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2021 Minutes
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Minutes for January 17, 2021
Meeting called to order at 12:37pm
Invocation by Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Roll Call
Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Janice Nelson Kroesser (absent last minute to take care of emergency.)
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Rev. Ava Spruce
Robert Thompson
Janet Decker
Bruce Towle
The Secretary’s Report:
1- Created events and promoted on Facebook.
2- Paypal reader set up.
3- Correspondence from Bethany Couture; when she sent her Healing Light Membership dues she mistakenly sent a check for $50 that was meant for ESA to Healing Light. She asked that we credit $20 to her 2022 membership fee and that the extra $30 be considered a donation to the church. We told her that was fine and that we thanked her very much.
4- I am giving notice of my desire to step down as secretary of the Healing Light Spiritualist Church. When I stepped up to volunteer as secretary in 2018 I promised a 3 year commitment and I decided to give our current board, and the membership, plenty of time to replace me. If I am needed, I will serve until the September Members’ Meeting 2021 but not after that. There are already talks of replacements and I understand it will be announced to the membership in the February newsletter. I want to make this clear, I am not leaving the church, simply stepping down from my secretarial duties. I am making notes on how I conduct myself and the business of record keeping and am more than willing to work with whoever comes into this position to ensure a smooth transition. I will also continue to pay for and maintain the HLSC website after I leave office and help whenever I am able around the grounds. It has been an honor to serve the Healing Light Spiritualist Church.
5- The Healing Light Spiritualist Church has been nominated by Psychic Columns as the best Spiritualist Church. Official name of the group is Psychic Columns by Sandra Bell has 15,000 readers.
Fund Raising report – Sarah Lane has offered to chair the fund-raising committee. The following ideas are in the works:
1-Raffle Auction until the Sunday before St. Patty’s Day- in the works
2-Around the World Dinner
3-Psychic Craft Fair
4-Table Tipping January
5-Séance at church
6-Cookies and bake sale in February
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
Motion made to ratify and seconded vote taken via email to approve a Table Tipping class on January 29, 2021. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify and seconded vote taken via email to order and use a new user-friendly accounting system. All in favor.
Old Business
1- Suggestion box – Any Suggestions?
2- Thermostat problem has been solved.
Tabled until sometime in the future: (no need to read these aloud:)
1- Door or split door with locks at ramp entrance to kitchen. Do we want split door on kitchen?
2- Additional Bathroom (When we build the additional bathroom. I suggest the plumbing be set up with a tee for supply line and drain line to make it ready for what has become our kitchen area.)
3- Discussion on streaming virtual church services. Pros and Cons in previous minutes.
New Business
1- Ava would like to talk about setting up a coffee/kitchen fund using petty cash. It will include the bottle money. Motion made and seconded and all were in favor.
2- Need more volunteers to help clean church.
3- Watching the budget to see if we can install a hot water heater and maybe even the second bathroom.
Our pastors have been adding new songs to the list for church services and the response from the congregation has been extremely positive and enthusiastic. We are reaching out to the members and asking for their suggestions.
Benediction by Rev. Ava Spruce
Adjourned at 1:00pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board Minutes for February 21, 2021
Meeting called to order at 12:46 pm
Invocation by Rev Janet Decker
Roll Call
Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Janice Nelson Kroesser (by phone:)
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Rev. Ava Spruce
Robert Thompson
Janet Decker
Bruce Towle
Sarah Lane
The Secretary’s Report:
1- Created events on Facebook and Google Calendar.
2- Correspondence
3- Diane paid $99 renewal for website
4- Diane wrote to the Sebasticook Chamber of Commerce asking why we do not appear in their membership list and sent them a photo of the cancelled check for $75 she gave to them last September. She expects they will credit us a full year and our listing will appear soon.
Activities Committee Report – Sarah Lane Chair
The following ideas are in the works:
1-Raffle Auction until the Sunday before St. Patty’s Day- in the works
2-Around the World Dinner
3-Psychic Craft Fair
4-Séance at church
Couple of classes in April and May- Michael and Gina – making wands and smudge fans-more to follow
New suggestions for activities:
1-Dance night (from Suggestion Box)
2-Class on Channeling (from Suggestion Box)
3-Aura reading class
4-Grieving class
5-Wigwam, Sacred Fire Circle, Medicine Wheel Area
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
Motion made and seconded to ratify vote taken to host Gallery Readings, Friday, February 19, 2021 from 6-8. Move to March 19, 2021. All were in favor.
Motion made and seconded to ratify vote taken to host Table Tipping Class on Friday, March 12, 2021 from 6-8. All were in favor.
Motion made and seconded to ratify vote taken to allow Janet Decker to host Hypnotic Psychic Attunement using sound and voice on Friday, Feb 26, at 7pm. All were in favor.
Old Business
Watching the budget to see if we can install a hot water heater and maybe even the second bathroom.
Tabled until sometime in the future: (no need to read these aloud:)
Door or split door with locks at ramp entrance to kitchen. Do we want split door on kitchen?
2- Additional Bathroom (When we build the additional bathroom. I suggest the plumbing be set up with a tee for supply line and drain line to make it ready for what has become our kitchen area.)
3- Discussion on streaming virtual church services. Pros and Cons in previous minutes.
New Business
Suggestion box suggestions:1-Dance night suggested. 2-Class on Channeling. 3-Aura reading class. 4-Grieving class. 5-Wigwam, Sacred Fire Circle, Medicine Wheel area Moved all these suggestions to Activities
Add the following to Rules and Regulations: If an officer chooses to resign for personal reasons before their term is complete, and an acceptable replacement has been found, the HLSC Board members may appoint said replacement. This replacement may run for the position at the next Members' Meeting. First and seconded and all were in favor.
Secretary position: Any parties interested? Sarah Lane has offered to step in. Will wait until March Board meeting before appointment is made.
Should we get signs for Table Tipping. Motion made and seconded. All in favor.
Kitchen fund- MJ will inventory the supplies and will go from there.
Virus protection for the computer. AVG is a good free one. Janice is sending Michael the information and Michael will investigate. Should be in place before end of March 2021.
Benediction by Rev. Janet Decker
Adjourned at 1:18pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board MINUTES for March 21, 2021
Meeting called to order at 12:36
Invocation by Rev. Ava Spruce
Roll Call
Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Janice Nelson Kroesser (by phone:)
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Rev. Ava Spruce
Robert Thompson (by phone:)
Janet Decker
Bruce Towle
Sarah Lane
Lindy McLaughlin
The Secretary’s Report:
1- Created events on Facebook and Google Calendar.
2- Correspondence
3- Diane paid $75 renewal for specialized email through website necessary for Mailchimp
4- Sebasticook Chamber of Commerce offered a full year of membership (expiring February 2022). Our listing can be viewed at . I left my name as contact as I am interested in working with them to promote our church. All were in favor.
Activities Committee Report – Sarah Lane Chair
The following ideas are in the works:
1-Around the World Dinner (tabled till this summer:)
2-Psychic Craft Fair
3-Séance at church (tabled until later)
4-Putting together next raffle
Couple of classes in April and May-
Michael and Gina will hold class making Selenite wands $20 Friday 6-8pm April 16th
Table Tipping on April 23rd 6-8pm
Future plans-May- smudge fans will be $25
New suggestions for activities:
1-Dance night suggested (Michael will talk to insurance company)
2-Class on Channeling (tabled until later)
3-Aura reading class – maybe Michelle
4-Grieving class -
5-Wigwam, Sacred Fire Circle, Medicine Wheel Area – researching teepees of different tribes
($400 for canvas covering)
6-Coordinate Fire Pit and Sacred area construction with volunteers
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
Old Business
Kitchen fund- MJ will inventory the supplies and supplies were purchased
Virus protection for the computer. AVG is a good free one. Janice is sending Michael the information and Michael will investigate. Should be in place before end of March 2021.
New Business
Secretary position: Any parties interested? Sarah Lane is willing to step up. Discussions. Appointment will wait till later.
Soffits and end boards need to be replaced. Garages need some work.
Benediction by Rev. Ava Spruce
Adjourned at 1:12pm
No need to read the following out loud:
1-Watching the budget to see if we can install a hot water heater-maybe even the second bathroom.
2-Door or split door with locks at ramp entrance to kitchen. Do we want split door on kitchen?
3-Additional Bathroom (When we build the additional bathroom. I suggest the plumbing be set up with a tee for supply and drain line to make it ready to put a sink in what has become our kitchen area.)
4-Discussion on streaming virtual church services. Pros and Cons in previous minutes.
Recommendations for By-Law Changes for Members’ Meeting 2021
1-Suggested at Members’ Meeting 2020 that we add another trustee to our board. Consensus was we need an odd number sitting on the board so recommend we add two trustees to board.
2-Addition to Rules and Regulations was approved at February 2021 Board Meeting and this should be added to By-laws under Article VII. Officers and Trustees. Section 6: If an officer chooses to resign for personal reasons before their term is complete, and an acceptable replacement has been found, the HLSC Board members may appoint said replacement. This replacement may run for the position at the next Members’ Meeting.
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board MINUTES for April 18, 2021
Meeting called to order at 12:35pm
Invocation by Rev. Janet Decker
Roll Call
Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Rev. Ava Spruce
Robert Thompson
Janet Decker
Bruce Towle
Sarah Lane
Alex Gilgan
The Secretary’s Report:
1- Created events on Facebook and Google Calendar.
2- Correspondence
3- Need snail mail address for Alex Gilgan, 28 Merrimac St., Bangor, ME 04401
Activities Committee Report – Sarah Lane Chair
The following ideas are in the works:
1-Psychic Craft Fair- still in the works- doing something outside with booth space
2-Putting together items for next raffle – tickets are available – draw tickets June 20 Summer and Father’s Day
3-Smudge fans will be $25 in June – shortage of feathers from vendors
4-Dance night suggested (Michael will talk to insurance company- any event to be covered- as long as a pastor is here:)
5-Coordinate Fire Pit and Sacred area construction with volunteers
6-Fund raising jar - Sacred Ceremony donations
7-Sticker donations- Sarah donated stickers and monies collected should be donated to church
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
Motions made to ratify votes taken via email:
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve membership for Alex Gilgan. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Numerology Class for May 14, 6-8pm. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Table Tipping Class for May 21, 6-8pm. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Joao’s Movement Class June 5, 1-3pm afternoon. All in favor.
Old Business
Virus protection for the computer. Michael attempted to download AVG. Should be in place asap.
Soffits and end boards need to be replaced on Garages. Also, the garage door needs to be replaced- getting estimates for solid replacement door. Michael is investigating.
Estimate for gutter on the back of the roof.
Checking into Property Tax - tax person is in office 3rd Friday of every month- status?
New Business
Discussion on creating Music Review Board – songs should not be about physical love and should always be uplifting. Some feel we need to sing some songs out of the hymnal but we also need some newer age songs too – the younger people love them.
Board went into executive session to discuss a few things.
Benediction by Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Adjourned at 2:04 pm
No need to read the following out loud:
Activities tabled until later:
1-Around the World Dinner (tabled till this summer:)
2-Séance at church (tabled until later)
3-Class on Channeling (tabled until later)
4-Grieving class – tabled
5-Aura reading class – tabled - maybe Michelle
6-Wigwam, Sacred Fire Circle, Medicine Wheel Area – researching teepees of different tribes
($400 for teepee poles) ($400 for canvas covering)
Business items tabled until later:
1-Watching the budget to see if we can install a hot water heater-maybe even the second bathroom.
2-Door or split door with locks at ramp entrance to kitchen. Do we want split door on kitchen?
3-Additional Bathroom (When we build the additional bathroom. I suggest the plumbing be set up with a tee for supply and drain line to make it ready to put a sink in what has become our kitchen area.)
4-Discussion on streaming virtual church services. Pros and Cons in previous minutes.
Recommendations for By-Law Changes for Members’ Meeting 2021
1-Suggested at Members’ Meeting 2020 that we add another trustee to our board. Consensus was we need an odd number sitting on the board so recommend we add two trustees to board.
2-Addition to Rules and Regulations was approved at February 2021 Board Meeting and this should be added to By-laws under Article VII. Officers and Trustees. Section 6: If an officer chooses to resign for personal reasons before their term is complete, and an acceptable replacement has been found, the HLSC Board members may appoint said replacement. This replacement may run for the position at the next Members’ Meeting.
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board MINUTES for May 16, 2021
Meeting called to order at 12:46pm
Invocation by Rev. Michael
Roll Call
Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Rev. Ava Spruce
Robert Thompson
Janet Decker
Bruce Towle
Sarah Lane
Alex Gilgan
The Secretary’s Report:
1- Created events on Facebook and Google Calendar. (side note-this is fun for me and I will continue if the next Secretary, and the board, would like me to continue:)
2- Correspondence (side note-another thing I don’t mind screening and sending “real” emails on:)
3- Mailed welcome letter to new member; Alex Gilgan, 28 Merrimac St., Bangor, ME 04401
4- Contacted Coffee News with “What’s Happening Events”
Activities Committee Report – Sarah Lane Chair
The following ideas are in the works:
1-Psychic Craft Fair- still in the works- doing something outside with booth space
2-Putting together items for next raffle – tickets are available – draw tickets June 20 Beginning of Summer and Father’s Day
3-Dance night suggested (a pastor must be present to be insured:)
4-Coordinate Fire Pit and Sacred area construction with volunteers
5-Fund raising jar - Sacred Ceremony donations
6-Sticker donations- Sarah donated stickers and monies collected should be donated to church
7-CLEAN UP DAY needs to be scheduled sometime soon to be followed by burning of debris
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Yoga Satsang on June 12 at 3pm. Seconded. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Gallery Readings on June 11, 6-8. Seconded. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Music Committee Guidelines. Seconded. All in favor.
Old Business
Virus protection for the computer. Michael believes it has been downloaded.
Soffits and end boards on garages: measurements have been taken. Also, the garage door needs to be replaced- getting estimates for solid replacement door when prices drop a bit.
Estimate for gutter on the back of the roof waiting for prices to drop a bit.
We are tax exempt.
Music Review Board – Annie Collins will chair, Kai Pluard, Janet Decker
New Business
Discuss Cleaning person for church. Ava will put together guidelines for cleaners.
Need to install an on demand hot water heater and utility sink. Michael is pricing.
Alex Gilgan has offered to take over the Sunday Mediumship Development class. Discussion. Pastors would like to create a rotation schedule so a variety of people and their ways of teaching. Some would like to see consistency with the teacher. More discussions to follow.
It was requested to remove “contained in the Bible” from principle #9 on the website.
Benediction by Rev. Ava
Adjourned at 1:22pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board MINUTES for June 20, 2021
Meeting called to order at 12:39pm
Invocation by Rev Ava Spruce
Roll Call
Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Diane Jackman (by phone:)
Rev. Ava Spruce
Robert Thompson
Janet Decker
Bruce Towle
Sarah Lane
Alex Gilgan
The Secretary’s Report:
Created events on Facebook and Google Calendar.
Secretary paid $61 for classified ad to run for 2 weeks in the Bangor Daily News Online and Print Sections for the Inspirational Dance Movement Class.
3- Contacted Coffee News with “What’s Happening Events”
4- Removed “contained in Bible” from principles on website
5- Due to correspondence received the board decided to develop a general Rules of Conduct for our Church. We fine-tuned it and voted via email for its approval. That vote will be ratified in today’s meeting. You may be able to get copies today. If you would like a copy emailed to you simply write to the Secretary at
6- Due to correspondence and concerns about how our Mediums and Healers conduct themselves the Secretary combined her own experience with ethics, read through several websites, took notes and developed our own Healing Light Spiritual Center/Healing Light Spiritualist Church Ethics and Guidelines for Mediums and Healers. That will be voted on by the board today.
Activities Committee Report – Sarah Lane Chair
The following ideas are in the works:
1-Psychic Craft Fair- still in the works- doing something outside with booth space
2-Putting together items for next raffle – tickets are available – draw tickets June 20 Beginning of Summer and Father’s Day
3-Dance night suggested (a pastor must be present to be insured:)
4-Coordinate Fire Pit and Sacred area construction with volunteers
5-Fund raising jar - Sacred Ceremony donations
6-Sticker donations- Sarah donated stickers and monies collected should be donated to church
7-CLEAN UP DAY needs to be scheduled sometime soon to be followed by burning of debris
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
Motion made and seconded and all in favor to ratify vote taken to approve Rules of Conduct; listed at end of this agenda.
Motion made and seconded and 4 in favor to ratify vote taken to approve Alex Gilgan to take over Mediumship Group.
Motion made and seconded and all in favor to ratify vote taken to approve Ethics and Guidelines for Mediums and Healers
New Members: Welcome new members Marla Mandry, Kie Shenoah, Greenwood, Andrew Robinson, Rainee Goulet, Stephanie Cartwright, Beatrice Paradis, Lindsay Moody, Michelle Kaitlin Strout
Ava is going to buy new trash cans and a recycle bin.
Old Business
Soffits and end boards on garages: materials are at church and Bruce has painted.
Discuss Cleaning person for church. Ava will put together guidelines for cleaners.
Need to install an on demand hot water heater and utility sink. Diane donated heater.
New Business
Janet Decker would like to address the board. We went into Executive Session. Private problems were discussed.
Benediction by Michael
Adjourned at 2pm
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board MINUTES for July 18, 2021
Meeting called to order at 12:27pm
Invocation by Janice Nelson Kroesser
Roll Call
Bruce Towle
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Diane Jackman
Sarah Lane
Alex Gilgan
Susan Joyce
The Secretary’s Report:
Created events on Facebook and Google Calendar.
Contacted Coffee News with “What’s Happening Events”
Activities Committee Report – Sarah Lane Chair
The following ideas are in the works:
1-Mediums and More August 14 with Yard Sale
1-Psychic Craft Fair- still in the works- doing something outside with booth space
2-Dance night suggested (a pastor must be present to be insured:)
3-Coordinate Fire Pit and Sacred area construction with volunteers
4-Fund raising jar - Sacred Ceremony donations
5-Sticker donations- Sarah donated stickers and monies collected should be donated to church
6-CLEAN UP DAY needs to be scheduled sometime soon to be followed by burning of debris chainsaws
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
Motion was made to ratify vote taken to appoint Bruce Towle as President. All in favor.
Motion was made to ratify vote taken to appoint Sarah Lane as Treasurer. All in favor.
Motion was made to ratify vote taken via email to appoint Alex Gilgan as trustee. All in favor
Motion was made to ratify vote taken to approve Joao Bordallo Event on August 14. All in favor.
Motion was made to ratify vote taken to create Community Pet Help Collection Box. Items to be donated to Bangor Humane Society no-kill rescue. All in favor.
Motion was made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Connecting Consciousness meeting for after church on August 1. All in favor.
Old Business
Soffits and end boards on garages: materials are at church and painted. Diane is working on finding willing, skillful volunteers.
Someone should create guidelines for cleaners.
Need to install an on demand hot water heater and utility sink. Diane donated heater and will work on getting it installed.
New trash bins. Diane will purchase.
New Business
Healing Light Scholarship Fund- the board unanimously agreed we should offer scholarships to those who would like to go to any spiritually uplifting classes. These scholarships are offered to Healing Light Members and to Camp Etna Members. We are trying to educate the public that these two organizations are separate organizations however we work together to promote Spiritualism. The secretary created an application and we look forward to helping people heal.
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Board MINUTES August 22, 2021
Meeting called to order at 12:31pm
Invocation by Janice Nelson Kroesser
Roll Call
Bruce Towle
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Diane Jackman
Sarah Lane
Alex Gilgan
The Secretary’s Report:
Created events on Facebook and Google Calendar.
Contacted Coffee News with “What’s Happening Events”, Should we cancel this?
Diane purchased trash bins and utility sink. Slowly working on getting sink hooked up. Hoping to get soffit boards off Garage #3 and new ones on in the next 2 weeks.
First scholarship was granted to Susan Joyce for a class at Camp Etna with Joe Shiel
Sent out newsletter and posted minutes and newsletter to website
Activities Committee Report – Sarah Lane Chair
The following ideas are in the works:
1-Activities Committee meeting in September – date to be determined
2-Psychic Craft Fair- still in the works- doing something outside with booth space
3-Kirtan in October. Sarah is working on booking.
4-CLEAN UP DAY needs to be scheduled sometime soon to be followed by burning of debris chainsaw person needed
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
Motions made to ratify votes taken via email:
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to create Pastoral Council with Sarah Lane, Alex Gilgan, Janet Decker and Kendra Wescott. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve application for Scholarship $18.75. Church owes Susan Joyce $9.38. Diane Jackman owes Susan $9.37. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Qigong teacher parking RV for $10/night. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to approve Qigong class for Monday, August 23, 6pm. All in favor.
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to add Cynthia to the Music Committee (now consisting of Sarah, Janet, Alex and Cynthia)
Motion made to ratify vote taken via email to add the following to our Rules and Regs: If an officer chooses to resign for personal reasons before their term is complete, and an acceptable replacement has been found, the HLSC Board members may appoint said replacement. This replacement may run for the position at the next Members’ Meeting.
Old Business
New Business
1-Alex Gilgan some Mediumship Group attendees asked about using church affiliation to alleviate need for vaccination. Those interested in pursuing this should research Rights of Religious Freedoms Act of 1992. Someone is going to write a bylaw recommendation to be voted on at Members’ Meeting
2-Prepare for Members’ Meeting. Stephanie Cartwright is Nominating Committee. Sarah Lane will get the members list to her with phone numbers. We need a president, secretary and a trustee.
We must add the following to our by-laws under Article VII. Officers and Trustees. Section 6: If an officer chooses to resign for personal reasons before their term is complete, and an acceptable replacement has been found, the HLSC Board members may appoint said replacement. This replacement may run for the position at the next Members’ Meeting.
Benediction by Alex Gilgan
Adjourned at 1:08pm
No need to read the following out loud:
Activities tabled until later:
1-Around the World Dinner (tabled till this summer:)
2-Séance at church (tabled until later)
3-Class on Channeling (tabled until later)
4-Grieving class – tabled
5-Aura reading class – tabled - maybe Michelle
6-Wigwam, Sacred Fire Circle, Medicine Wheel Area – researching teepees of different tribes ($400 for teepee poles) ($400 for canvas covering)
7-Dance night suggested (a pastor must be present to be insured:)
8-Coordinate Fire Pit and Sacred area construction with volunteers
Business items tabled until later:
1-Door or split door with locks at ramp entrance to kitchen. Do we want split door on kitchen?
2-Additional Bathroom (When we build the additional bathroom. I suggest the plumbing be set up with a tee for supply and drain line to make it ready to put a sink in what has become our kitchen area.)
3-Discussion on streaming virtual church services. Pros and Cons in previous minutes.
4-Estimate for gutter on the back of the roof waiting for prices to drop a bit.
5-Estimate for #3 garage door replacement waiting for prices to drop a bit.
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Annual Members’ Meeting Minutes for September 19, 2021
Lunch trays were served from Hannafords along with dips and other goodies from our members:)
Meeting called to order at 1:11pm
Invocation by Janet Decker
Roll Call
Bruce Towle (absent)
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Diane Jackman
Sarah Lane
Alex Gilgan
Michele Caitlyn- Strout
Stephanie Cartwright
Patty Smith
Janet Decker
Visitor: Kelsey
The President’s Report: Read by Janice Nelson Kroesser written by Bruce Towle:
First I would like to thank everyone of the Healing Light members for your support of this Spiritual Center. Your participation through your membership, offerings, donations and volunteer work is vital to the existence of this church and the Spiritual Center. So much goes into creating and maintaining what we have here today. Your continued attendance and support is so needed so we can continue to grow through you. Your suggestions, participations and continued devotion and love are a valued part of this process.
We have been so blessed each step of the way. We don’t always see eye to eye. There are times when we just need to agree to disagree by finding the highest ground and move forward. Like the Old Baptist Hymn, Higher Ground…Pick us up and let us stand on higher ground. A good motto for difficult times.
To all new members-I welcome you! May your stay with us be long and enjoyable. Always.
We did lose some members this year. Three members of the board resigned due to private problems and disagreements. The vacant posts were filled by appointed members as allowed in our Rules and Regulations. We move on.
Janet Decker has moved to Tennessee and will only be present some of the time now. Alex Gilgan has replaced Janet as the Mediumship Instructor in Janet’s absence. Thank you Alex!
The HLSC was gifted a piano by Pam Vogue. Thank you, Pam!
A new safe was purchased and installed in the office. Thank you, Mike, for taking care of that!
A suggestion box is placed at the front counter space. Please feel free to use this.
We continue to get income from garage and basement storage.
The Activities Committee scheduled; Table Tipping, Gallery Readings, Silent Auctions, Seances, Private Readings, Mediums’ Day, Yard Sales and much more. Thank you, Sarah Lane, Janet Decker and Lindsey.
Diane continues to do a lot of work on the garages. Diane has also gifted us with an On Demand Hot Water Heater. She installed the utility sink with hot water and new faucets with hot water for the bathroom sink. Don helped with this project. Thank you, Don and Diane.
Diane continues to add to and maintain the Spiritualism in Maine History Corner. I have bought and read many of the displayed books. I encourage you all to do the same. It is a Treasure Trove of information. Diane, thank you so much.
A generous donor made possible the purchase of an ozone ionizing machine to help with airborne toxins and any mold in the basement and building. The very same donor made the expense of doing the repair and painting of the baseboard covers more do-able for us. The baseboard project is ongoing and painstaking work. Thank you Kendra for your hard work on this project.
A new committee to oversee and review the music we sing is now at work. Thank you, Janet Decker and Cynthia Bragg.
The septic system was pumped and renovated for easier access in the future.
Thank you, Ken, for mowing the back forty and for all the volunteering you have done.
Thank you to our pastoral board members; Janet Decker, Kendra Wescott, Alex Gilgan, Sarah Lane.
Future projects; kitchen, Medicine Wheel, Possible Thrift Store
A great big thank you to those who do the cleaning of this facility. This is not an easy task. Thank you so much!
If I have left anything or anybody out, I apologize. To every member I thank you! To every visitor I thank you! Thank you, pastors. Thank you, Board Members. Know that I love you all.
Thank you, Divine and Dao
Thank you, all my Spirit fathers and mothers on earth and in all layers of heaven
Thank, you my soul.
Most Sincerely, President, Bruce Towle
The Secretary’s Report: Thank you, Janice Nelson Kroesser for reading the President’s report. Before we begin with the rest of this year’s Members’ Meeting we must approve last year’s minutes:
Healing Light Spiritualist Church Members’ Meeting Minutes for September 20, 2020
A lovely buffet was enjoyed by all. It was agreed, “We all like to eat!”
Meeting called to order at 12:43pm
Invocation by Rev. Michael Van Ginkel
Roll Call
Janet Decker
Janice Nelson Kroesser
Diane Jackman
BonnieLee Mellott
Michael Van Ginkel
Guests: MJ, Gina Collins, Lyndi, Ava, Robert, Tom, Annie, Sarah, Andy, Chenoah, Kai and a few who prefer to remain anonymous.
The Secretary’s Report: We approved the 2019 Members’ Meeting Minutes which I am not going to read😊
Correspondence- Many letters to us through web site and Facebook thanking us, prayer requests, had some correspondence with an almost presenter who fortunately did not come at all. We learned the importance of vetting our presenters. Our reputation depends upon it.
International and other mediums all wrote they were unable to come to America this summer so we discussed and voted to cancel our International Week 2020.
The Treasurer’s Report available to members by request. Discussions about TDS Internet billing, Paypal, etc. Looking for an accountant. One name offered.
Committee Reports- not necessary to read every word
Fund raising- Raised $417 on Facebook fundraiser. Bottle Drive $45 so far. Discussions ongoing about the possibility of running Bingo, renting facility to other churches, youth organizations and webinars with our local mediums and our far away friends. Raffles are in place right now at the church and at Sonny’s, 226 Water Street, Augusta, Maine. Silent Auction coming up. Children’s events being planned.
Building Report- Our building has served us well. Everything was done in the building to meet code. We decided not to install the 6 foot windows that were given to us but we are holding onto them for our possible Community Thrift Store or simply to resell for the money.
We have noticed some foundation issues in the walls of our basement and we were given the funds to place an ozone generator and humidifier in the basement. They are in place and need to be run periodically to keep moisture levels down. We are marking the blemishes there now to make sure the problem areas do not get any worse. Gutters should be installed in 2021.
Diane painted the fronts of all 3 garages. The trim on the sides of the buildings also need to be painted in 2021 (before installing gutters).
Storage Rental Report- People are beginning to reserve their spaces. Vehicles in and out on Mondays and Fridays, first come, first serve. Motorcycle storage available in basement.
Plowing contract was secured.
Old Business
1-History Corner- One wall is dedicated to the 9 Spiritualist Churches and Camps in the state of Maine that are active as either year round or summer season. The other wall is of Days Long Gone…
2-Heater registers need painting.
3- A few projects we had on our “TO DO” list that have been postponed until we recover from the current situation, perhaps in 2021.
a-We plan on putting a split door with locks at ramp entrance to kitchen. Perhaps on kid’s room.
b-Additional Bathroom- will be situated right next to bathroom number one and we will put a tee in the supply and drain lines to facilitate what has become our kitchen/serving area. However, we are putting in a handrail on the side of the new toilet being installed in our current bathroom.
c-Discussion on streaming virtual church services. Pros and Cons in previous minutes.
4-We are continuing to discuss the possibility of a Community Thrift Store in Garage #3. Spring.
Added Rev. Michael Van Ginkel to the rotation list of reverends.
Motions needed to ratify votes taken via email:
1-Motion was made to ratify the vote taken via email stating that Board Members & Pastors are allowed to do private readings and healings at The Center while donating 25% of proceeds to church.
2-Motion was made to ratify the vote taken via email stating that we will repair septic with a 55 gallon drum and delay the custom made risers for a future date if we find them to be necessary.
3-Motion was made to ratify the vote taken via email to host Victoria Carillo called A-B-C’s of Animal Communication at 7pm on September 19, 2020.
4-Motion was made to ratify the vote taken via email to add Rev. Gina Collins to our pastoral council.
New Business
Bylaw Changes-Diane read, asked for discussions, then motions were made to approve, seconded and voted on; All were in favor of each of the following paraphrased Bylaw changes:
9 BYLAW CHANGES MADE at 2020 Annual Members’ Meeting
Changes #1 & #4: The President and the Treasurer are now allowed to sign checks for more than $200.
Change #2 & #3: Annual Membership Meeting was set for the second Sunday after Labor Day.
Change #5: An individual applying for membership does not need any spiritual credentials.
Change #6: Removed the word "demit" from the membership requirements.
Change #7: Removed requirement for new members to take a course in the Philosophy of Spiritualism. It is still recommended but not required.
Change #8 & #9: Added Roll Call to all meetings.
In addition to the 9 Bylaw Changes we created a set of Rules and Regulations. These can be found on the website on the ABOUT US page after our Bylaws.
We also stated in our 2020 Meeting that the Vice President and Secretary offices would be elected at the 2021 Meeting.
Discussion and voting in of our new lead pastor; Rev. Michael Van Ginkel who said he is happy to step up and his door, mind and heart is open.
Benediction Laurie Xanthos
Adjournment 1:49pm
Can I get a motion to approve the minutes of our 2020 Annual Membership Meeting?
Secretary’s 2021 Report
Prayer requests and additions to newsletter. Recently canceled Coffee Pot News ad-still waiting for final billing.
Created Guidelines for Healers and Mediums which can be found on our website under the ABOUT US tab drop down menu Guidelines.
Created Conduct of Members which can also be found on our website under Guidelines.
Music Committee guidelines set up and posted on website.
Hot Water to new big sink with Peace Shelf and old sink!
Committee Reports:
Activities Committee Report – Sarah Lane Chair
The following ideas are in the works:
1-Psychic Craft Fair- still in the works- doing something outside with booth space
2-Kirtan in October. Sarah is working on booking.
3-CLEAN UP DAY scheduled for September 25th
4- September 30 at 11:30am
The Treasurer’s Report is available to members by request.
New Business:
New Members for Approval: Amy Griffiths, Scott Griffiths
1-By-law Change: Article VII. Officers and Trustees. Section 6: If an officer chooses to resign for personal reasons before their term is complete, and an acceptable replacement is been found, the HLSC Board members may appoint said replacement. This replacement may run for the position at the next Members’ Meeting.
2-The church is exploring the concept of creating a religious exemption from Medical Procedures as part of their philosophy. We were going to have someone from Health Choice to answer any questions you may have about religious exemptions after our Annual Members’ Meeting but they had a family medical emergency. We pray all are well.
It has been an honor to serve the Healing Light Church. I will continue to help where I am needed. Diane
Second Roll Call all were still here.
Stephanie Cartwright, chair of the Nominating Committee, read the nominees for each office. All were running unopposed.
President: Janet Decker (this term will run out in September 2022)
Vice President: Janice Nelson Kroesser (this term will run out in September 2023)
Secretary: Michele Caitlyn-Strout (this term will run out in September 2023)
Treasurer: Sarah Lane will continue as Treasurer (this term will run out in 2022)
Trustee: Alex Gilgan (this term will run out 2022)
Janice Nelson Kroesser asked for nominations from the floor 3 times. After receiving no nominations from the floor for each position she asked the Secretary to cast 1 vote for _______ for the position of ________.
Swearing in of officers: I, ____________________being duly elected as __________________, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully perform my duties in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of Healing Light Spiritualist Church until my successor is duly elected and installed.
Took photos of new board!
Benediction by Janice Nelson Kroesser
Adjourned at 1:51pm
OCTOBER 17, 2021
Board Members:
President Janet Decker, Vice-President Janice Nelson Kroesser,
Treasurer Sarah Lane, Trustee Alex Gilgan and Secretary Michele Caitlyn-Strout
Meeting was called to order at 12:45 p.m.
Alex gave the invocation and Janet did a roll call of members. All board members were present. Bea Paradis was our only guest today.
Secretary’s Report: Michele. Special thanks to Diane Jackman for emailing me all the pertinent documents, and for her willingness to continue as our Facebook Administrator and for continuing to handle our website updates. After I cleaned and organized the church office, I had a million questions about documents that Janet so graciously helped me understand. Janet has also been teaching me how to create the church newsletter on Mail Chimp. I mentioned it would be nice if we had a shredder in the office and MJ has been asked to pick one up and we will reimburse her.
Welcome to our newest members, Amy & Scott Griffiths and they're handsome, smart little boys. They are a wonderful addition to our church family.
There were several suggestions this month…
We received a suggestion that something be created for folks who want to come to church, but are finding the high cost of gasoline a deterrent from getting here. Sarah mentioned a “Ride Tree” program based on what towns folks live in. Michele will create a list of folks who are willing to pick people up and drop them home after the service. If additional help is needed , we will handle these on a case-by-case basis. Janet moved that we create a ride tree consisting of names of folks who would be willing to give rides to and from church to people who live in their areas. 2nd and passed. This will be added to our regular announcements given during the worship service.
We have also been asked to schedule Lashell Moon for Breath Class and Akashic Records sessions. Janet agreed to reach out to her and report back to the board during the next meeting.
We were also asked to check if Dawn Wilbur is available to perform readings during our worship services, but Janet said she is committed elsewhere these days.
It was requested that we keep Joell booked for monthly classes. Unfortunately, he is unable to join us during the winter months, but he has assured us he will be back next year. We will book him as he feels comfortable next spring.
There was also a suggestion that we allow the healing portion of our worship service to be extended, depending on the chairs being used. It was agreed the healing portion of our service is very important and healers should never feel rushed or abruptly cut off. The healing part of our service has always been approximately twenty minutes long, and Janet felt that if we started our worship service promptly at 10:30 a.m., this may alleviate the problem. Being the social butterflies that we are, Bea suggested we have “Social Time “ designated between 10 and 10:30 each Sunday with hugs, tea, coffee and conversation. Janet said we should then be able to get into the sanctuary and ready to roll promptly at 10:30 a.m. We also discussed the importance of keeping the whispering during the healing portion of our service to a minimum. Healing carries a very high vibration, so unnecessary noise lowers this vibration. We understand this will happen with children, but since this is a tranquil time during our service, adults will be asked to remain quiet at this time. Healers will also be reminded to touch only on the person’s shoulders or above, and if they have messages, they will approach the person after the service.
Activity’s Report: Sarah. Our group mapped out six months of classes, parties, and celebrations.
Our pet drive is ongoing and Sarah will be taking the donations to the Bangor Humane Society on November 13th. Thank you all for your generosity. Since it is quite obvious, by the amount of pet donations already, the Board decided this should remain ongoing. We will be giving to different non-profit animal agencies in the area throughout the year.
Sarah has created a Pet Picture Board. We’d love to see all your furry, feathered, and scaly family members. Please bring in photos for the board.
There will be a children’s Halloween party on October 31st from 1-3 in the afternoon. Games, food, candy, drinks, photos, costume contests. Big kids are welcome, too.
Sarah will be teaching an Intuitive Art Class every first and third Monday of the month from 6-7:30 p.m. $20 each with supplies included. Children welcome.
Alex will also be doing a Healing Circle every 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Doors will close promptly at 6:15 p.m.
Alex will also be organizing “An Afternoon of Healing & Messages from Spirit World” on January 29th, 1-3 p.m. One price of $20. 1/2 sheet or 4x6 flyers to be created. Alex will arrange for 2-3 Mediums and Healers.
For advertising our events and classes, Sarah mentioned that she’d like a sign designed to slide these notices in and out of easily. Bea said she would ask her “Honey” aka Roger, if he could build something along this line.
Sarah wanted us to start thinking about items to donate for our raffle. More info to come.
A member of the Temple of the Feminine Divine has asked if we would like to have a winter Solstice Ritual on December 18th. Michele will report to the board next month on this proposal.
Stephanie will be asked to come to our November meeting to discuss her idea of a children’s event, “Angel Wings” for February 12th.
Last, but not least, there will be a Thanksgiving celebration potluck on Saturday, November 20th at 2 p.m. Michele will post a food sign-up sheet. Family and friends are welcome.
Treasurer’s Report: Sarah. Sarah read the Treasurer’s report and the books are available for review to members upon request. Janet asked how much we had in our PayPal account. Sarah agreed to retrieve this info. Janet moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report with the correction to the PayPal account. 2nd and passed.
We have a landline phone number (207-269-2142), but no phone set up yet. It was decided we needed to use this to take care of storage rentals as well as church business. Janet moved that we purchase a landline phone with an answering machine for the office. 2nd and passed. Sarah agreed to take care of this purchase. Also, special thanks to Diane for paying our cell phone bill for many months, but Sarah will be paying this bill from church funds from now on.
After everyone and their brother has tried to open the safe in the office, it was decided it is officially broken. Sarah will research professional means to crack open this safe.
We had an email vote that needed to be ratified at this meeting, so Janet made a motion that we allow Harold Little to store his trailer beside garage #2 for $35/month. He parked it there on August 13th. 2nd and passed.
Discussion Items New Business: Janet
The kitchen floor needs to be sealed and Janet said she would talk with Bruce to see if we can get this accomplished soon.
There was also talk of the mold issues. The ozone generator(s) are doing an excellent job, but the electricity to run them is expensive. Michele suggested that a professional company specializing in mold remediation could be asked to give us an idea of what is going on and how we could fix the mold problem. Janet agreed to ask Bruce if he would be willing to take on this task and she will report back at the next meeting.
Kelsey will be asked to create some business cards - possibly bigger than the average business cards…4x6 advertising our storage business. This will be a follow up agenda item for the next meeting.
Michele had brought up the possibility of purchasing Efficiency Maine’s Heat Pump for the church. There was some concern that they may be too expensive to operate. There was concern that the sanctuary is quite cold in the winter months and Sarah offered up the idea of floating hardwood floors. This item will be tabled for further discussion due to cost concerns.
There was discussion on the handicap accessibility to the sanctuary and Janet asked that this be tabled until she can find out more information and report back to us.
Janet explained that we desperately need gutters along the back side of the church. Janet will ask Bruce to get estimates and Janice will talk to her husband, Ken and they both will report back to us with their findings.
There is a Scholarship Fund set up to offer classes and events for free. After some discussion, Janet moved that we dissolve the Scholarship Fund. 2nd and passed.
Janet has been working diligently on our songbooks. There was talk of overhead Bluetooth enabled, digital projectors for the sanctuary for music words, our Healing Prayer, and Declaration of Principles. Kelsey and Alex will find out some pricing on these projectors and report back at the next meeting.
Alex asked that we consider Gallery Readings be approved. She has agreed to line up the Mediums for these events to take place on the first Friday of the month from 6-8 p.m. Janet made a motion for the church to have Gallery Readings. 2nd and passed. More info to come.
When someone holds a class in our church we have customarily given the teacher/leader a 75% cut and the church takes 25%. After some discussion, Michele made a motion to change this to a 50/50 split. 2nd and passed.
Stephanie asked that we have a Sign-In book for newcomers to record their names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Michele will follow up with a card thanking them for coming and hoping we see them again. This will be a permanent announcement on Sunday worship services. MJ will be asked to purchase one and she will be reimbursed.
Bea and Alex agreed to create guidelines for cleaning our church. They will report back for the next meeting.
As we were holding our meeting, a longtime storage renter approached us with a request for a rental fee discount. After some discussion, Janet moved that our rental fees stay the same. 2nd and passed. Sarah will inform him of our decision.
Janice gave our Benediction.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:02 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michele Caitlyn-Strout
HLSC Secretary
Board Members: President Rev. Janet Decker (via phone), Vice-President Janice Nelson Kroesser, Treasurer Sarah Lane,
Trustee Rev. Alex Gilgan and Secretary Michele Caitlyn-Strout
Meeting was called to order at 12:39 p.m.
Rev. Janet gave the invocation and she did a roll call of members. All board members were present.
Lindsey Moody and Bruce Towle are our guests today.
Buildings & Grounds Report: Bruce
Bruce reported the mold in the basement was under control, now that we have a dehumidifier. The ionizer/ozone machine has helped. There is some concern about the electrical cost associated with these machines. The ionizer does not cost much, but the dehumidifier is cost heavy.
Bruce said there was water coming through the walls, and we must keep the water away from the building. He suggested wider gutters with a cost of $40 per 16 foot section. Five sections are needed. This will be addressed in the spring.
The crack in the wall is fixable.
Bruce reminded us to turn the lights off before we leave the basement.
There is moisture coming up from the ground in the kitchen area that needs to be dried and sealed.
Bruce also found a young man who knows how to fix the face board on the front of the number 1 garage. He charges $30/hour.
Bruce felt the most important item come springtime will be the handicap accessibility ramps in the front and back of the church.
It was mentioned that the lighting in the church is quite old and changes need to be made.
There was some concern about the heating system coming up to temperature, and Sarah will contact someone about a circulator part he may have on hand and how much it would cost. It was recommended we have the church heated to 72 degrees for church services.
Secretary’s Report: Michele
Michele started by saying the Thanksgiving dinner was a big success. Good food. Good friends. An excellent time overall. Thanks to all who brought food, helped set up and clean up. Wanted to let Sarah know we appreciate all the little things she does.
Cleaning the church every month is quite a chore. Thank you Bea for keeping us on task. Bea and Rev. Alex agreed to create guidelines for cleaning our church.
There were no suggestions in the suggestion box.
The 10:00-10:30 social time was created in hopes we could start the worship service promptly at 10:30. Michele reported that she used a Tibetan Singing Bowl to draw the congregant’s attention. This seemed to work.
Michele wants to thank everyone for their patience while she tries to acclimate herself to the secretarial duties. Please remind her if she has forgotten to do something. She’s getting older, ya’ know.
Activity’s Report: Sarah.
Monthly Recap:
Halloween Party was a great success. We had several new families attend, the children had a blast and donations amounted to $37.50.
Discussion Ideas:
The Temple of the Feminine Divine has given up their space in Bangor, and membership has wained since covid hit, but Michele will ask if they are willing to do a Solstice Ritual Event on December 18th.
Children's Get-Together: Arts & Crafts, Music & Movement and Snack-Making December 29th from 12 to 3pm. Join us for an afternoon of fun and a chance for the kiddos in our community to spend some time together during school vacation. Open to all ages! We'll be doing some arts and crafts, playing with musical instruments and learning to express ourselves by moving our bodies, and making some snacks!Donations are welcome, but not required; a $5/per child donation would help us continue to host events like this but please don't feel like you cannot come if you cannot donate! We want everyone to come and enjoy the fun! We are also looking for some adults to volunteer as chaperones -- just helping watch over the kids during activities. If there are any food allergies/dietary restrictions, please let us know, so we can plan our snacks accordingly. Janice moved that we have a Holiday Children’s Fun Day. 2nd and passed.
The Giving Tree is like an Angel Tree, but different at the same time… Instead of being filled with requests for presents from children, this tree is filled with requests for help. It can include anything -- whether it’s help with a utility bill, a reference for a job application, someone to talk with or ask advice, a lead to a rental or vehicle for sale, gifts for your children, groceries, clothes, etc. Whatever it is you need this season… Let’s spend our money and energy where it really matters, helping one another. Kelsey will be handing out the request forms with an envelope to keep things private, and the drop box and extra forms are on the front desk. We ask that requests be made by end-of-day on December 12 so that your requests can be made anonymous and posted on the Giving Tree. We will keep it up until January 2 -- people will take the tag off the anonymous request, write their name and contact information on the tag, and drop it in the same box as the requests. Kelsey will arrange things with each donor, and share contact information only when necessary to connect the donor and recipient. If tags with monetary assistance don’t get a donor, can the church help? Perhaps donate around $25, with a cap of $300 total. Rev. Janet moved that we create a Giving Tree. 2nd and passed.
Sarah said the Healing Circle with Rev. Alex has been a great success, with seven new people joining us for this event last time. This is held every third Thursday of the month from 6-8 p.m with doors closing promptly at 6:15.
Rev. Alex will also be organizing “An Afternoon of Healing & Messages from Spirit World” on January 29th, 1-3 p.m. One price of $20. 1/2 sheet or 4x6 flyers to be created. She will arrange for 2-3 Mediums and Healers.
Raffle donations are needed and a table will be set up.
Rev. Alex will be holding Gallery Readings. She has agreed to line up the Mediums for these events to take place on the first Friday of the month from 6-8 p.m.
Michele has bought a Sign-In book for newcomers to record their names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Michele will follow up with a card thanking them for coming and hoping we see them again.
A Ride Tree was approved for folks who want to come to church, but are finding the high cost of gasoline a deterrent from getting here. The Ride Tree program is based on what towns folks live in. Michele will create a list of folks who are willing to pick people up and drop them home after the service. If additional help is needed , we will handle these on a case-by-case basis. This will be a part of our weekly announcements.
How people can find us on Facebook will also be part of our weekly announcements.
Since it is quite obvious, by the amount of pet donations already, the Board decided the Pet Drive should remain ongoing. We will be giving to different non-profit animal agencies in the area throughout the year.
Sarah has created a Pet Picture Board. We’d love to see all your furry, feathered, and scaly family members. Please bring in photos for the board.
For advertising our events and classes, Sarah mentioned that she’d like a sign designed to slide these notices in and out of easily. We will check with Bea if she had asked her “Honey” aka Roger, if he could build something along this line.
Rev. Janet has been working diligently on our songbooks. There was talk of overhead Bluetooth enabled, digital projectors for the sanctuary for music words, our Healing Prayer, and Declaration of Principles. Kelsey has a projector that she will allow us to practice on.
Stephanie will be asked to come to our December meeting to discuss her idea of a children’s event, “Angel Wings” for February 12th.
Treasurer’s Report: Sarah.
Sarah read the Treasurer’s report and the books are available for review to members upon request. Sarah said the PayPal account has a balance of $51.06.
Sarah asked if we needed to continue to have the cell phone, since we now have a landline. (207-269-2142) After some discussion, Rev. Janet made a motion to drop the cell phone. 2nd and passed.
We discussed having Vista Print make up two different business cards. One with a list of pastors for counseling services and their cell phone numbers; to include church service times and to follow us on Facebook. The other card would be for our storage business. Rev. Janet moved to have two different business cards made up. 2nd and passed.
The Treasurer's Report was accepted.
Discussion Items New Business: Rev. Janet
Rev. Janet asked if the Healers were being given enough time during our worship services, and Michele reported that today there were even enough Healers to take care of the back row.
Rev. Janet wanted us to organize a social afternoon once a month during the winter months. Since people are more isolated during these months and can be more susceptible to depression, stress and loneliness, a member will host a social afternoon where folks can have a place to discuss anything in a safe space with no judgment or condemnation. It was decided this would be the second Saturday of the month, 2-5 p.m. starting in January. We also discussed singing, storytelling, and uplifting, spiritual movies. Donation basket included in events.
Sarah agreed to take the unsold yard sale items to the Good Will.
We were asked to research
Thrift Shop idea with a volunteer staff with a couple appointed cashiers. Janice agreed to explore whether or not there is an interest in this and report back to the board.
Janice gave our Benediction. (We should think about rotating board members giving the invocation and benediction at our meetings, so the same one or two members aren’t asked to do this every meeting.)
Meeting was adjourned at 2:07 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michele Caitlyn-Strout
HLSC Secretary
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