both children and their parents. The facilitators will help children to be comfortable with their gifts and teach them ways to encourage these gifts. The classes will aid parents in understanding their psychic children and teach them how to support and encourage them as their gifts and experiences grow. The Healing Light Spiritualist Church believes our psychic/intuitive children are part of the spiritual evolution of this planet and the proper development of their gifts is essential to our future wellbeing.
Cost: $20.00 per class, $70.00 if you sign up for all 4 classes.
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the October newsletter I need the information by September 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
Mediumship Development Groups
Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM at the Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd in Etna. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on September 15)
Healing Prayer Groups
Glad Helpers, a prayer group organization started by Edgar Cayce in 1931 in Virginia Beach, meets every Monday at 4:30 the Bangor Library. Everyone welcome!
To Say Thanks!
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who is helping with International Week. Week quite literally could not do this event without you!
A BIG THANK YOU to those who are continuing to help us put the finishing touches on our center and helping with activities.
Diane Jackman Skolfield, Bruce Towle, Karen Costigan, Janice Nelson Kroesser, Ken Krosser, Rev. Linda Holmes, Kendra Wescott, Pam Logue, Rev. Janet Decker, Ava Spruce, Michele McPherson, Lisa Herbster, Sarah Lane, Josh Childers,
A BIG THANK YOU to our Fund Raising Committee, Ava Spruce, Karen Costigan, Lisa Herbster, Michele McPherson, Rev. Janet Decker
A BIG THANK YOU to Kendra Wescott for the beautiful flowers she brings to brighten our church every Sunday and for the many Angel figurines that now bless our center.
A BIG THANK YOU to Kendra Wescot, MJ, Rev. Linda Holmes and Rev. Janet Decker for making our yard sale a big success!
A BIG THANK YOU to Gina Collins for the many crystals that now grace our center. I believe they LOVE their new home!
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors. Most of these folks prefer to remain anonymous but spirit knows who you are!
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for being our event coordinator and for every other hat she wears.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: or you can give donations to one of the pastors. All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
All events are updated regularly on our FB page: And on our website:
The first Sunday of every month is Potluck Sunday. Come to church and bring a dish to share after.
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website: or talk to one of the pastors or board members.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
The following President’s Report was read at our members meeting on Sunday, September 22nd, 2019.
September 2018 to Sept 2019 was filled with incredible happenings.
In September of 2018 the entire old board of directors for the church stepped down and a new board of directors was put into place approximately six weeks later in October. For those 6 weeks, our church basically hung in limbo. We had no access to our financial accounts, no checkbook, no records of any kind, even the newsletter email list was withheld, although I did find a way around that particular problem. Even though we had over $11,000.00 in our bank accounts when it came time to pay the $200.00 for rent for the town hall one of the members had to pay our rent.
From the time we were evicted from the Temple on the Camp Etna grounds in September of 2017 until approximately mid-October of 2018 our church was in a state of flux. In hindsight what was really going on was it was time for the old Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, Maine to change and become so much more. It was time to give birth to and become the parent of, The Healing Light Spiritual Center of Etna, Maine. In order for that to happen spirit had to “clean house” in a manner of speaking. As is usually the case when it is time for something new to come into being the old must be stripped away. The process of tearing down, transformation and growth can be very painful energetically and emotionally and it often leaves us exhausted in just about every way possible. In the end, however, when we look back we can say, “It was worth it. Look what we created!”
And, so, in October of 2018, the church created a new board of directors and voila! Look where we are in one short year. We have our own building and have completely remodeled it. We have already held many wonderful classes and workshops and we have hosted two different sets of mediums from across the Atlantic. The very first teacher in our new building was Master Maria from New York. She led a 3-day workshop teaching us beautiful Buddhist chants and teachings of Master Sha. Each one of those teachings was a blessing. Master Maria did an energetic cleansing of our building and then blessed our building and all of our future endeavors. What a terrific new start for the Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, ME.
I believe it is appropriate to highlight some of the wonderful gifts our church and center have received from many loving and supportive souls. To date, we have received several thousand dollars worth of supplies and materials to remodel our building. While we were remodeling our building several months of rent for the town hall was donated. Over $2500.00 for a sound system was donated, the money for the chairs and the cost of picking them up was donated. The cost for our beautiful sign, curtains, rugs, carpeting, podium, crystals and angels, desk, artwork, plants, a brand new refrigerator that is being delivered tomorrow, the cabinet for our trance work, vacuum cleaner, mops, brooms, trash cans, plates, cups, napkins, water, food for our events, yard sale items, the cost for some of the mowing, countless man-hours of work mounting into the hundreds. And last week we received $5000.00 from an anonymous donor.
I would like the people who contributed and continue to contribute their time and efforts to remodeling to stand and be recognized. Diane, Don, Ken, Bruce, Michele, Karen, her husband John also donated hours of time, Susan Joyce, Kendra Westcott, Janice, Pam Logue, Linda, Lisa, Thoy and Peter, and if I missed anyone please stand up and be recognized.
I would like those who contributed their time to help with events from setting up to cleaning up and everything in between to stand and be recognized, are, Diane, Ava, Lisa, Michele, MJ, Karen, Gina, Janice, Josh and Rachel who are now in Florida, and if I missed anyone please stand and be recognized.
We give special recognition to Diane who not only worked her fingers to the bone and practically lived here at the center during the remodeling, but she also coordinated the work crews, made about 1000 trips to Bangor and Newport for supplies, did the event coordination for all events, created our Spiritualism in Maine corner, taught classes and has also managed to stay on top of her secretarial duties for the church. Diane, you have our deepest thanks and appreciation and I just want to add, you are AWESOME!
Our second year hosting International Week and our very first year hosting IW at our Spiritual Center was a great success. All of the Mediums are excited to return again next year. The fact that they are already talking about next year speaks volumes. The dates have been set for that event. It will take place September 11 - 19th, 2020.
We currently have events scheduled on weekends through the end of November. They include Gallery nights, message circles, table tipping and something we are particularly happy to announce is our “Understanding Your Psychic Children” classes that will run for four Saturdays in November. Our fundraising committee is also planning a special “Seance” event for January. More on that to come.
It is important that I give recognition to our fundraising committee members, Ava Spruce, Karen Costigan, Lisa Herbster, Michele McPherson and I am also on that committee. It was no small task making sure International Week with all the food, snacks, and registrations ran smoothly. The food was especially wonderful, from the spaghetti sauce for our spaghetti dinner made by Ava and her husband from a generations-old recipe to the incredible Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the trimmings and pumpkin pie made from fresh pumpkin scooped out by Lisa’s husband. Outstanding! There were 27 people who attended that dinner.
Another thing I must mention is our raffle items and raffle ticket sales. Folks have donated some incredible things. Thoy donated a magnificent quilt she made, Gina donated a fabulous quartz crystal generator, there are some lovely healing sessions donated, lap afghans, readings, cd’s, and crafts. We would love everyone’s help with selling tickets. $1.00 a piece or 6 for $5.00. All of these items have been lovingly donated to support our church and to keep our center growing. We would like to draw winning tickets at the end of December and you do not have to be present to win. So, take some pictures of the items and take some tickets with you and sell, sell, sell!
To sum things up, we are off to an incredible start. I believe our mission is to be a beacon of light that reaches around the world. A place where people can come to learn, grow, share experiences and, especially to heal. Spirit gave Diane a beautiful phrase that is appropriate, The Healing Light Spiritualist Church and Center, Where Healing Happens!
Respectfully Submitted, Rev. Janet Decker
Just a few highlights from International week. We had trance, psychic surgery, tarot, celtic divination, rune, psychic art, table tipping, hypnosis, and seance classes as well as music, dancing, food, and mediumship demonstrations. It was truly an amazing week and we look forward to next year when our friends from across the big pond come again.
If you have enjoyed a church service or an event at "The Center" please shout it to the heavens and to everyone you know. And of course, this includes social media. Word of mouth has always been the best form of advertising and continues to be so. Also, bring a friend with you to church or an event. When they realize what a jewel we have here in this little town called "Etna" they will also tell others and the first thing you know it catches on like fire. Our goal is to need a MUCH larger parking lot!
One of the best reasons I know for people to come to our center is it is peaceful and very healing. The word "Healing" is part of our name for a reason. Yes, there are healers here, the hands-on kind, but also mediumship, and receiving a message from a loved one, or a beloved pet who is in spirit, an Angel or a Master Teacher is often the highest form of healing a person can get, and it is called "soul healing". All who grieve or are troubled in some way can benefit from soul healing.
So be sure to spread the word about all the wonderful things that are going on at the Healing Light Spiritual Center in Etna, ME, "Where Healing Happens!" and I will see you there!
Love filled blessings to all,
Rev. Janet Decker
Our Church now has its own phone number. It is 207-217-2697. Please make a note of it. You may still call any of the pastors or board members personally. Their contact phone numbers are listed at the end of the newsletter.
In September I was pleased and proud to present Michael Van Ginkel with his certificate of ordination. Michael, may you be well blessed on your spiritual path of service to others.
Rev. Michael has agreed to become a pastor of our church. We are very pleased to welcome him to our pastoral Council. Michael feels that the purpose of becoming a reverend is to serve and we look forward to having him serve our church and our church community for many years to come.
We have 4 new members to our church. Michael Van Ginkel., Colin Hall, and Iddi and Gwen Eiriksson. The Healing Light Spiritualist Church welcomes these wonderful folks to our church family.
We have been given a wonderful donation in the amount of $5000.00. The donor wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you and we wish you many blessings of the spirit!.
Dunnett's Appliance in Bangor, Maine has donated a brand new refrigerator to our center. We greatly appreciate this much-needed gift.
Rev. Linda Holmes has resigned the treasurer's position effective December 31st, 2019. The Board of Directors feels it would be best to have a bookkeeper as well as a treasurer. The bookkeeper would not be a board member. Are you able to serve the center in either of these capacities? If so, please do consider stepping up. You will have our eternal thanks and gratitude.
We need to get some outside painting done before bad weather sets in. We are asking for volunteers for this project. Please call Rev. Janet Decker 207-404-1845. Thanks!
We have vehicle, boat, motorcycle, sled, and ATV storage space available for rent. Rent is $35.00 a month for car/truck/small boat rental, and $20.00 a month for motorcycles, sleds and ATV's. Large boats taking up more than one space is $35.00 per space. We offer seasonal and year-round rental. Please call, text or email Rev. Linda Homes to make arrangements. All rentals are on a first-come-first-served basis. email: Ph: 207-341-4978
We could use some help cleaning our beautiful Center once a month, preferably the week following pot luck Sundays. This will also include vacuuming and occasional washing of the floors. We are making a list by month of kind souls willing to help us with this. If there is someone you would like to work with as a team that is wonderful. Many hands make light work! The months of October, November an December are spoken for but all other months are open at this point. If you would like to help our center in this way please call, text or email: Rev. Janet Decker, 207-404-1845 Thanks so much!
October 6th is Potluck Sunday. Bring a dish and come enjoy the service, then stay after for food and good conversation with like-minded folks.
There will be a Board of Directors meeting on Sunday, October 20th, after the service. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. If you would like to have something added to the board meeting agenda please contact Diane. Email: Ph: 305-942-0670
There will be no Mediumship Development group the day of the board meeting, October 20th.
If you are a member or friend of HLSC we invite you to put your business cards on our business card wall.
The Center has a wishlist, lawnmower, weed whacker, crystals, and other sacred spiritual objects. Thanks for your donations!
I said this in previous newsletters but it bears repeating. There has been a good response to our FB postings, newsletters and advertising has been favorable and considering we are located in the tiny town of Etna, Maine this is terrific. Our goal is to put Etna and the Healing Light Spiritual Center "on the map", so to speak, but we need your help. If you are on FB we invite you to "Like" our page, Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, ME Then please SHARE, SHARE, SHARE our events. Share them on your FB page and on any group you are part of. This will help us get the word out.
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Our October Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Reverend Janet Decker, Rev. Michael Van Ginkel, Pastor Laurie Xanthos
October 6th: Rev. Janet/Ava Spruce, speaker, and medium
October 13th: Rev. Janet/Rev. Karen Heasley, Speaker, and Medium
October 20th: Rev. Michael/Healing and message circle (this is usually held on the last Sunday of the month) All mediums, including student mediums, are encouraged to attend.
October 26th: Pastor Laurie/Rev. Nancy Parry - Speaker and Medium
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Rev. Karen Heasley was born and raised in Western PA and is the founder and spiritual leader of The Spiritual Path Church in New Castle, PA. She is a retired Social Worker. Karen had a near-death experience at the age of 5 and has been conscious of spirit from that time. After her parents passed into spirit she was drawn to develop her mediumship skills. She studied with Janet Nohavec of "The Journey Within School for Mediumship" in New Jersey and Rev. Leonard Young from England who taught at the Arthur Findley College. She is a member of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, Inc., and is the founder of the Western Pennsylvania IANDs which began in 2009. Karen is also a member of Lily Dale Assembly in Lily Dale, NY. She is affiliated with The Spiritualist National Union and founded the third church in the US under the SNU of the United Kingdom. Karen is an "Evidential Medium" . She believes that giving evidence of spirit contact can "paint a person back to life" for the sitter. Karen will tell you she is here to serve Spirit, and she truly is.
Rev. Nancy Parry, CM, NST, was born into a psychic family. Her journey involved the deaths of several close family members at an early age. She began coordinating and facilitating spiritual growth workshops, weekend retreats and week-long conferences in 1981. Nancy's education includes crisis intervention, group process, interviewing and counseling, with a major in psychology. A hospice volunteer, along with training in Parents of Murdered Children and Other Survivors of Homicide Victims as well as Mental Health Rehab Technician, grief and loss have strengthened her service to Spirit and Spiritualism. A certified medium and National Spiritualist Teacher,
Nancy's Native American heritage provides a strong foundation from which to teach and share with those whose lives she touches.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Past Life SoulCollage® (Postponed until January)
Past Life Regression
When: Saturday, October 5th
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Rev. Janet Decker (35years experience)
What: Hypnotic Past Life Regression is fun, enlightening, and often mystifying. During the session, you will travel through many eras in time in search of one or two, and sometimes three, lifetimes that have a particular meaning for you in this current lifetime. You may discover one or more people in this lifetime who are directly linked to you from another lifetime. You may discover the answer to the eternal mystery of "Why" certain events have occurred in your life or why you have such a strong, often overpowering, draw to a particular person, place or time. No matter what you find out hypnotic regression is safe, relaxing and enjoyable. No previous experience with hypnosis is required. please bring a blanket and pillow.
Cost: $25.00
Table Tipping
When: Saturday, October 12th
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Janice Nelson Kroesser
Cost: $20.00
Gallery Readings
When: Saturday, October 19th
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Experienced Mediums and Student Mediums
What: A gallery reading is an intimate two-hour gathering where the intuitive readers will bring messages from the spirit world including deceased loved ones, angels, light beings, nature spirits, master teachers and guides to individual participants in a safe, comfortable and loving environment. These messages often facilitate and an amazing amount of healing, clarity, peace, and proof of existence after death.
Cost: $10.00
Message Circle
When: Saturday, October 26th
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenter: Ava Spruce
Cost: $20.00
Hypnotherapy Certification Course
When: 6 consecutive Fridays and Saturdays. October 25, 26, November 1,2, and 8, 9, 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm each day
Where: 90 Pond St. Etna, ME
What: Basic Hypnotherapy Certification
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker
Description: This 6 day intensive will train you in the art/science of spiritual and clinical hypnosis including self-hypnosis. Students will learn how to: Induce a hypnotic state in their clients and optimize it, create powerful mind-programming suggestions that really work! Work with the higher-self, dialog with clients while in an altered state of consciousness, deal with traumatic memories that may spontaneously arise and much, much more. Upon completion, students will receive certification from the International Metaphysical University (IMU)
Registration for this course closes October 18, 2019
Cost: $1111.00 - A deposit of $550.00 is required at time of registration.
Contact: Rev. Dr. Janet Decker Ph: 207-404-1845 Email: for course objectives.
Understanding Your Psychic Children (Postponed until spring)
If you are holding a spiritual/mediumship/psychic event and would like to have it added to the church newsletter please be aware that I will need that information by the 15th of the month prior to the month being published. Example, for the October newsletter I need the information by September 15th. Please send info to me via email. You will find my contact info at the bottom of the newsletter. The church reserves the right to accept or deny submissions.
Mediumship Development Groups
Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM at the Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd in Etna. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on October 20th)
Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at Michele McPherson’s house, 19 Lost View Lane, Levant. Everyone welcome, beginners through advanced. Pot luck 6:00 PM group begins at 7:00 PM
Healing Prayer Groups
Glad Helpers, a prayer group organization started by Edgar Cayce in 1931 in Virginia Beach, meets every Monday at 4:30 the Bangor Library. Everyone welcome!
To Say Thanks!
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped with International Week. We quite literally could not have done this event without you!
A BIG THANK YOU to those who are continuing to help us put the finishing touches on our center and helping with activities.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Fund Raising Committee, Ava Spruce, Karen Costigan, Lisa Herbster, Michele McPherson, Rev. Janet Decker
A BIG THANK YOU to Kendra Wescott for the beautiful flowers she brings to brighten our church every Sunday and for the many Angel figurines that now bless our center.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed items for our raffle.
A BIG THANK YOU to Gina Collins for the many crystals that now grace our center. I believe they LOVE their new home!
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors. Most of these folks prefer to remain anonymous but spirit knows who you are!
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for being our event coordinator and for every other hat she wears.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: or you can give donations to one of the pastors. All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
All events are updated regularly on our FB page: And on our website:
The first Sunday of every month is Potluck Sunday. Come to church and bring a dish to share after.
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website: or talk to one of the pastors or board members.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
Can you believe it... the holiday season is upon us already. Time to reconnect with family and friends in the spirit of joy and celebration!
For many of us, this time of year is a time to give thanks for all that we have. A warm home, a warm bed, food on the table, warm clothes, family and friends. For others, however, this is a time of sadness as some are not as fortunate in their physical blessings. Let's be sure to extend our love and a helping hand to those less fortunate than ourselves this holiday season and into the new year.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Rev. Janet Decker
November 3rd is Potluck Sunday. Bring a dish and come enjoy the service, then stay after for food and good conversation with like-minded folks.
There will be a Board of Directors meeting on Sunday, November 17th, after the service. All Members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. If you would like to have something added to the board meeting agenda please contact Diane. Email: Ph: 305-942-0670
There will be no Mediumship Development group on the day of the board meeting, November 17th.
We are pleased and happy to announce that we have added a new member to our church family, Linda (Lindy) McLaughlin. Welcome, Lindy!
It is that time of year, again, when snow and ice may affect church services. Notice of closings will always be posted on FB, via newsletter and on the local TV station WABI 5. You may also call Rev. Janet to check. Winter hasn't even started and I am already thinking SPRING!
Some really nice items have been donated to our church for our raffle. A beautiful quilt made by Thoy, a gorgeous quartz generator crystal donated by Gina Collins, readings, healing sessions, hypnosis MP3's and CD's, some warm lap afghans, a lovely wreath made by Michele Mcpherson, and many other items. Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets! $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The drawing will be held in December and you do not need to be present to win.
Our Church now has its own phone number. It is 207-217-2697. Please make a note of it. You may still call any of the pastors or board members personally. Their contact phone numbers are listed at the end of the newsletter.
Rev. Linda Holmes has resigned the treasurer's position effective December 31st, 2019. The Board of Directors feels it would be best to have a bookkeeper as well as a treasurer. The bookkeeper would not be a board member. Are you able to serve the center in either of these capacities? If so, please do consider stepping up. You will have our eternal thanks and gratitude.
We have vehicle, boat, motorcycle, sled, and ATV storage space available for rent. Rent is $35.00 a month for car/truck/small boat rental, and $20.00 a month for motorcycles, sleds and ATV's. Large boats taking up more than one space is $35.00 per space. We offer seasonal and year-round rental. Please call, text or email Rev. Linda Homes to make arrangements. All rentals are on a first-come-first-served basis. email: Ph: 207-341-4978
We could use some help cleaning our beautiful Center once a month, preferably the week following pot luck Sundays. This will also include vacuuming and occasional washing of the floors. We are making a list by month of kind souls willing to help us with this. If there is someone you would like to work with as a team that is wonderful. Many hands make light work! The months of November and December are spoken for but all other months are open at this point. If you would like to help our center in this way please call, text or email: Rev. Janet Decker, 207-404-1845 Thanks so much!
If you are a member or friend of HLSC we invite you to put your business cards on our business card wall.
The Center has a wishlist, lawnmower, weed whacker, crystals, and other sacred spiritual objects. Thanks for your donations!
I said this in previous newsletters but it bears repeating. There has been a good response to our FB postings, newsletters and advertising has been favorable and considering we are located in the tiny town of Etna, Maine this is terrific. Our goal is to put Etna and the Healing Light Spiritual Center "on the map", so to speak, but we need your help. If you are on FB we invite you to "Like" our page, Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, ME Then please SHARE, SHARE, SHARE our events. Share them on your FB page and on any group you are part of. This will help us get the word out.
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Our November Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Pastor Laurie Xanthos and Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
November 3rd: Pastor Laurie Xanthos facilitator and Medium, John Welch/Speaker
November 10th: Rev. Michael facilitator and speaker, Patty Smith/Medium
November 17th: Pastor Laurie Xanthos/Ava Spruce Speaker and Medium
November 24th: Rev. Michael/Healing and message circle. All mediums, including student mediums, are encouraged to attend.
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Laurie Xanthos is a Pastor of The Healing Light Spiritualist Church in Etna Maine. She has taught Soul Shifting classes in Mediumship Development for many years. Laurie retired after twenty years of public education to pursue classes in healing the body, mind, and spirit. She is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, Reflexologist and Intensive Tuning Fork Sound Healer. Her humor, heart, and high accuracy have drawn people to her throughout the U.S., as well as internationally. Laurie is a proud Spiritualist, a religion that she highly respects and is passionate about.
John Welch is a member of the HLSC and an ordination student. John is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner and has had many testimonials of his healing abilities helping and even curing the recipient.
Patty Smith: Patti Smith Patti is a retired Registered Nurse and is a certified Shamanic Practioner. She has belonged to Spiritualist churches since 1986, where she started at Onset Church in Massachusetts. Patti enjoys taking Spiritual Development classes and is an incredibly gifted Holistic Medical Intuitive. Her Inspirational talks Can be heard in Maine Spiritualist churches and camps, where she proudly serves Spiritualism.
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Gallery Readings
When: Saturday, November 9th
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Rev. Janet Decker, Ava Spruce, Michele McPherson, Michael Van Ginkle
What: A gallery reading is an intimate two-hour gathering where the intuitive readers will bring messages from the spirit world including deceased loved ones, angels, light beings, nature spirits, master teachers and guides to individual participants in a safe, comfortable and loving environment. These messages often facilitate and an amazing amount of healing, clarity, peace, and proof of existence after death.
Cost: $10.00
Aura Sensing/Reading
When: Saturday, November 16th
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Michele McPherson
What: In this class, we will learn what an Aura is, the 7 layers of the Aura and the colors associated with those layers and what they mean. We will participate in an exercise that will teach us how to see someone else's Aura as well as our own. This class is for all levels of development
Spoon Bending
When: Saturday, November 23rd
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenter: Dawn Wilbur
What: Spoon bending was made popular by Uri Geller in the 1970s. Most famously on the Tonight Show. Everyone has the ability to bend spoons. The key is believing you can do it, believing it 100% without a doubt. In this workshop, Dawn will demonstrate how to bend spoons and you'll receive you own spoon to practice with. Come with an open mind and be ready to amaze yourself!
Cost: $20.00
Mediums Day
When: Saturday, December 7th
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
What: 15 and 30-minute readings with the medium of your choice.
Cost: $20.00 for 15 minutes
Mediumship Development Groups
Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM at the Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd in Etna. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on November 17th)
Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at Michele McPherson’s house, 19 Lost View Lane, Levant. Everyone welcome, beginners through advanced. Pot luck 6:00 PM group begins at 7:00 PM
Healing Prayer Groups
Glad Helpers, a prayer group organization started by Edgar Cayce in 1931 in Virginia Beach, meets every Monday at 4:30 the Bangor Library. Everyone welcome!
To Say Thanks!
A BIG THANK YOU to Bruce Towle for finishing up some carpentry items and necessary maintenance issues.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Fund Raising Committee, Ava Spruce, Karen Costigan, Lisa Herbster, Michele McPherson, Rev. Janet Decker
A BIG THANK YOU to Kendra Wescott for the beautiful flowers she brings to brighten our church every Sunday and for the many Angel figurines that now bless our center.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed items for our raffle.
A BIG THANK YOU to Gina Collins for the many crystals that now grace our center. I believe they LOVE their new home!
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors. Most of these folks prefer to remain anonymous but spirit knows who you are!
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for being our event coordinator and for every other hat she wears.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: or you can give donations to one of the pastors. All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
All events are updated regularly on our FB page: And on our website:
The first Sunday of every month is Potluck Sunday. Come to church and bring a dish to share after.
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website: or talk to one of the pastors or board members.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Wishing everyone many blessings of spirit,
Rev. Janet Decker
Greetings Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members and Friends,
Can you believe it... Christmas is almost here. Time to connect with family and friends in the spirit of joy and celebration!
As I wrote in last month's newsletter, for many of us, this time of year is a time to give thanks for all that we have. A warm home, a warm bed, food on the table, warm clothes, family and friends. For others, however, this is a time of sadness as some are not as fortunate in their physical blessings. As spiritual beings, it falls to us who are so blessed with material comforts to extend our love and a helping hand to those less fortunate than ourselves this holiday season and into the new year.
Extending a helping hand can be as simple as contributing some canned goods to a food bank or as elaborate as providing toys, food, and warm clothing to an entire family. Whatever way you can give know that you will be well blessed for helping. The Universe never holds back. You get back what you give out. And it is not about how much you give but rather it is about the spirit in which you give. A can for food given with a big and loving heart means more energetically than an entire meal given half-heartedly. Let this "knowing" guide you this Christmas season and throughout the new year.
Peace, joy, and love,
Rev. Janet Decker
Weather Cancellation Notification
It is that time of year, again, when snow and ice may affect church services and events. Notice of closings will always be posted on FB, via email newsletter, and on the local TV station WABI 5. You may also call Rev. Janet to check.
December 1st is Thanksgiving Potluck Sunday. We are hoping for all the traditional Thanksgiving foods at this Pot Luck. Do join us for Sunday service, bring a dish to share... and a friend!
Rev. Linda Holmes is moving from the parsonage to Penobscott Shores Retirement Village in Belfast. This means we have an apartment available to rent. Spacious one bedroom and den, 1-1/2 bath, living room, dining room, and kitchen. Stove, refrigerator, washer, and dryer. The rent is $800.00 a month plus utilities. First and last months' rent and security deposit required. All applicants will be thoroughly vetted so we will require a credit and background check. Please call or email Rev. Linda up until December 11th if you are interested. Ph: 207-341-4978. After December 11th please contact Rev. Janet: Ph: 207-404-1845.
Membership Dues notices have gone out in the mail. If you joined our church in the last quarter of the year, October, November or December of 2019, you will not need to pay dues until January 2021. If you joined in the last quarter of 2019 and receive a notice please just ignore it.
There will be a Board of Directors meeting on Sunday, December 15th, after the service. All members are invited to attend and your input is always appreciated. If you would like to have something added to the board meeting agenda please contact Diane. Email: Ph: 305-942-0670
There will be no Mediumship Development group on the day of the board meeting, December 15.
On Sunday, December 22nd, we will have a Christmas Candlelight Service at 6:00 pm and refreshments after. Please be aware that there will be no morning service that day. Also, this is the one Sunday a year when we do not have messages from spirit as part of the service. If you have a favorite holiday goodie please bring it to share. If you came to last year's service then you already know how beautiful this service is. If not then plan to come this year to enjoy the music and sacredness of the season.
We are pleased and happy to announce that we have added a new member to our church family, Sarah Lane. Welcome, Sarah!
Every person who decides to join our church is special to us. To me, it says, "This church is worthy of me and my time and I have something to contribute, I want to help shape the direction it takes."
The Healing Light Spiritualist Church does seek to be worthy of every member. Together we can help lift the consciousness of the planet. This is our mission as we see it and it is no small task. If you decide to join our church please know that this is your mission as well, and we welcome your help! In the words of Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Bonnie Lee Mellott has agreed to step into the treasurer's position on a trial basis. Bonnie, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and rest assured we will work closely with you to make sure you are comfortable with the work.
Beginning in January 2020 we are moving the mediumship development group on Sunday to a new time. We will meet at 1:00 pm instead of 1:30 pm. This will give most people time to get home before dark. If you plan to attend church service first please feel free to bring your lunch. We have a refrigerator and microwave. If you want to develop your mediumship skills there is no better way than sitting in a development circle regularly. All levels of development are welcome in this group, beginners to advanced. Join us! By donation.
Time is running out to purchase your tickets for the church Raffle! Tickets will be drawn at the end of this month. Some incredibly nice items have been donated for this raffle. A beautiful quilt made by Thoy, a gorgeous quartz generator crystal donated by Gina Collins, readings, healing sessions, hypnosis MP3's and CD's, some warm lap afghans, a lovely wreath made by Michele Mcpherson, and many other items. Tickets cost $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Don't delay, buy your tickets today!!!
We could use some help cleaning our beautiful Center once a month, preferably the week following pot luck Sundays. This will also include vacuuming and occasional washing of the floors. We are making a list by month of kind souls willing to help us with this. If there is someone you would like to work with as a team that is wonderful. Many hands make light work! The month of December is spoken for but all other months are open at this point. If you would like to help our center in this way please call, text or email: Rev. Janet Decker, 207-404-1845 Thanks so much!
Our Church has its own phone number. It is 207-217-2697. Please make a note of it. You may still call any of the pastors or board members personally. Their contact phone numbers are listed at the end of the newsletter.
We have vehicle, boat, motorcycle, sled, and ATV storage space available for rent. Rent is $35.00 a month for car/truck/small boat rental, and $20.00 a month for motorcycles, sleds and ATV's. Large boats taking up more than one space is $35.00 per space. We offer seasonal and year-round rental. Please call, text or email Rev. Janet Decker to make arrangements. All rentals are on a first-come-first-served basis. email: Ph: 207-404-1845
If you are a member or friend of HLSC we invite you to put your business cards on our business card wall.
I said this in previous newsletters but it bears repeating. There has been a good response to our FB postings, newsletters and advertising has been favorable and considering we are located in the tiny town of Etna, Maine this is terrific. Our goal is to put Etna and the Healing Light Spiritual Center "on the map", so to speak, but we need your help. If you are on FB we invite you to "Like" our page, Healing Light Spiritualist Church of Etna, ME Then please SHARE, SHARE, SHARE our events. Share them on your FB page and on any group you are part of. This will help us get the word out.
You can access the minutes for our Board of Directors meetings by clicking this link:
If you are a member in good standing you can request to see the church financial statements by sending an email to
Our December Sunday Service Line Up:
Facilitator: Rev. Linda Holmes
December 1st: Ava Spruce - Speaker/Medium
December 8th: Lauren Powers - Speaker/Medium
December 15th: Christopher Brown - Speaker/Medium
December 22nd: Christmas Candle Light service 6:00 pm Rev. Linda - Speaker
December 29th: Healing and Message Circle. All mediums, including student mediums, are encouraged to attend.
About Our Speakers and Mediums
Ava Spruce is a member of HLSC. She is a Reiki practitioner in the Usui System of Healing. Ava is a creative and loving soul who has been seeing, hearing and feeling spirit from a very young age. She began Mediumship Development classes at age 15 with her father and has been taking these classes now for over 30 years. Ava enjoys serving area churches as speaker and medium and her focus is on sharing love and light.
Lauren Powers began healing at 11 years of age taking classes with Rev. Bernice Damon and later worked in her church, The Bright Light Spiritualist Church, giving messages and healing. He later ran that church and was president for a time. He worked in and trained at the Pinpoint of Light Spiritualist Church and did many readings for groups. For quite a few years he gave healing and messages along with assisting with classes in Vermont. Since returning to Maine he has worked in the Healing Light Spiritualist Church many times. Lauren continues to sit in development circles on a weekly basis.
Christopher Brown has been aware of Spirit all around us from a very young age. His guides led him to paranormal investigation and from that, he discovered his potential as a medium. Christopher has been giving messages professionally for 2 years. Comfort, healing, and evidence of the continuity of life are his focus. He attends psychic fairs and paranormal events throughout Maine to help build awareness of mediumship and spirituality. Christopher is writing a book about his journey and perspective on living a spiritual life and his discovery of mediumship. Christopher is a Certified Reiki Master/teacher and is studying Shamanism. He lives in Jefferson with his fiance’ and 2 children.
Classes - Workshops - Events
Mediums Day
When: Saturday, December 7th
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
What: 15 and 30-minute readings with the medium of your choice.
Cost: $20.00 for 15 minutes
Full moon Ceremony
When: Friday, January 10, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm
Where: Healing Light Spiritual center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
What: Full Moons are big peaks, a time to go with the momentum. And that simply means concentrating your energy on a symbolic or real action. All of nature grows and is more vital at the full Moon. The full moon is a crescendo and sometimes brings on a reckoning, or a moment of truth. It's associated with illumination since it lights up the dream time landscape. Sometimes full moons feel like the end of an act in your ongoing life story. It's like in a movie where all the plot points are pulled together, and for a brief moment, you can see the interwoven whole. If you set intentions, the full Moon is a time when you begin to make out the path and can take an exciting step forward. It is both a culmination and a time to act on something you've imagined. In the act of doing, you have brought an idea into reality and made magic. Join us for the first full moon of the new year where we will release the old and set intentions for 2020!
Facilitator: Rev. Janet Decker
Cost: By donation
Gallery Readings
Where: Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd Etna, ME
Presenters: Rev. Janet Decker, Ava Spruce, Christopher Brown, Rev. Michael Van Ginkel, Pastor Laurie Xanthos
When: Friday, January 24th
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
What: A gallery reading is an intimate two-hour gathering where the intuitive readers will bring messages from the spirit world including deceased loved ones, angels, light beings, nature spirits, master teachers and guides to individual participants in a safe, comfortable and loving environment. These messages often facilitate and an amazing amount of healing, clarity, peace, and proof of existence after death.
Cost: $10.00
Mediumship Development Groups
Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM at the Healing Light Spiritual Center, 38 Stage Rd in Etna. Everyone is welcome, beginners through advanced. Donations welcome. (No group on December 15th) New time frame starting in January, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Healing Prayer Groups
Glad Helpers, a prayer group organization started by Edgar Cayce in 1931 in Virginia Beach, meets every Monday at 4:30 the Bangor Library. Everyone welcome!
To Say Thanks!
A BIG THANK YOU to Rev. Linda Holmes for being our treasurer and handling the rentals this year. We wish you much happiness in your new home!
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped make a dream come to life this year with our Spiritual Center. Make no mistake about it, you made a miracle happen!!!
A BIG THANK YOU to our members and friends who support us. Without you, there would be no church.
A BIG THANK YOU to Bruce Towle for his continued work efforts at the center.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Fund Raising Committee, Ava Spruce, Karen Costigan, Lisa Herbster, Michele McPherson, Rev. Janet Decker
A BIG THANK YOU to Kendra Wescott for the holiday decorations.
A BIG THANK YOU to Ava Spruce for the lovely votive cups that now grace our altar.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed items for our raffle.
A BIG THANK YOU to Gina Collins for the many crystals that bless our center.
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have contributed money to grow our church and our new endeavors. Most of these folks prefer to remain anonymous but spirit knows who you are!
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for maintaining the church/center website and FB page.
A BIG THANK YOU to Diane Jackman Skolfield for being our event coordinator and for every other hat she wears.
A BIG THANK YOU to our Board of Directors
A BIG THANK YOU to the pastors who serve our church all year long.
A BIG THANK YOU to our speakers and mediums who serve our church throughout the year.
TO BE CLEAR, everyone who serves our church, no matter what the capacity, is a blessing to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we move forward with our new Healing Light Spiritual Center we hope you will consider donating your time and/or monetary help. If you want to donate time please contact any board member, they are listed at the end of every newsletter. If you would rather contribute monetarily you can do it by clicking here: or you can give donations to one of the pastors. All contributions, whether time or money, are very gratefully appreciated!
All events are updated regularly on our FB page: And on our website:
The first Sunday of every month is Potluck Sunday. Come to church and bring a dish to share after.
The back row of chairs is designated as healing chairs for those folks who have difficulty getting up and down or walking up front to sit in a healing chair. There will be a healer assigned to those chairs at every service.
If you have been coming to our church for a while and would like to become a member you can find out about our "membership requirements" on our website: or talk to one of the pastors or board members.
You can send prayer requests and/or "suggestions" from our website. You will find the form on the “Contact Us” page.
If you would like to serve as a speaker and/or a medium during one of our services please see one of the pastors. Thank you.
The pastoral council and the church board of directors are open to hearing suggestions that may improve our church service and make it an even more inviting time of peace and healing. Please feel free to approach us or send us an email if you have a suggestion. All contact information is below.
Thanks for reading and most of all, thanks for being part of our church and please DO share this newsletter.
Merry Christmas!
Rev. Janet Decker, Janice Nelson Kroesser, Diane Jackman, Rev. Linda Holmes, Bruce Towle
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