March 2024 Minutes
March 10, 2024 Meeting called to order 1:07pm...
Meeting called to order 1:07pm
Invocation by Rev. Angel Downing
Board Members Roll Call:
President: Rev. Janet Decker-present
Acting Vice President: Rev. Tara Gilmartin-present
Acting Treasurer: Rev. Angel Downing-present
Secretary: Diane Jackman Skolfield-present
Trustee: Terri Kovac - present
Acting Trustee: Rev. Angel Downing-present
Acting Trustee: Rev. Tara Gilmartin-present
Guests (all members in good standing): In person-Susan Joyce, Gina Kane, Thoy Conroy, Suzanne Duby
Guests on Zoom (all members in good standing): Joao Bordallo, Tara Gilmartin, Andrea Vianna, Michael Dropkin, Paulette Shaw, Sandy Joy, Stephanie Cartwright, Suzanne Delgado, Danielle Little, Don Skolfield, Bethany Couture, Ellen Bubier, Janet Wardwell
Began with Discussion on changing church service during summer months: July 7-August 25. People spoke freely and expressed their opinions in a safe and respectful atmosphere. 17-YES votes were cast and 6-NO votes were cast so we are trying a temporary trial this summer with a 3pm church service. The other vote was to allow a Zoom service for Wednesday night. This passed unanimously.
We thanked everyone for being part of our Special Members’ Meeting and took a break before beginning Board Meeting.
Begin March Board Meeting
February 2024 minutes emailed and approved
Secretary Report:
Secretary sent out March 10, 2024 Special Members’ Meeting Zoom link and information discussed. Sent out second letter to remind members in good standing of the Special Members’ Meeting. Board Meeting to follow Special Meeting.
Treasurer’s Report - available to members upon request
Committee Reports
Activities Report – We continue to have Mediumship Development Classes every Sunday from 1-3pm, First Friday Gallery Readings from 6-8pm, Full Moon Drumming Circle each month, and Angel is going to see if the Guided Meditation; Also, the Oracle Card Readings Angel has been doing every other week is going well too. Joao Bordallo will do a Healing & Chanting on April 20.
Chili Cookoff Report- everyone present had a great time.
20th Annual Anniversary Party – exciting details about our June 28 through June 30 weekend including Graham MacLauren’s demonstration- or something - on Friday night, Saturday’s 10-3 festival, Diane’s 3pm History Talk, and Dance Party from 7-9pm. Sunday morning service will be the All Healing Service and a few minutes will be dedicated to one of our founding members passing; Nancy Dubois. And Sunday night at 5pm will be our first P & P Night; Pizza and Performers
Beginning of summer line up: Last Saturday each month Dance Party hosted by Diane and Friends from 7-9pm, Last Sunday each month P & P Party at 5pm; Pizza and Performers- Diane will provide pizza for donations to church and Performers will be everything from people reading inspirational words, ukulele players singing songs, people reading poetry, whatever Spirit brings. July 27 Spiritualism 101-in person and zoom
Unfinished Business:
-Angel is talking to someone who can mow our lawns and the insurance company. Will we need to buy a mower or will he provide. Should we get a quote from a service before we buy a mower? Getting a couple of quotes.
-By-laws - someone on committee will set up a chat to talk about reading the by-laws and understanding them
-Roof and Storage Shed- has a hole and a framing board needs to be fixed. Angel will talk to Trey and find out if he can help. Angel will try to get some answers from insurance company. We have leaks!
-Membership Application process: Angel talked about how we have summer people who cannot attend church for 3 months straight to become a member. Diane offered to read our current membership requirement bylaws and come up with some alternatives that could be put into Rules and Regs before the summer. This will be something we vote on to add to the Bylaws during our September Members’ Meeting.
New Business: none
New Member applications: none
Benediction given by Rev. Janet Decker
Meeting Adjourned at 2:27pm